Well, your love for writing has definitely shone through- more so with this update alone. Please don't get me wrong...your writing has been top-notch from the very inception of the game, but it's gone from the light-hearted romp that it started out as and become a much deeper story than I ever imagined that it would be or could be from the earliest version. It has gone from a (I believe the Germans used to make) "sexual farces" to a full-blown, episodic, erotic soap opera of sorts- with really naughty bits. I, honestly, never saw that coming.
It's abundantly clear that you care for each of these girl's and their stories (they are your "children" in a manner of speaking)- you're slowly crafting vulnerabilities, concerns, real emotions, and a soul into each and every one of them. Incredibly, each one is unique to the individual characters and that's rather impressive. You must have an eidetic memory, a massive flow-chart, or one of those conspiracy theory yarn-things covering an entire room of your house. How you manage to keep all of this straight is beyond my comprehension. Lol You wrote them well enough originally, in such a way that you felt connected to them, liked/loved them in their own way, had your favorites, etc.,.; but now that they're being fleshed out more, given more backstory, emotions, conflicts, highs and lows- they're each developing an odd sense of humanity... It's not so much a race to the finish line- to see which one you can corrupt more, bang as many of them as you can, or build the actual "harem". You actually and genuinely care about them. I know it's a large part of the game to bed each and every one them, but now that they have the depth that you've given to them- you (at least I) feel bad for cheating on any of them with all the others... Almost to the point, that rather than collecting them all like Pokemon- at some point you're going to be forced to make a decision (whether you want to or not) and that not everybody is going to be happy with the outcome.
This was an outstanding update, but not only in terms of content- also the emotional impact that came with Again, Well done!
Okay, I was pretty sure Lin was adamant about remaining in your (my) care. I wasn't 100% sure, but I knew she was distressed about that decision very early in the game. I'm almost curious how different the game would be, had I freed her from that point. Although, tbth, I could never throw Lin to wolves- she's much too precious to me.
Also, considering the slave trader (aka scumbag) had the authority to take away that other trainer's slave- had he not deemed you worthy of having Lin in your care...could he have confiscated her as well? I'm sure it's not and never going to be written that way- I'm just curious for the sake of world building. Lol
Just out of morbid curiosity, why the...uh, animosity/vitriol/distaste towards Violet? What did she ever do to you?! Lol Seriously though, why is Violet never going to integrated into the main story and/or become canon? Is there something wrong with her character? I, for one (and I'm probably in the silent minority), would really like to see her become one of the gang- maybe just over time, her powers would become muted or she would simply give up on relying on them or realize that she doesn't have to manipulate any one in the hotel to get what she wants...maybe even become their friend and she, theirs.
Okay, I managed to find Kate- I didn't realize that you could still visit the school once it stated that Ashley's story arc was completed for this update. That's another unique and fascinating element/mechanic of this game- even though the story is theoretically done, you can still date and hang out with each of the residents (sans Ellen and Autumn) almost indefinitely. I'm well into my 200th+ day and can still have coffee, go to the beach, and/or get down and dirty (should I choose to) at any time. That's bloody brilliant, that is... "Yer a wiz-hard, Runey." Lol
I am still confuddled that the MC didn't realize that Emma was giving him her "flower" (her first time). I've never had the honour or the priviledge of relieving someone of their virginity, but from what I've read/heard the hymen still offers even a slight bit of resistance... I maybe would have like to have seen that scene played out a little differently or tenderly. Emma, maybe, could have been more apprehensive and confessed it to the MC. I realize she was doing it to "one up" her sister (and we put "one up" her alright, din't we fellas? Lol), but it seems like she wasn't as excited or willing as Ashley was to enter womanhood (and we ent...I'll see myself out)...
Also, if I'm not mistaken- doesn't Juliet work at "Burning Topic"?
I'll shut up now- my fingers are out of breath.