The Android scene in this update was great. "How do you break a switch like Maria?"
This might have been a smaller update, but it had some great content. A little bit segregated between purely emotional/story content and purely sexual stuff. Which is understandable given Runey's libido issues, but it still felt a bit odd. The characters who did get more story content also got balanced out by the lust system, so it all worked out in the end.
Maria's scene felt much more like just a Hana one (who would be nice to have promoted to main cast or a full side character so we can interact with her on our own), but her involvement in Lin's lust event and Android's story event helped fill it in.
It's understandable that Hana's event didn't go further, although it would have been nice. It also seemed a little odd how Maria went from "You're like a sister to me, I could never do anything sexual with you" (she needs to spend more time with Kali and the twins) to "We're doing this now? Awesome."
Autumn's event also seemed like there was a possibility for it to advance things a little further. She's been making good progress, so it's in a tricky place right now where it feels odd.