Deleted member 929426

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2018
I am not going to hold my breath on that one, not even if the instructions are clearly posted in the OP.
I think the first mistake would be assuming they even bother to look at the instructions. It's even worse given that I'm assuming you'll still need the original game installed to use the update "patch" (if I understood what Runey said).
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
I think the first mistake would be assuming they even bother to look at the instructions. It's even worse given that I'm assuming you'll still need the original game installed to use the update "patch" (if I understood what Runey said).
This is factually true. A number of studies have been done to prove this. I am also aware of a lot of anecdotal evidence of programmers including things like "If you read this far and email me I'll send you 100$" into their instructions. And nobody ever does.

For some reason people just don't read manuals EVER. Until they get lost and need to find a specific thing explained that is. Than they do, but they only ever flip to that page.

Deleted member 929426

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2018
This is factually true. A number of studies have been done to prove this. I am also aware of a lot of anecdotal evidence of programmers including things like "If you read this far and email me I'll send you 100$" into their instructions. And nobody ever does.

For some reason people just don't read manuals EVER. Until they get lost and need to find a specific thing explained that is. Than they do, but they only ever flip to that page.
My father always joked that the instruction manual was just the manufacturer's "opinion" of how it should work. :ROFLMAO:

Every time there's a patch/update to any of the games I play, you'll always catch me going through the patchnotes line by line to see what's been updated/fixed. If there's any critique I could have against Runey it's that I wish he would list exactly what bugs were fixed in his "Bugfix" patchnotes.


Oct 18, 2018
Question! Need a way to quickly earn more money- without using cheat codes preferably....

Have you done any of the photo-shoots with the girls yet?
After each photo session you should be given the opportunity to sell the pictures for a little bit of cash.
Other than that I'd say if you know (or believe) you're at a part of the narrative where money will be required then just avoid the gal who triggers those events for a few weeks until your passive income from rent and the bar brings you up a bit more.


Oct 2, 2021
Indeed, no, you aren't odd for doing that, I do it as well.

Wait, so we aren't going to march on Cornwall's place with torches and pitchforks like he's Frankenstein's monster? :cry: *sadly puts pitchfork away* :p

What are you even talking about? Girlfriend? Never had one and not afraid or ashamed to admit it, so not sure how you got that idea. I am not chained by anything and that has nothing to do with this conversation, it is an entirely different topic. That 'fear' isn't why this game won't upgrade, it won't upgrade because there is only one person working on the whole thing, which is already a pretty tall order. I've done game development, for myself and it was entirely text based in an old, dead programming language, it wasn't even that easy back then and this game is even more complicated than anything I've ever programmed.

Yeah, it actuall IS that I don't like sounds, especially sex sounds, in games. They ALWAYS sound so out of place unless voice actors are hired and that means MAJOR expenses a one person developer cannot even hope to sustain. Yeah, I watch porn with sounds, but what I DON'T do is play porn games with sex sounds, those go into the trash the second any one man VN without the budget to support actual voice acting has them because it is ALWAYS some generic, prerecorded crap that is completely out of place.

I'm not scared to try something new, DO NOT assume you know how I think, what I AM scared of is something bad happening to this game's development because Runey messed up in his decision making and did something that just isn't worth the time, money, and effort required to do it right. There is A LOT that can happen to negatively impact the game because he chooses to do this. It COULD cause him to focus too much on coordinating with other people and to not spend enough time actually developing content. The F95 community is a prime example of why this is an issue, people get impatient very quickly, so quickly that I've seen update begging within a week of the latest release of a game. It COULD cause a mass exodus because Runey underestimated how many people DON'T want sex sounds. This could drain funding for the game VERY quickly and stop development in its tracks.

Selfish? Last I checked, wanting Runey and the game to thrive is anything BUT selfish. If anything, it is selfless. So far, the amount of people who actually want sound in general, or sex sounds, amounts to you and maybe one or two others. You're speaking like you are talking for the majority, but I have yet to see proof that you are. The majority is in the people who have not said anything about it either way, neither of us speaks for them. I don't think you get how development would be impacted. Yeah, it WOULD affect development of actual content because Runey would have to stop everything and focus on programming the support code for this new stuff, he would have to spend A LOT of time coordinating with voices as they send samples and he approves them or denies them, which means redoing the recording. This isn't something as simple as flipping a switch in the code, there is A LOT to get done.

