
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
We all get it that you have your own interests and goals for your game and it's totally okay to pursue them. It is an artistic view which is not a bad thing at all. What I can't understand though is how defensive you got after people started expressing their dissapointnent about recent changes for Jin and inconsistencies which these changes caused. Really wonder what is to be confused and defensive about here, yeah, as far as I know, it is indeed considered bad writing and management manners and a huge middle finger to the face of the audience to COMPLETELY change a certain character who was a part of the story for a long time without making that change optional, especially in a game which is very well popular and well recieved. When your game has such huge audience and you make quite a sum from it each month, you are not making it for yourself only. At the very least such major changes should be discussed with your patreon members and voted upon, not done just because "you want it" or "you never had interest". Just bring her out of the story if you never had interest, would be much better than changing her entirely and then being confused as to why I am being a broken record replying to these messages.

So yeah, it's basically what I said in my earlier post, Runey only done that change because it was more convenient for them and it was too much of an effort to write separate storylines for different Jins, even considering almost 6k patrons that pay for that effort to happen. Well, I guess you've been "staring at them tit-- number of patreons" and forgot that you are not only creating this game for yourself.
So then, if Patreon were to someday include clones as part of their I word ban for some stupid reason and Runey had to change Felicity and Emma, it would be bad writing? Bad writing is bad writing, but changing the character because he does not like it and runs the risk of creating lesser quality content for that character out of that dislike is entirely different as are character changes out of necessity to keep the game going. It was either change Jin to something he isn't against creating content for so he can create content on an equal level to the other girls or keep her the same and run the risk of not being able to bring himself to write Lin or Maria level content for Jin.

Just because "he wants it" or "he never had interest" are the ONLY reason he needs to not do something, there is no convenience factor. It was done because Runey does not want to do this content you want, and his word is law on his game.

But you do have that option. Just don't pay the money to send her to the hospital, and the amount of Jin content will remain the same. You'll still be able to take her to the dungeon. There'd never be any NEW content made for her in that way, but having the option to keep her isn't synonymous with having new content produced for that option. Runey has been clear that he doesn't find bimbo-Jin attrative enough to want to make content for her.
Same way some people want the Drow to be added, and I don't see it happening; Runey doesn't seem to find her attractive.
Hell, I'd like Juliet to get some content, but I've been waiting a while, and it's not any more likely now than it was half-a-dozen updates ago.
Here's the thing, they want to be able to keep the old Jin and get the new content, both of which are completely incompatible with each other. I mean, it could work, but then there would be a completely sudden body change with no reason for it since she never got the thing you refuse to pay for that was supposed to make said change. They want to have their cake and eat it, too.

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Moving on from pointless discussions, what do you think her name should be?
And Runey does it again, a cat pic cures all. As for a name, Sofia maybe? That's the best I could come up with on the spot.

maybe a compressed version will end this discussion
No, no it will not, but it would begin another. The game is already as compressed as it can be without having potential issues ranging from graphics quality problems to outright crashes.
I actually woke up with a thought this morning that Cornwall could take Lin away if the MC displeased him somehow. You'd rescue Lin or whatever after a few days, she'd run into the MC's arms, kiss, and he would realize how wrong he was with the slave trade and keeping elves as pure slaves because of seeing the connection Lin has with the MC, and eventually some way down the line, they'd be freed and the MC & Lin could marry.

I mean I doubt know since it's close to what happened already with a certain girl in the hotel so I don't know if that sort of thing would be repeated. But it was a thought I had this morning on how Lin and the MC could finally be together without barriers. I'm sure it would involve Cornwall either way
You know, I never really thought about Cornwall being able to repossess your slaves and now the thought terrifies me. I DO NOT want to go through another Maria, especially on all the enslavement eligible girls all at the same time. Maria alone was hard enough and still has me wanting to declare all out war on Syl'anar with no prisoners taken.

SIDE NOTE: Runey, go ahead if that's part of the future story, though it's not like you need my permission. I'll be fine with whatever you decide, I just might end up going nuclear against Syl'anar and, given the option, there literally would be no prisoners. ;)

He's welcome to try. Don't think he's gonna like what happens if he does, though.
No, I'm already just waiting for an excuse to sick Nia on him given the option to do so.

