That is my point, it is fiction. No matter what you do, no one is getting hurt.At the end of this, all I have to say is, you don't have to twist facts or draw false equivalences to justify this desire. It's fiction and exploring these types of concepts in fiction can be a safe and non-harmful way to do things. However, just as you have a right to express your desire to see this, I have mine to express that I would prefer not to. It would actually make the game worse for me, as it is antithetical to the messaging the game has gone for.
Just like Eddie Murphy dressing up as an old, white Jew.
I also equated it to blackface in my initial post (not sure if that is the one that the server ate, I tried to make it less 'real' the second time, calling it 'elf ears' instead), but there was a time in our history where that was used to help black people, it was not always a 'bad thing'. Take Al Jolson, he did blackface as a way to get racist white people used to blacks and accept them. While by today's standards, they would have him called out as a racist, at the time, he was one of the most progressive people around, being one of the only people who hired black people for theater then, and even was responsible for production of the first all black musical. He was one of the least racist people of that time.I have plans to include something like this in game (humans dressing as elves), but I also plan to show it off as a bad thing. As ChildOfIshtar said, it would be the equivalent of blackface in this world. Only in this world, it would be more acceptable. It might even be a whole holiday. Because it's a bad world. The humans wouldn't see it as bad, but you can bet the elves would have something to say about how they are portrayed by humans in public.
Lin did have a moment where she thought looking more like Sylvia (blonde and blue eyes) would make her prettier due to how Sylvia would call her dirty. MC told her that was very stupid pretty quick though.
Context matters, nothing is pure black/and white, it's all grayscale. We cannot look at everything through the lens of our modern world, and the current political environment. Especially history.
In the HH world, even the 1920-40s would be too recent in that regard, since that would have been decades after abolishing slavery. So that would be, socially speaking, the equivalent of the mid 1800's (assuming that we will end slavery in the game's plot).
Like anything, these things can be done in a way that is good, bad, or (usually) somewhere in between. Ranging from offensive to helpful. It all depends on the context.
That would take time away from bonking though.Nah Punchings no good, You might get back up eventually...
But if I eat you I get rid of the problem and have a good dinner.
Thats a win win in my book!.
(hope your not to Boney.)![]()
And yes, I am VERY crunchy, and wiry. Not tender at all. ...except around the belly area. XD
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