
Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
theres your fighting scene you said did not exist View attachment 1517369
You said " a the party she was fighting elves aka hostile (though the elve did not help) "
I said I didn't know what you meant.

But since you went to back to that event to find that screenshot, I'm sure you'll have also noticed why she was fighting the Drow.
Android asked for money. She said "Give me your money please. I need some."
The humans started freaking out, because androids never talk to people like that, and they never ask for money. So Cornwall's friend told the Drow to attack our Android.
Android was not hostile.

this is the part where hannah for the second time goes strongly against maria something that the main character would definitely have picked up on as hannah is the one with experience. and i will get a pic of hannah and main characters you should not do it later as i dont have a save anywhere near it
View attachment 1517371
I am aware Hana tries to get Maria not to go, I mentioned this earlier.
But Hana doesn't give Maria a good reason not to go. So without any reason not to go, they go. This is what is known as "foreshadowing"

I am not sure what you're trying to accomplish right now.
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
theres your fighting scene you said did not exist View attachment 1517369 this is the part where hannah for the second time goes strongly against maria something that the main character would definitely have picked up on as hannah is the one with experience. and i will get a pic of hannah and main characters you should not do it later as i dont have a save anywhere near it
View attachment 1517371 things that should have easilly tipped off the main character to her being a half elf in combination with the other rather suspicious not telling you everything
View attachment 1517401
Many of us saw this coming, but not everyone. The MC is in the camp that did not.


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Many of us saw this coming, but not everyone. The MC is in the camp that did not.
Honestly thought it would come out she is the daughter of a madman that got orphaned because they just put her away like trash that they thought she whas or something else.
I am not saying that she is but that it can really hurt when the people they brought you to the world and gift you live call you a mistake or even worse.
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Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Honestly thought it would come out she is the daughter of a madman that got orphaned because they just put her away like trash that they thought she whas or something else.
I am not saying that she is but that it can really hurt when the people they brought you to the world and gift you live call you a mistake or even worse.
Yeah, I didn't think many people saw this twist coming. From most of the reactions I saw, people were surprised. Except for those who saw that one line hidden away in Maria's pinups.
But if you were able to connect the dots before it happened, nice! I like placing stuff like that around for players to find and connect.
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
Yeah, I didn't think many people saw this twist coming. From most of the reactions I saw, people were surprised. Except for those who saw that one line hidden away in Maria's pinups.
For me, looking backwards, the hints were there and not that difficulty to see if you knew what you are looking for.
Yet, as much as I wasn't looking for I was also trying to ignore it, I assume, at least on a subconscious level.
I have connected to their story over the process of the game and the last I would like to see to happen to them would be that they are getting harmed. So I don't go an imagined what bad can happen to them instead of positive possibility.
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Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
I think its the red herring that throws most people off.
When Maria is talking about her eyes being purple. Yes, it indicates that an ancestors of hers was an elf. But you consider the eye colour being expressed several generations down the bloodline. You don't expect it to be so recent as to possibly be from one of her parents.
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I think its the red herring that throws most people off.
When Maria is talking about her eyes being purple. Yes, it indicates that an ancestors of hers was an elf. But you consider the eye colour being expressed several generations down the bloodline. You don't expect it to be so recent as to possibly be from one of her parents.
Yeah, that was one of the clues, that was also made fuzzy by talking about how many others have it, and how much better Ashley's were (full dark elf).


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
I think its the red herring that throws most people off.
When Maria is talking about her eyes being purple. Yes, it indicates that an ancestors of hers was an elf. But you consider the eye colour being expressed several generations down the bloodline. You don't expect it to be so recent as to possibly be from one of her parents.
Elvish eyes stick around for a very, very long time. Ashley actually has pure dark elf eyes, but of course she's much less dark elvish than Maria.
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
One thing that puzzles me, why are half elves considered way below elves in this society? Pretty much excluded from everything.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
One thing that puzzles me, why are half elves considered way below elves in this society? Pretty much excluded from everything.
Guessing that goes back to that whole 'bestiality' thing we were talking about before.

