
Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Elven ancestry is pretty common, by my understanding. And Maria's eyes aren't as pronounced as Ashley's so it's a reasonable assumption that Maria's elven ancestry is more distant than Ash's.

As for how the police got there so fast, it could be that they just keep a patrol near the hospital as part of their routine procedure for whatever reason. They were all robots so they might even be posted there permanently. Alternatively, given how zealous she was, the nurse may have called them over preemptively when she saw Maria's eyes and had her arrested when she had confirmation.
Maria is a Half Elf, meaning one of her parents were an elf. Not sure if you missed that or left it out in order not post a spoiler. Maria also has a darker skin tone than Ashley. Pink eyes are a bit of a mutation that can only appear in half dark elves. But purple eyes are rare for humans to keep. But Ashley's purple dark elf eyes run on her mother's side of the family, so she has them. In the end, this is just made up fantasy genetics, but yeah just wanted to clear this up. (Also the police droids were being used as security for the hospital.)


Active Member
Mar 20, 2018
Maria is a Half Elf, meaning one of her parents were an elf. Not sure if you missed that or left it out in order not post a spoiler. Maria also has a darker skin tone than Ashley. Pink eyes are a bit of a mutation that can only appear in half dark elves. But purple eyes are rare for humans to keep. But Ashley's purple dark elf eyes run on her mother's side of the family, so she has them. In the end, this is just made up fantasy genetics, but yeah just wanted to clear this up. (Also the police droids were being used as security for the hospital.)
I figured the dark elf eye thing was probably mostly random, but also that people in-universe would easily assume that someone with 'proper' dark elf eyes would have a more recent elven ancestor than someone with the 'watered down' pink eyes if they didn't study genetics. I mean, I've met a lot of people that don't remember anything from high school biology class.


Nov 16, 2019
Elven ancestry is pretty common, by my understanding. And Maria's eyes aren't as pronounced as Ashley's so it's a reasonable assumption that Maria's elven ancestry is more distant than Ash's.

As for how the police got there so fast, it could be that they just keep a patrol near the hospital as part of their routine procedure for whatever reason. They were all robots so they might even be posted there permanently. Alternatively, given how zealous she was, the nurse may have called them over preemptively when she saw Maria's eyes and had her arrested when she had confirmation.
True, she may have seen the eyes and being in the environment she works in she could have been like."mmmm elf maybe?" and called beforehand.
Edit: runey just said that the robots are standard security so there we go.
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I forget daria was from beavis and butthead. I don't think she needs a spinoff but I'd like to see a lot more of her.
Yeah, it is a bit extreme, but I just got a Daria feel from her, and since they are both so underappreciated by certain people, it just seemed like the right thing at the time... :p
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
If you are willing to discard real life rules of biological taxonomy than there really isn't anything left to discuss because you can pretty much make things up as we go along. Not that you haven't been doing that already for pages now. I repeatedly presented examples and evidence and all you can do is disagree without providing any reasonable counterexample or evidence to support your claims.

At this point I feel that the conversation has become pointless and unproductive on account of your refusal to follow the basic rules of one and thus have to terminate my participation in it.
Yes, that's what happens in a game with fantasy characters, real life biology goes out the window for anyone that isn't human unless the developer specifically takes steps in their writing to make it work in game as it does for real. It actually doesn't even matter if they're all human since, in a game, the developer's word is law. Basically, if Runey, hypothetically speaking, wanted to make humans incompatible with humans, he could. It would make little sense unless he threw in some sort of extremely advanced scientific or magical reason for this, but he could. I provided plenty of counters to your examples and reasoning.

That kind of resource deployment takes too much time to not seem fishy, the elf in question might start getting suspicious, especially with all the anti-elf posters.

I do have to agree on the response time thing, the minimum here is 15 minutes and that's assuming a police station is nearby, but not in walking distance. Some places here can take at least an hour because they are so spread out.
She doesn't know shes an elf tho...She'll just sit there happily with the mc. And I just pulled 10 minutes out of my ass, she could have waited a whole half hour, again with no suspicion. Between Ellen and Ashley, she could think that elf ancestry isn't that uncommon and not even think about it.