You seem to think this is a new idea, it isn't, VNs do it on occasion all the time and the ones that do are ALWAYS produced by a bigger developer than someone like Runey. You also seem to be under the impression you have a majority of the player base on your side when you and maybe one or two others spoke about it positively. That's not a majority, that's a minority until the rest of the player base chimes in with a positive reaction. No, Runey's talent and experience will have zero impact on how the player base thinks of sounds that Runey did not create and only implemented into the code and file structure of the game. This is assuming that most people like having sounds, you are not speaking for most people, you are speaking for yourself under a pretense of most people when that simply isn't true or more games would have sounds like you want and Harem Hotel would already have them because Runey would see that it is popular. I have total faith in Runey, and sorry to say this Runey, but not everyone does and his talent and experience alone are NOT enough to carry this game.

I would love to hear Emma's voice match her personality, but even among the big developers with the money to pull in major voice actors, a voice matching the face of a character is EXTREMELY rare. One of the biggest complaints about voices in anime is, in fact, that their face and their voice do not match. You can't take a girl with a cute face who would look like she has some high pitched, girly voice and give her some husky, low pitched voice instead. The difference is incredibly jarring in a VERY bad way.

Not having sounds doesn't drop their importance or quality, what DOES drop those is focusing way too much time, money, and effort on them when, in the VN side of things, the story is more important than anything else, which is something Runey has already recognized and is doing an amazing job at making. This is a VISUAL novel, not an AURAL novel. It is meant to be read, not heard.

An upgrade to its reputation is once again assuming a majority of people like the kind of thing you do, that is not the case. It is also a potentially fatally incorrect assumption that this would be good for income. You do know it's you and maybe two other people who have spoken positively for voices being added, right? You can't speak for the majority of this game's players being in favor of your idea just like I cannot speak for the majority being opposed. Only maybe six people total have spoken on the subject and three of them are against it as of this comment, but there are literal hundreds who have not been heard and the majority of players in general, not necessarily this game's players, typically are against such an idea.

Exactly, it doesn't matter if you can mute the sounds if they will still impact development of the game just by being implemented.

Definitely a waste of resources, without a doubt, to only implement sex sounds. Runey would be better off committing to a full voiced game.

A lot of resources AND a lot of time, what you said here is the kind of time and effort I'm talking about that would take away from content development.

I could definitely see voice actor hate, at least if the names get credited, especially some of the major ones and one of them in particular that has been in some trouble with the court of public opinion over the last couple years.

That second bullet point is my main concern, it takes time away from content development and potentially stretches Runey too thin to maintain quality at the current level.

Another good point on the third bullet point, availability could massively delay the game and delays are a VERY real threat to funding a Patreon funded game.

No, I don't see a benefit that outweighs the risk involved here. I also don't think the timing is right, at the beginning or at the end are optimal in this case because then there is no content to get in the way of at the end and very little code to rework at the beginning. Exactly on the last part here, he should at least have all the lines done before implementing voices because then he can script the whole thing for the voice actors and doesn't need to worry about doing it in chunks with potentially multiple times having to hire people. He could hire them once for a single run of the entire game to solve the availability and other timing issues.

Agreed, short term periods are best for doing voice work for the reasons above.

Very true, Runey and ONLY Runey can make any sort of call or see what his vision is for the game and it may or may not include voice work. To be fair, it isn't just Squall14, but there aren't very many, maybe three including Squall14 have spoken positively of adding voices while most people are either against it or silent, most being silent.

For me, I would not just mute the game, it is gone if voices happen in sex scenes. I MIGHT enjoy the story voices IF and ONLY IF the voices match the faces, which is already a difficult task for large companies and is VERY rarely successful.

I do believe Runey has spoken on the subject of volumes or chapters and said no to the idea on a per game basis. Most people do prefer having all their content in one place for easier access, so at this point, it may not be a good idea. Not to mention the restructuring he would have to do to existing content and code and how it would negatively affect this style of game.

Indeed, the AAA side has way more money and way more access to voice talent to work with. Single person developers don't have that money or access and, unlike AAA developers, are beholden to the likes and dislikes of their patrons because that is their one source of income for the game to be funded by.