There is also the loophole in the law that Cornwall left when he gave rights to the elves.
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Corvus Belli

Nov 25, 2017
I am looking at the code right now, there is not an option to say it's a bad idea, because why would there be?
There should have been an option to tell her it was a bad idea, because she was obviously a half-elf. Hell, up until her insistence to go to get a blood test, I assumed she knew she was a half-elf.
Since I'd picked up on the clues up to that point, I figured that was the intent; that the player (and the MC) would suspect that she was a half-elf. As a result, when she discussed going to get a blood test, I expected a "Are you kidding, Maria?" option. But apparently, the MC is a moron, who is unable to pick up on clues.
The attached screenshot is from September 2019, though I think I'd noticed maybe six months before that. Given that I knew her heritage for nearly two years, to then have an event where I had no choice but to say "sure, let's go get your blood tested, even though I know that's a terrible idea", was a little aggravating.
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Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
There should have been an option to tell her it was a bad idea, because she was obviously a half-elf. Hell, up until her insistence to go to get a blood test, I assumed she knew she was a half-elf.
Since I'd picked up on the clues up to that point, I figured that was the intent; that the player (and the MC) would suspect that she was a half-elf. As a result, when she discussed going to get a blood test, I expected a "Are you kidding, Maria?" option. But apparently, the MC is a moron, who is unable to pick up on clues.
The attached screenshot is from September 2019, though I think I'd noticed maybe six months before that. Given that I knew her heritage for nearly two years, to then have an event where I had no choice but to say "sure, let's go get your blood tested, even though I know that's a terrible idea", was a little aggravating.
Well, let's be honest, the percentage of us that figured it out ahead of time is not that big.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Can you point out every time MC has said "No, you cannot go."? Because unless I've forgotten something, MC has only been supportive to Maria. Maybe you didn't want her to go, but MC never said it was a bad idea. Maria just wants to find out who her parents are, and MC has been fine with that.

The only person who discouraged her and wanted her to not go was Hana. She knew what might happen, but she gave no solid reason. So why wouldn't Maria want to find her parents? Seriously, what is wrong with that? She's an orphan, there's nothing wrong with trying to find out who your parents were.

I understand you don't like how I made you feel with the story, but Harem Hotel was never all about fluffy lighthearted content. This game covers serious topics.
Exactly, Maria had no reason to call off her plan up until the moment she was tackled to the ground, by which point it was far too late.