I've been dreading something like that in this game for a couple of days because he did say earlier in the game about taking Elves away from masters and I guess going through my 2nd playthrough (just for Lin screenshots) made me realize he can take her away for basically any reason, even if it's manufactured. I mean, she is trying to change things, and he's helping and along with her.

Bad enough what happened to Maria but it better not happen to Lin in some way
It very easily could in a place like Syl'anar, but I won't let that happen without a fight and neither would Nia.

If Cornwall tries anything, we'll turn him into corn flakes and feed him to the elves for breakfast.
If there's anything left of him after Nia gets done.

I wanted to jump through the screen several times and punch that bastard out, especially during his "313 Speech"...

Bastardo, Baka (ばか), Scheißkerl, сволочь, Bastard (cursing in all the languages I know)
I've wanted to do so much worse since Maria, before that, yeah, I wanted to throw some punches and insults his way. This man infuriates me like no other, not even real people get me violently angry.

He has shown already he has the power to on the whim remove slaves from masters because he deems them unfit to have them. Why the MC emotional or not jumped through so many hoops to threaten him over events Cornwall was not directly responsible for is beyond me but hes got it coming if he wants to poke a hornets nest esp as he wants to really create change for elves and half elves. Cornwall has already shown himself a willing ally and to lend his ear to the MCs ideas which make it even more face palm worthy but alas maybe Runey is setting him up to be the prime antagonist despite these older scenes. He wont react well to his entire empire being at threat by a robot replacement for them as the story seems to be leaning.

Still whats his plan with the elf queen, hes offering her hand in marriage during his PR junket. Id like to assume Runey wont just marry her off to some random so its gotta be someone we know if its not Cornwell himself? i suppose the MC makes the most sense as hes little connection with her but he could try and use her as bargaining tool to simmer his push against elves perhaps? or use it to create conflict within the Harem as ive no idea how Lin would take that idea even if having her onside would greatly help her cause (unless she would turn on them and was a mole so that would be say the Sanctuary exposed and Nia in great trouble). Shes not a great queen and neither is the High Elf one, if not controlled they will undermine anything the main characters do as the biggest representations of the elven race to the world that we know of so far. Id need to replay the latest update to refresh what it said but it had a section for Dark Elf royalty - im wondering if more royals have yet to be revealed to the main story though we have kinda met the Desert Elf queen already leaving just... well the Drow dont have one so yeah Dark Elf is all that remains in that regards.
The reason he did it is because someone he was emotionally attached to was affected right in front of him. She was treated beyond brutally in the process. Cornwall IS NOT an ally to this cause, he only made the changes he did to appease his people so he could maintain his office. He is a typical politician, he acts in favor of things only when they benefit him.

As for the emotional outburst, to expand on what I said earler, he witnessed her treated very badly and it triggered a severe emotional response. Humans don't always have the luxury of being able to think striaght when in a highly emotional state, which the MC was in. He definitely made a mistake that could have worsened the situation and got lucky that it didn't.

Cornwall is all about law, his law. If he does something, it's because the law he creates/helps create allows him to do it. He personally does not care too much about elves, he sees them like dogs, horses, or pigs. Just animals the humans use to do things. He's mostly a populist who preaches for the status quo. Most people don't like seeing anything get raped or murdered or abused right in front of their eyes on a societal level anyway, so he certainly wouldn't allow it either. All he wants is to keep his power. It has always been my intention to make Cornwall an antagonist, but I don't like evil characters.

Just to clarify, MC only gets emotional if you choose that option. You can also try asking kdad for help.

Cornwall, and especially Mr. Corpus (Autumn's father) are using Jia as a pawn here, as is her role in this world. To many, marrying an elf off to a human may seem good or progressive. It may represent the combining of two peoples in harmony. But here, it is much more malicious, and goes too far into deep spoiler content. But in part, it is also an effort to make more elves follow their brand of religion, which says humans are superior to elves. Jia didn't make it seem like it, but they are definitely planning on marrying her to a human, one who follows Gaius.

