I hadn't played in a while and came back and saw there were a lot of story changes but..um..is everyone going to get into deeper and deeper tragedies? the twist with Maria in particular really changed the tone of the events to the point that i stopped triggering them because it was worrying about if a character would actually get hurt or taken away for real.
I hate responding to questions like this on F95 because I feel like there is no answer I can provide that will make people happy. Harem Hotel isn't a depressive game, and one tragedy does not make the entire story tragic. Harem Hotel is a drama, which means ups and downs. Probably like much of the anime people are familiar with here. I think it should be pretty clear where the game is headed. It's always been a happy ending. That moment was a very powerful motivator for her character.
If I wanted to make a tragic and depressive story, why wouldn't I start the story with elves being invaded by humans, or during the industrial revolution when elves became slaves permanently?
Instead, Harem Hotel starts at the height of Syl'anar's power, after they've fully gained control of the elvish population, in a time of peace. So what would you think would be the logical steps taken from here? Syl'anar has already won.
I'll take it as a compliment that you've gotten so attached to her character that you don't want to see more harm done to her, haha. It's my goal as a writer to get you attached to these characters like that. Your investment allows me to write things that wouldn't work if you had none.