Anybody else not really happy with the Android storyline? I'm not done and at the part where MC has a talk with her at the park and she tells him about her plan to dominate the world. It's just... my 2 issues with it.
1. Since ChatGPT makes it obvious that a super-intelligent AI should not just be a "Data-like (Star Trek)" autist but be very wise, this super naive "moe" version of the AI just feels unrealistic.
2. It's a storyline that's vastly, vastly, more important than every other storyline in the game. Even the slavery issue seems like tiny tiny potatoes vs this potentially apocalyptic weapon sitting next to us on the bench. She can be the source of unlimited power and wealth or even the total destruction of humanity, but we're still expected to focus on the small dramas in the hotel.
I'm just saying this importance definitely lessens my enjoyment/care of every other storyline in the game if we're expected to take this android issue seriously. I suggest drastically nerfing the android or removing the storyline entirely, it does not work for me in this one.
IMO the slavery issue is perfect for a sex game. Firstly it's sexy, it puts the player in a power position/power fantasy, and it lets us enjoy being a good guy/bad guy while feeling self-righteous at the same time exploiting these cute girls on a small scale. It's also very cool how integrated that storyline is with multiple members of the cast. Almost everyone is in some way affected by the slavery. This android thing is just crazy and is limited to only a few cast members yet is of supreme importance. I don't think it fits.