As a side note, I would like to explain Jia's character a bit. I see her as a poor woman who has been gaslit, told what to be and do all her life, been told how to feel and what to say all her life, just generally so emotionally and mentally abused that it has made her near insane. Her character archetype is cuckoolander. (Nothing to do with NTR, relax everyone). I love her character quite a lot and I want to include her in more scenes, but I'm not sure if she will be able to fit in the story as a side character. I think she will be neither antagonist nor protagonist in the story, but maybe more like an anti-hero.

It wasn't my intention to completely remake the story of that event, just to make it better and to update the lighting/visuals. I still wanted to hit the same story beats. To answer your question about why I removed the option to not say "I love you.", it wouldn't have made sense for the story, especially what was going on at the time. This was the moment you and Kali became officially together, so it would be a plot hole to ruin the moment in a way. Any woman in real life is going to be very concerned if you don't respond with "I love you" after what Kali let out to you.
In other words, a typical power hungry politician that does things only when it benefits him. The benefit to the elves or other humans is entirely coincidental, their benefit just happened to follow the same path as his own. The elves got lucky with those reforms.

Meanwhile, Jia is a typical royal, basically forced into a strict regimen of training for her future role in her early life, then transitioned to where she is now. Watched at all times, insane pressure like an entire mountain on her shoulders, the survival of her entire race weighing her down. I do not envy her position, being any kind of leader at that level, essentially on the same level as today's world leaders in reality, is an extremely difficult and stressful thing to do. That said, I trust her about as much or less than I do Cornwall, who I desperately want to throw into a wood chipper after beating him senseless with a baseball bat covered in rusty nails and set on fire.
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Nov 17, 2019
All I can say is, the game is improving. And it's improving as the plots get better and more involved. Some players I didn't care much for initially have plots that have aged like a good wine. Some players I really like (and I really like Kali) just get better and better. If I had my druthers, more good looking busty women of color. But the game I've been able to play is plenty good enough.

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Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
Yeah the exhibitionist/Submissive stuff isn't much fun to me and I really only do it with Lin. I'm not a completionist that aspect but I do it if I can't find other events to do at the time.
Pretty much the same for me; I went far enough to unlock the *traits* just in case anything is/will be tied to it, then just forgot about it. I typically work exhibition, or affection, when I can't find something else to do.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
And there is a new girl joining on the second floor eventually in the empty room. I'm guessing that MIGHT be Hana...? Vanessa would be nice to have since she does things surrounding Nia/The Liberator.
Unless there is going to be another main LI added, I am guessing Vanessa or Moon. Kinda hoping for Moon myself, but I could see either of them working well with where the main story is right now.

Deleted member 3313072

Engaged Member
Jan 26, 2021
Unless there is going to be another main LI added, I am guessing Vanessa or Moon. Kinda hoping for Moon myself, but I could see either of them working well with where the main story is right now.
I'd love to have Moon only because of her story with Maria, and as much as I love Lin, a scene with her and Moon would be outstanding. My personal two most favorite girls in the game. I can see Moon happening more since she does have a roommate already and loves to play games and is loud, but it could also bring more things with Emma to the forefront since she's a closet gamer it seems. Plus Moon already knows about the harem through her route and discussions, so I really hope it's her and she joins the main LIs.

Vanessa would be great because of Kali & Nia. I wouldn't mind Hana either because it would make Ash's route more interesting but she's already basically living there.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Αnyone with the compressed version of 13.1 ?
The game is already as compressed as it can get without potential issues ranging from image quality dropping severly to the game outright crashing. Uncompressed, the game is actually 10x what the download shows.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2021
I'd love to have Moon only because of her story with Maria, and as much as I love Lin, a scene with her and Moon would be outstanding. My personal two most favorite girls in the game. I can see Moon happening more since she does have a roommate already and loves to play games and is loud, but it could also bring more things with Emma to the forefront since she's a closet gamer it seems. Plus Moon already knows about the harem through her route and discussions, so I really hope it's her and she joins the main LIs.

Vanessa would be great because of Kali & Nia. I wouldn't mind Hana either because it would make Ash's route more interesting but she's already basically living there.
Kind of what I was thinking as well. Hanna & Marie both seem pretty happy with the current arrangement, so I don't see her moving (at least as long as she is a side interest).

