@Runey It's me triying to help.
Ashley story, help her on school, the more she studies the more "rewards" she gives to you, and If she pass the exam an special scene, sex in school bathroom, sex in class (maybe a 3some whith a teacher?), sex related to the subject , for example If she is studiying history she can appear whith a costume related, ancient history costume of cleopatra or roman concubine).
Maria is about adult streaming , maybe giving her different sexual toys for her streamings, or giving her orders to masturbate whith different possition till she reach an orgasm and sin more followers.
Kali is working in a pizzeria so you can mix sex and food, food on her body and you can eat that piece of pizza in her chest and after that liking her nipples. Sex on pizzeria toilet whith a "neightbour " in the other toilet. Also sex whith her covered in flour could be fun. She likes gamming so you can have sex whith her while she is playing sitting on your knees . You can dress her whith a costume related to the game she is playing (roleplayingame she wears a sexy healer/tank/warrior costume).