I agree, it might be a bit on that, but at least as a digital life form, they can mature a lot faster than a human.Oh yes, Freud's method. Personally, I would wait with that until A11-Y get a little bit more older. I mean, mentally, A11-Y is on the level of a very young human child, I would say about 5 years old, but I can be mistaken, but how old is A11-Y in human and android ages? I would wait until they will be mentally at the level of 18 years old or more. But if anybody wants to try that right now, do what you want. But maybe, we should ask Android and Dr. Kitten first. After all, Android is A11-Y's mother and creator and Dr. Kitten is A11-Y's psychoterapist, so they should be the ones who will tell us what is best for A11-Y.
Also did anybody here read the latest article from Dr. Kitten in Syl'anarian Journal of Psychotherapy? Anybody knows about what it was?
I mean, Pixel is not a lot 'older' when you consider her active hours.