Okay some random disconnected thoughts...
I am totally fine with the non-question based date. I don't really see any reason it could be thought of as bad honestly.
In a weird way I kind of like how Lucia seems to distrust her new stepmom for completely non-racist reasons. She just hates new stepmom cause she's new stepmom, and gives no shits about her being a member of the most reviled group in the world.
Random aside, I've never gotten why the half-elves have no rights at all. You'd think having some human heritage would make the humans more sympathetic towards them, not less. Not that I'm complaining about this really, just kinda surprised and wouldn't mind hearing the rationale.
I demand to see Juliet being happy and fulfilled in life at some point here. That doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with us and our dick (though I would not complain if it did), but she just seems like a sweetheart and I want things to be better for her. I also found it a little weird how Ashley seemed to regret betraying juliet like the did when they were kids, but at the same time just treats her like crap when she comes by to help her study.Would not mind to see some sort of explanation for this as well as an apology from Ashley to Juliet.
Deeply worried about the safety of Kali/Lucia and our other girls after the non-assassination attempt. Don't you dare go all acting lessons on me, I have pitchforks and torches ready to go at a moment's notice. (no, no I'm not seriously thinking you might go in that direction)
I'm not bothered at all by the dark bits of the world that we're seeing. But then I really don't mind games with even grimmer worlds as long as they give me some degree of choice in how my character reacts to it.
Not new content, but drunk Felicity and Ashley are adorable, even if it was..well probably not morally justifiable to get them in bed together when they were that drunk.
Moon is a cutie.
Treating Sylvia, Nia, and Ann better than I treat Lin (in material terms at least) feels kinda, well, weird. I'm not saying I want to treat them like crap or anything, it just seems a little odd that they get a free ride while Lin is hard at work. Granted I bet Lin wouldn't react well if we tried giving them some of her workload, and probably the same for Kasumi, so I guess its fine, but I wouldn't mind seeing some dialogue explaining that.
Nia being Elven-Batwoman (literal bat included!) is a nice touch, but it seems like it should be considered more than it has been. MC just sorta shrugs and says, "sure I'll fund your illegal vigilante work that you definitely didn't mention you'd keep doing before I bought you." Again, I don't precisely want MC to say no to helping her, I like him having a conscience, its just that he's presumably putting himself in legal jeopardy, which may not threaten only him since we have Kasumi, Lin, and the other sanctuary elves being his "property". If asset seizure is a thing in this legal system (and I have no idea of course) it seems like bad things could happen here. (Also you have girls dependent on him for their free room and board who would presumably be in trouble if the Hotel was seized punitively) Again, I do still want MC to help here, but it seems like there are some risks that should at least be considered and dealt with in thought/dialogue.
Still feel kinda guilty over what we're pulling with Autumn. Even the most positive spin possible is put on it, sort of a "these hangups are just bad for her and she'll be much healthier and happier if she just starts behaving like the rest of us and isn't such a puritan"...that's still basically assuming our worldview is better than hers and pushing it on her in an deceptive, manipulative, unfair and patronizing manner. So its sort of like a worse version of her trying to push her worldview on people, at least she's honest about it (even if she's too arrogant sometimes). Not to say I'm opposed to religious people proselytizing (indeed I'm religious myself...even if the sort of probably no-good sort of who * bystanders gasp in shock* masturbates to porn games *bystanders faint in horror). Believing your worldview is correct is just, well, sane to me as long as you keep in mind that you could be wrong and try to be reasonable, and don't be a jerk when you try to persuade others to believe as you do.
Concluding thought, why'd you make the pizza girl so hot? The roster of girls with content can't expand indefinitely but you keep making girls I want content with, damn you!
Edit: Oh also, the Ashley backstory. I have continuity concerns. A's mom says she told A to go to her grandma's. But in the flashback we see her grab the credit card and run out after being thrown out by PoS Dad. Further, if PoS Dad is telling the truth, then they are super hard up for money and Ashley presumably using her mom's credit card would be noticed super, super fast in that situation. I also want us to reunite Ashley with the nice elf lady who took care of her as soon as possible.