Well I for one will start from scratch. Especially as the ones mostly remade are around a certain Yandere when she was at her craziest (ie when she was defacto best girl - now its strangely ended being up a femdom android lol). Don't get me wrong I still think shes fantastic but im just not as invested in all this fairy story stuff preferring her old obsessing over the MC being the main plot of her story as well as the hilarious rivalry she had with the twins at school.
The big Dilemma i have is what I do with the slaves in this fresh playthrough - I don't like them being slaves, not the way I want my take on the story to go and didn't as such go that route in my first play of the game but it seems there is a plethora of content for slave route at moment vs nothing for love route so I feel conflicted as I want more saucy content with them vs the none I get for taking the moral high road lol. Not one for making mutliple saves personally (strange i know but I like to own my decisions, doing all of them in 'one' playthrough feels like a cop out to me and takes away the weight in my decisions when I play games adult or not). Ill decide when the update is released I guess, maybe reworked content will sate my desire to take the dark side just for an entire side house of hot harem elves (no wonder im tempted!)