its extremely lazy bs if you really think there are no other ways. if you really think there are no other ways to go about it you are just refusing to put in the effort to think of other ways to get the story done. if maria goes at it alone and learning a lesson to just trust the people who actually know whats going on or the mc going with her yes he can be annoyed in both options. in one of the 2 scenarios she learns something and in the other one she gets supported in her actions basically making the mc responsible for maria turning into a slave as he okayed what was going on. though if the mc just opened his mouth and told her she might be half elf (something which the possibility was rather large and clearly visible with the info given to the mc) would have made maria change her mind simple as that. it makes the mc feel unrealistic tbh. the pieces where all there yet he did nothing but support her. even weirder is that he did not pick up on hannah either while she basically told him she was half elf at the food joint. the kidnap plot would fit the world of the game and the rage would still be with the slave market owner (who i cant be bothered to remember his name) the rage was according to the game not as much with the hospital as with the slave market itself as he did nothing for half elves and only for elves. the only rage the story throws at the hospital is for starting the training as soon as the mc is thrown out of the hospital. the story hinges on marias enslavement ? have yet to see any evidence of that as after her enslavement she just returns to the bar as if nothing happens. even if it hinged on her getting enslaved there are millions of ways to do that with the same effect worse or far less. its not as if maria is hiding that she might be half elf even if she does not know herself. even if nothing is said its quite easy to determine that the possibility of her being half is rather large. for example the slow learning the purple eyes and being dumped at a orphanage which has already been said in story that it would be easy enough to clip the ears and dump them so they might lead a normal life. way to easy to pick out the half elf in her. not thinking about other possible options is lazy. as i said before i would have loved to just let her go on her own and make her own mistakes. not like getting a cold shoulder would be anything new for her
No, what would be extremely lazy is just to not do it at all and then just write in that the MC is now pissed at Cornwall for some now unknown reason. There literally is no other way because any other way to write it in has too little effect on the characters' emotions, has too little effect on the players' emotions, or ends up with the MC's anger directed at the wrong character. There is no lesson to learn, she already trusts the MC, but she made up her mind and was going to go because there was no reason not to until she was already tackled to the ground. She was only going for a test to find her parents, there's no reason not to do that, or so they thought at the time. No, the MC is not responsible for Maria being enslaved, Syl'anar is responsible. It is Syl'anar's slave trade that enslaved her, not Maria's, not the MC's. He wanted her to be happy and she was going whether he okayed it or not. He literally has no authority over her, he's not her parent and she isn't under the age at which parents are responsible, what she does is her choice to make and hers alone. No, even the potential that she is enough of an elf to be enslaved wouldn't change her mind, her mind was made up, she was going no matter what. Besides, him telling her that she could be enough of an elf to be enslaved is speculation at best before they get to the hospital. The MC doesn't have the technology to test her DNA and neither does Maria, so she'd be risking not finding her parents all on the chance she's enough of an elf to be enslaved. For something as big as finding one's parents, a chance like that is worth the risk. Yeah, the kidnapping would fit the world, but it would direct the MC's anger at the wrong people. He was meant to get angry at Cornwall and the hospital staff, which is what happened as it is now. Yeah, we have yet to see evidence because there hasn't been an update yet with the next part connected to the hospital event. I specifically said it is the cause of future events, meaning events that haven't happened. Runey set up a cause for something big to happen in a later updated. Nope, Maria wanted to find her parents, so the place to do that is the hospital, where DNA can be tested for genetic connections between people. Hence it was the only way this could have happened. Letting her go on her own would be ten times worse because then it would make both the MC and some players regret not being there for her.

Again, if you don't like it, you don't have to read it, nothing is going to come up later requiring you to know what happened at the hospital. You could just skip over that text and move on to characters and plot lines you want to see, nobody is forcing you to read this part of the game.

She was having fun, she was not being hostile. Her actions were bad, yes, but her intentions were not. That's why MC and Kali set her straight instead of disabled her.

Not sure what you mean about fighting elves.

No. I am not going to make Maria's story involve MC selling her body.
Good to hear, I'm normally all for that kind of content, but the hospital scene seems to have triggered a desire to protect Maria greater than any of my usual content desires.

It's almost like Runey wants to make the game his way and people for some reason don't like that...
That sounds exactly like the issue at hand. I can't see any actual issues with the scene in question, only some personal ones. Not everyone is going to like that kind of thing just like not everyone is going to like other parts. It is a lose/lose scenario to try and please everyone.

I think that it is absolutely hilarious that people are argueing with Runey, the creator of the game about what is in the game.
It's like argueing with god over what his motivation for creating the platypus was.
I mean, Runey literally has the code at his fingertips, so there's no getting an argument about certain options existing or not past him. He's also the writer, meaning he also has all the existing plot details at his fingertips as well. These people literally cannot win this argument.

I mean, wouldn't you ask him?
Ask? Yes. Deny the answer given after asking or assert that it happened a certain way or should have? No.

The only solid thing on Maria to know she has elvish DNA is the elvish eyes. It has never been stated that Maria learns slower, actually the opposite has been written. Maria is very smart and has mentioned she loves learning.