Vanessa seems the most likely, she has already been asking questions about the hotel, but it might be a way to bring Moon and her studies more into the story.

We will find out when Runey is ready to reveal it I guess :)


Nov 25, 2017
The game is already as compressed as it can get without potential issues ranging from image quality dropping severly to the game outright crashing. Uncompressed, the game is actually 10x what the download shows.
Ι use the Lain Mod and i need the 13.1 version specifically.


Jan 15, 2019
i liked the update overall for what it is. side character development is always nice, even if it has to be vanessa, and the main girls' events, mostly ashley's and lin's, were nice too. what sucks, though, is that none of the main girls got scenes, aside from lin in that vacation side-event. i don't really count autumn's scene but i guess throw that in as well. i get the inclination to focus more on the side characters, which is why we got so many events with them, but it feels kinda bad waiting a few months for what essentially feels like a throwaway update that sets up the main girls for the next one. oh well, at least the side girls that did get content are good, so it's fine regardless

also i wonder if it's just me who finds autumn's exhibitionist scenes really odd. very fast ramp up to that kind of depravity


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
i liked the update overall for what it is. side character development is always nice, even if it has to be vanessa, and the main girls' events, mostly ashley's and lin's, were nice too. what sucks, though, is that none of the main girls got scenes, aside from lin in that vacation side-event. i don't really count autumn's scene but i guess throw that in as well. i get the inclination to focus more on the side characters, which is why we got so many events with them, but it feels kinda bad waiting a few months for what essentially feels like a throwaway update that sets up the main girls for the next one. oh well, at least the side girls that did get content are good, so it's fine regardless

also i wonder if it's just me who finds autumn's exhibitionist scenes really odd. very fast ramp up to that kind of depravity
No, every main character got scenes? You can check the patch notes for yourself. All main characters always get at least 1 story event, a few got two in this update, and they were some of the biggest I've ever made.

Autumn's has to go through 8 scenes to reach the final act, which she isn't even willing to do yet. I'm not sure that could be considered fast, considering it takes her twice as long as anyone else.

Autumn has a special way of being corrupted. Of course in real life, this is completely the opposite of how things are going to go down. This is a virgin doing these things, after all. But I think that's what makes Autumn special, she gets to be corrupted through all these other means to eventually take her virginity. It's h er way of being corrupted.
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
Yeah, Autumns stuff escalated really quickly. At least the cum covered and writing parts. I'd be surprised if the next update doesn't contain her first sex scene(s).

That does make me think of whether or not her sister will be involved in the story as a side-girl eventually. Most of the girls have a dedicated side-girl that lives with them. It'd be an interesting plot to have Autumn convince her that sex isn't bad or immoral, as long as you do it with someone who loves you.

And now that has spurred more thoughts. What if Autumn and her rebel against their parents, which ends up with MC buying the cafe from them? It could then serve as a job for the sanctuary elves and an extra source of income. If MC is going to change the world, he needs more resources than just a hotel.

And now something completely unrelated ( well, mostly). We're pretty far into the game, yet the last main girl hasn't moved in yet. I know Runey has talked about this, the wheelchair girl is the one that comes to mind. But I assume it'll end up being one of the side-girls, it's probably too late to start from scratch with a brand new girl.

But the last main girl being a former side-girl gave me this idea. What if, instead of promoting a side-girl into a main, all the side-girls just move into the room? Think of it as a dorm room. Bunkbeds, them sitting around chatting with each other, doing their homework ( or not ). The introduction of the college girls ( who already sit around the sauna area ) seems like a natural fit for this idea of mine. They already live in a dorm, so why not give them a nice dorm with a bar downstairs? They can still function as side-girls, they just get their own room unlike the others so far.
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Deleted member 3313072

Engaged Member
Jan 26, 2021
Yes, there needs to be more Moon immediately. I know she is already there at the bar but she can move into my room if she wants to.
Moon is absolutely fucking adorable. So much about her character is attractive to me. Yes Lin is my #1 but Moon is so close behind her. I don't seem to recall those two meeting yet it's basically Moon, Kali & Maria, with a tad bit of Emma thrown in. It does say after an event with her that she enjoys her time at the hotel more or whatever.

