The addition of Autumn to the harem is great. It allows you to see the church for what it is. It's a thin veil to what religion is meant for in the real world. It alters peoples perceptions, while reinforcing their flaws in a way to indoctrinate them further into the cult.I don't like Autumn she's into religious who obsessed to obey stupid Gaious, those Nuns and priestess on church want Elves to Suffer more, Autumn need to die
It gives the story nuance, and the player satisfaction when they convince Autumn that her faith may not be entirely correct. Killing her would only silence 1 bad actor, while converting her could grant you a serious ally in converting more to the cause.
She's probably my least favorite character in the harem, but she's interesting, and ultimately will be useful.
Kali's dad however, that's a whole bucket of trauma still waiting to unfold. He's a "necessary evil." His choice in wife might just be him thinking with his dick, but I don't think he's as simple as that. I think we'll see him as an ally before the end.