Going to start fresh for v16
Are there any functioning cheatmods to help bypass the sex-act/submission/exhibitionism/slutiness grind?
Or should I just stick with carefully using saveeditonline?
I can make a cheat code to max out all of the stats (except level and purchases), that's never been suggested before.
(I make cheat codes for supporters but I'm sure it will make its way online for you to use whenever you want

Still having trouble with the Nia's kit bug I asked about several pages back. I deleted everything about the game I could find, old saves, everything. I've run fresh copy of the .16 version and played all the way forward, but Nia's kit still shows as "sold out" from the start of the game, not "unavailable" and I'm back to where she's asking me to buy her kit for her, but it's not possible.
What is Nia's level? The only requirement I'm seeing to be able to buy that is Nia's level being 1. If it's not at 1, this probably means you adjusted some values somewhere using cheats or the console. You can fix this by opening the console and typing: hasniasupplies = True
Runey as someone pointed out in the thread, The event i was talking about with Android appearing in the lobby talking to Lin saying Yes Miss Lin,
Is Nia's last event where she returns home injured from a mission and android is needed to give her firstaid.
Hope that helps.
Sorry, I'm missing all the context. If it's related to our previous conversation I have long forgot it by now, haha.
Hi can anyone help me here?
View attachment 2204931
This error states that the level of one of the characters is too high, this usually happens from cheats or console commands. To fix this, reload to a save before the stats were adjusted.
I'm having this issue as well. Mainly during her anal scene. Also, I'm having another issue that has never happened to me before in the 3+ playthroughs I've done. Every Sunday morning without fail, unavoidable events cockblock me from working on Autumn's boobjob trait. Literally for the last 6+ Sunday mornings, once I actually started working on this trait. The whole week, no events happen, but without fail, as soon as Sunday morning rolls around, events pop up out of nowhere.
Hahahaha, that's completely unintentional and a byproduct of how you played the game. All events start a cooldown starting from when the last event was ended, so it's just been a crazy string of coincidences for you. Annoying sure, but you may be the only one to have experienced that, haha.
My guess is: it happens always with Maria at night. I haven't found an issue during the day or with another girl.
That's a general problem with auto-trigger events. Not much can be done without changing the whole game.
What bugs me more is when events chain up! Right now I ended a Lin event and was immediately thrown into a Moon event. This breaks immersion. On one screen Lin talks to me and on the next screen it's Moon. Huh? What has just happened?
I think I had already chains of 3 or 4 events. This should be avoided IMHO. Maybe add a cooldown so that some freeroam is guaranteed after forced events.
When you encounter bugs like these, please report them by telling me the character and their level. I've been noticing a lot of people complaining about things they think are features, when it's just a byproduct of a game in development. I want to fix these issues!
Most likely referring to the event where Maria takes you to the cliff and tells you she doesn't want sex from you and needs time to think about her life. She literally locks herself in her room for a week. IIRC it's her major event right before Hana meets her at the bar.
Thank you! Found and fixed.