Muting would depend on the voice, if it fits, I might keep it on. Sex audio is absolutely a deal breaker, though, and would mean bye bye Harem Hotel without hesitation. I am not a yes man, I am not a superfan, and I am not afraid to put my foot down against something. If something is objectively wrong or I just don't like it, I will act accordingly.
God damn why you always have to make a dictionary out of it xD If i can be the messenger for those who wants them sounds on or those who are too shy to ask for it, i'll be it. But i won't force anything. It's all up to Runey and i know it would be an enormous job (probably his perdition, probably his triumph), so i won't ask for anything else. I am done with all of this and the only thing i can do is hope and dream. I don't wanna continue this never-ending debate because you only fear for the worst. I'm only here to speak the truth and say my honest opinion about it. I know there are people who feels or who will feel the same as i do. My only goal here is to have them have a greater experience and enjoyment than i had when i first play it. That is all. And....... my dud. We should drink sometime and get yourself a girlfriend. You'll see it ain't that bad ;)


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I'm sure there will be less problems with people complaining about size (of the files, at least;)); however, I have to wonder how often we'll be having to teach people how to install the update files.
That is a question I wouldn't ask and I won't like any of the answers it will have, because 0 would only be possible in a ideal world.;)
Using my experience in the Koikatsu, AI Shoujo, and Honey Select 2 threads, I can guess it is going to be a VERY frequent occurrence that people will need to be taught how.

There is one thing that's been bugging me about this game. Given that the MC openly acknowledges that he newer uses condoms ever is there something we should know? I mean most games don't use them but we know it's just porn logic at work. Here though the MC made a point of acknowledging that. And with his porn logic infinite libido he's shot off so many loads into these girls that you could fill a bathtub or ten. Even if we just go by the official scenes. So like, IS he shooting blanks and knows it?

That would certainly make for an interesting ending...

The above post was humorous in nature and should not be taken seriously. Doing so might result in annoyance, heartburn, implosive incontinence, cancer of the mouth, crotch rot and incurring the wrath of Beowolfs lesser known second cousin twice removed who works as a trucker in Ingushetia. Humour is not for everyone. Consult your clown before replying.
I have no idea why, but I read this in the usual prescription drug voice where they're listing off the things that you should talk to your doctor about and it is hilarious.

I am not going to hold my breath on that one, not even if the instructions are clearly posted in the OP.
Wait, there's an OP? What OP? I don't see an OP anywhere. :p (Just so nobody thinks this was serious, I am indeed joking)

No! No, Gawd, NO! Not the poor update fairies?!?!?!
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Those monsters, causing those poor fairies to lose their wings like that with the utterance a single question. (again, Joking, please don't kill me)

I think the first mistake would be assuming they even bother to look at the instructions. It's even worse given that I'm assuming you'll still need the original game installed to use the update "patch" (if I understood what Runey said).
This is factually true. A number of studies have been done to prove this. I am also aware of a lot of anecdotal evidence of programmers including things like "If you read this far and email me I'll send you 100$" into their instructions. And nobody ever does.

For some reason people just don't read manuals EVER. Until they get lost and need to find a specific thing explained that is. Than they do, but they only ever flip to that page.
In my experience, it almost seems like people prefer to jump to the back of the thread immediately or some other thing that avoids the OP entirely.

God damn why you always have to make a dictionary out of it xD If i can be the messenger for those who wants them sounds on or those who are too shy to ask for it, i'll be it. But i won't force anything. It's all up to Runey and i know it would be an enormous job (probably his perdition, probably his triumph), so i won't ask for anything else. I am done with all of this and the only thing i can do is hope and dream. I don't wanna continue this never-ending debate because you only fear for the worst. I'm only here to speak the truth and say my honest opinion about it. I know there are people who feels or who will feel the same as i do. My only goal here is to have them have a greater experience and enjoyment than i had when i first play it. That is all. And....... my dud. We should drink sometime and get yourself a girlfriend. You'll see it ain't that bad ;)
A lot of things to cover in a comment means a long reply. The thing is, you aren't being a messenger for anyone else, you are expressing your opinion and yours alone under a, currently, factually untrue pretense that most people want it. There have now been maybe seven people who have answered whether they would want any kind of sound and four of them have said no.