Plus I think the two of you are putting to much thought into whatever your talking about up there. tldr whatever that is.
Whether she knows is irrelevant to the situation except for one thing, it would play into the shock that would stun her mentally long enough to be detained without using excessive force that could result in value decreasing injuries, like the unwarranted use of a security bot. Also, when I say 'the elf' instead of 'Maria,' it means I'm speaking in general. That point in my comment was referring to the inefficiency that would be trying to use a hospital DNA test as a trap in a hospital that is crawling with signs that they hate elves. Even the dumbest of elves should get the message before they get out of the lobby and make a run for it, or just leave quietly, that works just as well and wouldn't bring suspicion like running for no apparent reason to the people around them. Only the ones unaware of their own heritage would not know and fall into the trap, which is too few to be useful. Elven ancestry actually isn't that uncommon in the game, hence why so many people, including multiple main girls, are popping up as being elves of some degree. Maria is, so far, the only one that has popped up with an enslavement eligible amount of elven DNA that wasn't already a slave. Hana and Ashley are too weak in the elven DNA to be eligible, luckily because Ashley would be instant war on Cornwall in my play through, not that I haven't already gotten to that point because of Maria The real threat to them would be how much ancestry they have, how close their latest elven ancestor is.
Elven ancestry is pretty common, by my understanding. And Maria's eyes aren't as pronounced as Ashley's so it's a reasonable assumption that Maria's elven ancestry is more distant than Ash's.

As for how the police got there so fast, it could be that they just keep a patrol near the hospital as part of their routine procedure for whatever reason. They were all robots so they might even be posted there permanently. Alternatively, given how zealous she was, the nurse may have called them over preemptively when she saw Maria's eyes and had her arrested when she had confirmation.
So she's even more of a racist than initially thought, automatically assuming race, great. I would love to see the lawsuit that would ensue against her, the hospital, and possibly the town itself over her jumping some poor human that simply had one of those weird eye coloring procedures done, yes, those exist, though they aren't common because of the risk of going blind.


Reject Humanity!!
Release the Android!!
Become Skynet!!

Anyway, I'm curious...can a human receive a blood transfusion from an elf?
If so, how would this effect a DNA test?
It might vary the same as it would other humans, the whole blood type thing, but since elves are compatible for reproduction, I don't see why they would be incompatible entirely as far as blood related procedures.

I am rather surprised by the reaction over Maria. Rather I should say I'm surprised people are shocked

Unfortunately this shit happens way too much IRL. It happened in the past and us still happening now.
Eugenics theory, race, religion. etc.
Where I am now, the country is coming face to face with it recent history of cultural genocide (residential schools).
We see in in the mid east. In just the past 30years we saw it in the Balkans, in central Africa, South Africa. Cambodia, plus many more.
This shit is still going on. Many will not see it and many will deny it because they are not the targeted ones but it's still happening. Maybe not a blatant as the story but it's there.
I applaud Runey for having writing this. If through this game he can open some eyes, then he has done a service to society.
I'm less shocked and more 'find a torch and burn Syl'anar to the ground unless they abolish this law' angry over it. As far as the connections to real life, well, I don't connect fiction to real life, but my eyes were already open to things like slavery since before this game existed.

How dare you demand such lewd things! Go to horny jail!
Does Lin get headpats and hand holding if I go? :p
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
Anyway, I'm curious...can a human receive a blood transfusion from an elf?
If so, how would this effect a DNA test?
The answers are possibly and no in that order.

To elaborate, the fact humans and elves can interbreed means that in terms of biology they aren't actually different species. An apt comparison would be to think of them more like different breeds of cats or dogs. Big differences in both phenotype and every other trait but still the same species.

Although personally I prefer to draw a parallel to the situation of early hominids. There was in fact a time in our past when homo sapiens lived along side and interbred with other types of humans such as the Neanderthal. But eventually we just outbred them and became the dominant and than only species of human left. Even though Europeans in particular still retain some portion of Neanderthal DNA much like the various people in this setting with traces of elven ancestry.

What seems to have happened in this world is that through geographic isolation a relative to humanity managed to avoid this faith much like the various odd creatures we find in the heavily isolated places of our world, for example Australia. And much like those this relative seems to have evolved some very odd and distinct traits. Even if they don't have venomous claws, a duck bill, beaver tail and sweat milk all at the same time. But they seem to have remained mostly compatible.

And we know that in some but not all cases related breeds can share blood between them. So it's definitively possible that human to elf or elf to human blood transfusions might work. But it's also possible that they wouldn't. It depends on just how similar / different their blood groups are. But it's, as said not out of the question.

