People want to bitch and moan, even when it is something free.
I am unhappy I am not going to see how "my face is your seat" for Emma, and when Emma finds out she said everything we do with Felicity we have to do with Emma, and we took Felicity to the dungeon what Emma will think, but I am not complaining, and I am Aussie so support Harem Hotel and The Headmaster costs me 32 bucks a month.
Shit happens, Runey has some mental health problems, been there got the shitty "I went to and all I got was" shirt.
I will still support Runey because these games are the only joy in my fucked up life, and I will still beta test because you show me a game without bugs in it, Fallout 76 anyone, or how about whatever the name of the last WWE game was that died because the year changed, or Warcraft 3 reforged, which is so bad people pirated the original, I mean fuck, I played Star Wars the old republic for over 6 years as a sub, 3.0 dropped like a week before Xmas and it was February before they fixed alike 2-second ability delay.