It is all up to Runey, you're right about that and, so long as sex sounds are not included, especially sounds other than voices, I might consider staying, but I won't stick around if sounds are added AND among them are sex sounds of any kind, voice or otherwise. I won't try to stop him, but I won't support it in any way, including playing the game. I don't fear for the worst, I follow precedent, and precedent says he probably shouldn't do that because delaying, which could very easily happen due to having to coordinate with the voices and having to stop developing actual content to implement the sounds, could cause a serious loss of players that could, and likely would, include patrons. For a game, that is the absolute worst thing that can happen. If you don't want to continue, that's fine by me, but just so you know, I do respond to any and all comments directed at me if I notice them.

Truth and opinion are not the same thing, what you are speaking is pure opinion, which is totally alright, but don't try to pass it off as truth, that never goes over well with other people. There actually are other people, like I said, I have seen maybe two other people say they would want it, which means, yes, there are other people, but not the majority.


Oct 18, 2018
Is there any way to anonymously support this game without a credit card? One of the few projects I feel compelled to throw some money at to show my appreciation.
At some point, somewhere along the chain, a bank account or credit card number will need to be used to send funds to the dev.
Best I can think of would be using cash to buy one of those pre-paid gift/debit cards from a store that has a visa or mastercard logo on it so it can be used for online purchases? Just need to remember to read the packaging before buying the card. Some of them will require you to fill out an online form and give them your real name and stuff while some others don't require any of that. IIRC the ones that dont normally require you to ID yourself are one time gift cards that can't be refilled.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
God damn why you always have to make a dictionary out of it xD If i can be the messenger for those who wants them sounds on or those who are too shy to ask for it, i'll be it. But i won't force anything. It's all up to Runey and i know it would be an enormous job (probably his perdition, probably his triumph), so i won't ask for anything else. I am done with all of this and the only thing i can do is hope and dream. I don't wanna continue this never-ending debate because you only fear for the worst. I'm only here to speak the truth and say my honest opinion about it. I know there are people who feels or who will feel the same as i do. My only goal here is to have them have a greater experience and enjoyment than i had when i first play it. That is all. And....... my dud.
So, all of those people who want those sounds are liking your comment then, since they are too shy to comment themselves?

There might be some others who want it too, my coder is one of them, but they are the silent minority (irony).

This "truth" you speak, is telling us that we want something we don't. Might as well be Hazel, telling us and the elves that we are all secretly worshipers of her god, but are lying to ourselves and others, because we want to sin. Gaius(sp) wrote his word on our hearts, so even if we had never heard of him before, we are really his followers, but just can't admit it.

There are many reasons why only a handful of games here have voices, but most of it boils down to it not being worth the time, cost, and space, for the few people who require such things. Most of us are either indifferent, realize the cost is too great, or prefer silence. In fact, many of us mute the audio that is already there, and consider that, more or less, a waste of resources.

I remember a ton of complaining on one game, when they decided to delay their update so they could add some basic audio. Few people wanted it, and those that did, didn't want to wait another month or so for that extra work to get finished. People generally care far more about a faster update, than they do hearing any audio.
Sure, if someone uploads the unmodded input_code.rpy for this version. I'm in a place where I don't have the data to download the whole game.
Don't have one, I have 3 called input_code.rpyc though...


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
So, all of those people who want those sounds are liking your comment then, since they are too shy to comment themselves?

There might be some others who want it too, my coder is one of them, but they are the silent minority (irony).

This "truth" you speak, is telling us that we want something we don't. Might as well be Hazel, telling us and the elves that we are all secretly worshipers of her god, but are lying to ourselves and others, because we want to sin. Gaius(sp) wrote his word on our hearts, so even if we had never heard of him before, we are really his followers, but just can't admit it.

There are many reasons why only a handful of games here have voices, but most of it boils down to it not being worth the time, cost, and space, for the few people who require such things. Most of us are either indifferent, realize the cost is too great, or prefer silence. In fact, many of us mute the audio that is already there, and consider that, more or less, a waste of resources.

I remember a ton of complaining on one game, when they decided to delay their update so they could add some basic audio. Few people wanted it, and those that did, didn't want to wait another month or so for that extra work to get finished. People generally care far more about a faster update, than they do hearing any audio.

Don't have one, I have 3 called input_code.rpyc though...
That complaining is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about that I don't want Harem Hotel or Runey to have to endure, as it is now, that doesn't have to happen. Unfortunately, it comes hand in hand with adding things that just aren't that popular, especially when the amount of actual story content being added is cut down during the implementation.
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