Really enjoying the game so far, currently my only issue with the game is Ashley. Maybe its just me but she is just unlikable. I mean between threatening people with knives, being creepily possessive, striking out against others for no reason (hi the morning scene with the android) I just can't help but dislike her (I understand some of it is because she feels insecure, but that can only go so far).
Which is annoying since I need to interact with her for the game to progress. As a example I have manged to get Kali's story done and have the android show up, but because I have yet to interact with Ashley I can't actually progress with Lin's or the androids stories. I really hope that in the future we can maybe "help" her chill out a bit because as is she is the one black mark against this game.
Afterthought I find it really uncomfortable that both Ashley and Maria know at least some of the androids commands. Both of whom have shown they will use it on her to get what they want.
After afterthought I know I just got through with the bit about the commands, but is there any chance that we will eventually get the ability to use commands even if she is willing, obviously we would need to talk to her about doing so first. Then potentially later get the ability to issue them remotely e.g. send the command "Set Arousal = 90" causing her to come talk to us and ask us to fuck her or similar things.