Hummm...? I was trying to think of that myself, I would first say Emma, but she has been used now. Ash kind of fits the personality, but not really the figure. Ellen maybe? Sylvia? hahahaI also would think a Harley would be an excellent image (beyond Autumn as Ivy) but I’m unsure who would be the ”best” as Harley … my first thought would be Ashley but dunno…. A case could be made for Nia as Harley cuz the Bat!!!
Autumn could also be Barbara/Batgirl.
I can also see Vanessa as Ivy, since she is the closest to an 'eco terrorist', not that she is, but she is going against the law, to fight for what she thinks is right. For Ivy, it's the environment, for Vanessa, it's Elves, but you get the idea. Maybe she can control elves, like Ivy can control plants? hahaha
Juliet as Catwoman, a shy, and timid woman, who snaps after she gets tired of being pushed around and forgotten unless someone needs her to do something. (Fits the Michelle Pfeiffer version).
Cornwall as the Joker? XD
Are we just doing the Batman stuff, or any DC? haha
Or maybe Hazel as Batgirl, and Autumn as Starfire? Hawkgirl?
Moon as Wonderwoman.
Could have some as the Lanterns, there are a lot of them.
Stargirl? Wondergirl?
Martian Manhunter has a niece.
Nala could be Bumblebee or Vixen. Thunder (Black Lightning's Daughter). Could use the new Black Panther too.
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