I mean that's the point though? That they aren't willing after what they have been through?
It's trauma and abuse they suffered from. That needs time.
I can wait. It's the love route after all, meaning that's the point.
And personally I would never play the slave route. I have no interest in enslaving elves.
They need TLC not even more abuse, but that's just me.
Well, with Nia that is true, though she has also been through enough to know that not only is the MC not like that, but also, she really likes it, the only thing that is stopping her, is her own tsundereness.
As for Sylvia, she hasn't really been abused, she's just a selfish bitch. She was kind of abused by her queen and thrown away, and there was a bit with Cornwall, but this is all about her being stuck on her high horse, and has nothing to do with any kind of abuse, or anything else, she is just stuck up.
Now, I was not talking about abuse, though I think Sylvia could honestly use a few trips to the fungeon, but it has been shown over and over, that both of them want it, but they just don't want to admit it for their own reasons, in both cases it's racism.
Nia hates humans because of what they have done (pretty justifiable, over all), and Sylvia thinks that she is better than everyone else, and that high elves are the superior race, even in spite of everything she has seen to the contrary. She needs a firm hand, to say the least. lol
The last question from Kate ‘???’ How to answer it?
At least they have mostly been tears of joy for a while...