Hi Runey. I was wanting to change one of the girls' names. By pet names do you mean what the girls call you? Because I've gotten pretty far (many updates ago) and never saw a way to change a girl's name. Plus I'd prefer it being changed from the beginning. They have the same name as someone I know and I'd rather not be thinking about that person when playing this game.
I can do it myself but most people probably don't know how. With name variables someone could change it in just a few seconds using Universal Ren'Py Mod.
1 use decompiler.rpy or UnRen.bat
2 search for file variables.rpy
3 find in file variables.rpy some what you need to change
6 ah yes - decompiled need to connect to game.
7 then use option in UnRen.bat - open developer console
8 use dev console (shift-D)
9 use variables viewer -> write on paper name of right variable and her value
10 open console -> change within console needed variable with new value -> exit console -> create new savegame
11 play with new hotel name or new pet name.