As to if you could fool a DNA test using blood transfusions that is very unlikely. Any amount of transfused blood would diffuse into your bloodstream fairly quickly. So in order for it to be even remotely plausible that the tester would pick out the injected blood and it alone for his sample you would basically have to do something very extreme like replace most of the bodies blood with that of the other species. And whilst that sort of procedure is definitively possible and has been done it is something that would have to happen under controlled medical conditions in a proper medical facility and thus leave a written record.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
The answers are possibly and no in that order.

To elaborate, the fact humans and elves can interbreed means that in terms of biology they aren't actually different species. An apt comparison would be to think of them more like different breeds of cats or dogs. Big differences in both phenotype and every other trait but still the same species.

Although personally I prefer to draw a parallel to the situation of early hominids. There was in fact a time in our past when homo sapiens lived along side and interbred with other types of humans such as the Neanderthal. But eventually we just outbred them and became the dominant and than only species of human left. Even though Europeans in particular still retain some portion of Neanderthal DNA much like the various people in this setting with traces of elven ancestry.

What seems to have happened in this world is that through geographic isolation a relative to humanity managed to avoid this faith much like the various odd creatures we find in the heavily isolated places of our world, for example Australia. And much like those this relative seems to have evolved some very odd and distinct traits. Even if they don't have venomous claws, a duck bill, beaver tail and sweat milk all at the same time. But they seem to have remained mostly compatible.

And we know that in some but not all cases related breeds can share blood between them. So it's definitively possible that human to elf or elf to human blood transfusions might work. But it's also possible that they wouldn't. It depends on just how similar / different their blood groups are. But it's, as said not out of the question.

As to if you could fool a DNA test using blood transfusions that is very unlikely. Any amount of transfused blood would diffuse into your bloodstream fairly quickly. So in order for it to be even remotely plausible that the tester would pick out the injected blood and it alone for his sample you would basically have to do something very extreme like replace most of the bodies blood with that of the other species. And whilst that sort of procedure is definitively possible and has been done it is something that would have to happen under controlled medical conditions in a proper medical facility and thus leave a written record.
Depending on how big of a transfusion, there could be traces I guess... but it would have to be an awful lot to show as much as half elf I would think. But then, I don't really know how all that works, most DNA test I see now days use a mouth swab I thought, so would not be affected anyway... lol

On the other hand, we already have CRISPER in our world, and theirs has much better tech than we do, so maybe something like that could be done...? It could be one way to extend some of the human's in the harem's lives, instead of turning them all into cyborgs. XD


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
Depending on how big of a transfusion, there could be traces I guess... but it would have to be an awful lot to show as much as half elf I would think. But then, I don't really know how all that works, most DNA test I see now days use a mouth swab I thought, so would not be affected anyway... lol
That's a good point as well. IIRC the scene used a blood sample, correct me if I am wrong. But realistically a followup test based on a mouth swab or something would also clear things right up.

On the other hand, we already have CRISPER in our world, and theirs has much better tech than we do, so maybe something like that could be done...? It could be one way to extend some of the human's in the harem's lives, instead of turning them all into cyborgs. XD
Possibly. But that would require adding unclean dirty inferior elven DNA into proper humans. So no self respecting person would accept it...

Ain't it just depressing how entire avenues of research that could benefit mankind as a whole get snuffed out due to the stupidity of racism? And this isn't like even something that's explicitly said. It's something we came up by thinking about the game and its world.

Why, it's almost as if the game dev is trying to teach us something?
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
That's a good point as well. IIRC the scene used a blood sample, correct me if I am wrong. But realistically a followup test based on a mouth swab or something would also clear things right up.
Yeah, in a normal situation, if something strange like that was found, they would do a follow up. Hard to say here though, might be any excuse to abuse someone they can.
Possibly. But that would require adding unclean dirty inferior elven DNA into proper humans. So no self respecting person would accept it...

Ain't it just depressing how entire avenues of research that could benefit mankind as a whole get snuffed out due to the stupidity of racism? And this isn't like even something that's explicitly said. It's something we came up by thinking about the game and its world.

Why, it's almost as if the game dev is trying to teach us something?
Well, I was thinking the MC and his family, much later in the story. I would hope, after we have managed to make drastic changes in society. ;)

Hummm..... Could be?!?! XD
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