Some interesting ideas, Vanessa is possible, I don't she was in the game at the time, so maybe. Thanks to some recent comments, I kind of want to see her there more, even if that would mean no Wheelie. lolMy theory (hopes) for the next update: (* means big if theory)
-New character 2nd floor: Vanessa*
-New side character relationship: Juliet (ashley reconciliation route), Hazel (Autumn redemption route), Nala (Vanessa's route), Kim&Ami (Pixel friendship route)
-2 new slaves for the sanctuary (burger girl from Lin/Nia route, runaway slave from Autumn route)
-3rd floor for the hotel
-New upgrades for the Garden
-New upgrades for the Sanctuary
-New upgrade for the hotel (gym for improving physical abilities for the MC, unlocking self-defence abilities for some girls, new events related, internet point for Kali/Pixel/Vanessa* routes)
What do you think, people?
As much as it pains me to say, Juliet recently was demoted from side girl to side girl's side girl, her name even went white. That said, she has had more events than ever since then, so who knows?
I am sure Hazel and Autumn will reconcile at some point, hard to say how long that will take at the moment though.
I can't wait to see more of Nala, she is sexy. XD ...Also, I assume we will be at odds with her father more often as well.
We do have at least 1 free bed in there right now, and I would LOVE to expand it more. XD
I want to take in 'Burger Elf', Lika, Sophie, and all of those poor things from Autumn's event.
A 3rd floor used to be planned, but that seems to no longer be the case. At least not while there are so many stories going on.
We did work on the garden update assets, so that is in the works, not sure how long it will take.
A place to train would be good, better than the garden, and it would be a place for some more Kate events as well. Not to mention Kali.
Our biggest concern right now is Archon, it seems. That shit it way too Orwellian. We need some kind of virus to take her ass down. Not to mention, a way to release it, that won't lead right back to us.