To me, that's some sort of hidden number for her to move in. Just feels like that to me.
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Deleted member 3313072

Engaged Member
Jan 26, 2021
Yeah, Autumns stuff escalated really quickly. At least the cum covered and writing parts. I'd be surprised if the next update doesn't contain her first sex scene(s).

That does make me think of whether or not her sister will be involved in the story as a side-girl eventually. Most of the girls have a dedicated side-girl that lives with them. It'd be an interesting plot to have Autumn convince her that sex isn't bad or immoral, as long as you do it with someone who loves you.

And now that has spurred more thoughts. What if Autumn and her rebel against their parents, which ends up with MC buying the cafe from them? It could then serve as a job for the sanctuary elves and an extra source of income. If MC is going to change the world, he needs more resources than just a hotel.

And now something completely unrelated ( well, mostly). We're pretty far into the game, yet the last main girl hasn't moved in yet. I know Runey has talked about this, the wheelchair girl is the one that comes to mind. But I assume it'll end up being one of the side-girls, it's probably too late to start from scratch with a brand new girl.

But the last main girl being a former side-girl gave me this idea. What if, instead of promoting a side-girl into a main, all the side-girls just move into the room? Think of it as a dorm room. Bunkbeds, them sitting around chatting with each other, doing their homework ( or not ). The introduction of the college girls ( who already sit around the sauna area ) seems like a natural fit for this idea of mine. They already live in a dorm, so why not give them a nice dorm with a bar downstairs? They can still function as side-girls, they just get their own room unlike the others so far.
Autumn does nothing for me. Some crazed religious over-the-top preachy church girl is not my thing. I'm in my 2nd run and going to do most of her content last (unless an event forces me otherwise)


Active Member
Oct 8, 2019
Yes, there needs to be more Moon immediately. I know she is already there at the bar but she can move into my room if she wants to.
I didn't remember that Moon was studying Engineering? All the more reason that she should move into the empty room, since she should be in charge of future Hotel upgrades,
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Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Yeah, Autumns stuff escalated really quickly. At least the cum covered and writing parts. I'd be surprised if the next update doesn't contain her first sex scene(s).
She's definitely not ready for sex yet in her story, anal hasn't even happened yet. Her character is more of a slow corruption, which is why I went with stuff like body writing and cum instead of anal and sex in front on everyone. Even for her blowjob, she hid (not well though)

I also have the broader game in mind when I make these scenes, so for example while these autumn exhibitionism scenes will take a few days to complete, you'll be moving on with her story, which will most likely include stuff about how she felt about what happened at least in some small way.

That does make me think of whether or not her sister will be involved in the story as a side-girl eventually. Most of the girls have a dedicated side-girl that lives with them. It'd be an interesting plot to have Autumn convince her that sex isn't bad or immoral, as long as you do it with someone who loves you.

And now that has spurred more thoughts. What if Autumn and her rebel against their parents, which ends up with MC buying the cafe from them? It could then serve as a job for the sanctuary elves and an extra source of income. If MC is going to change the world, he needs more resources than just a hotel.

And now something completely unrelated ( well, mostly). We're pretty far into the game, yet the last main girl hasn't moved in yet. I know Runey has talked about this, the wheelchair girl is the one that comes to mind. But I assume it'll end up being one of the side-girls, it's probably too late to start from scratch with a brand new girl.

But the last main girl being a former side-girl gave me this idea. What if, instead of promoting a side-girl into a main, all the side-girls just move into the room? Think of it as a dorm room. Bunkbeds, them sitting around chatting with each other, doing their homework ( or not ). The introduction of the college girls ( who already sit around the sauna area ) seems like a natural fit for this idea of mine. They already live in a dorm, so why not give them a nice dorm with a bar downstairs? They can still function as side-girls, they just get their own room unlike the others so far.
I'll say no comment for this, I don't want to spoil much :)

Deleted member 3313072

Engaged Member
Jan 26, 2021
I didn't remember that Moon was studying Engineering? All the more reason that she should move into the empty room, since she should be in charge of future Hotel upgrades,
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And she might be able to help Kali too with certain things. I want a third floor to the hotel (Juliet, Kate, Vanessa, Kim...maybe Hazel etc)
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