As is written on the Harem Hotel wiki, Maria had a 4.2 GPA
Which is not an easy task to maintain and someone who learns slowly would not have even an averagely easy time with it. It would be an even more difficult task for them to maintain that.

theres your fighting scene you said did not exist View attachment 1517369 this is the part where hannah for the second time goes strongly against maria something that the main character would definitely have picked up on as hannah is the one with experience. and i will get a pic of hannah and main characters you should not do it later as i dont have a save anywhere near it
View attachment 1517371 things that should have easilly tipped off the main character to her being a half elf in combination with the other rather suspicious not telling you everything
View attachment 1517401
The Drow is at fault for the first one.

That second one is rather vague, she doesn't exactly say who will hurt her or how in that line. It could easily mean that the results of the test, not including her level of Elven DNA, will hurt her. It could mean that she could find a lead on her parents only to find out that they are total assholes. Finding out who your parents are can be a VERY negative, emotionally painful, and possibly even traumatizing experience.

The third one is also similarly vague.

I think its the red herring that throws most people off.
When Maria is talking about her eyes being purple. Yes, it indicates that an ancestors of hers was an elf. But you consider the eye colour being expressed several generations down the bloodline. You don't expect it to be so recent as to possibly be from one of her parents.
Exactly, which means there was a chance she was not eligible for enslavement before it happened.

There should have been an option to tell her it was a bad idea, because she was obviously a half-elf. Hell, up until her insistence to go to get a blood test, I assumed she knew she was a half-elf.
Since I'd picked up on the clues up to that point, I figured that was the intent; that the player (and the MC) would suspect that she was a half-elf. As a result, when she discussed going to get a blood test, I expected a "Are you kidding, Maria?" option. But apparently, the MC is a moron, who is unable to pick up on clues.
The attached screenshot is from September 2019, though I think I'd noticed maybe six months before that. Given that I knew her heritage for nearly two years, to then have an event where I had no choice but to say "sure, let's go get your blood tested, even though I know that's a terrible idea", was a little aggravating.
The only real sign of her Elven heritage is her eyes and eyes stick around a long time, meaning they don't make a good indicator alone. Hana tried to tell her it was a bad idea already, but she never told Maria WHY it was a bad idea.

Corvus Belli

Nov 25, 2017
Well, let's be honest, the percentage of us that figured it out ahead of time is not that big.
I honestly figured it was the majority of people.
Hence, to be told "let's go get my blood tested, I'm sure nothing horrible can come of that" and not have an option to say "no, Maria honey, that's a terrible idea." was aggravating. I'd have liked to try and talk her out of it, even though the event would still require her to go to the hospital, because there are no branching paths to this VN. But at least I'd have felt less passive about letting her walk to the slaughter.
Having said that, I know why there couldn't be an option to say "no, Maria honey, that's a terrible idea, because you're clearly a half-elf", because for some people that option would have come out of left-field.

The only real sign of her Elven heritage is her eyes and eyes stick around a long time, meaning they don't make a good indicator alone. Hana tried to tell her it was a bad idea already, but she never told Maria WHY it was a bad idea.
Actually, her eyes weren't how I knew she was a half-elf at all; elven eye colours are too common to even be tertiary evidence.
And yet, I did know, for literally years before "the reveal". If I could pick up on the other clues and work it out, I figured so could the MC.
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Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2019
Exactly, which means there was a chance she was not eligible for enslavement before it happened.
Probably not. I would imagine that the genetic testing would be very specific, as I would imagine that quite a sizeable portion of the population might have elf DNA. So they probably look for certain genetic markers in a similar manner to those ancestry/ethnicity dna testers. It might even be something like specific elf markers in the blood.

Lets just say that in our world, someone does a DNA test and finds they've, I don't know, 12% Greek DNA. That means that you are going back 3 generations of genetic material and looking at 8 great grandparents.

In the Harem Hotel universe, there's probably a cut-off point, like if someone has 3% Elf DNA, they're not going to enslave them because 5 generations back, one of their ancestors was an elf (thats 1 person out of 32). And I would imagine that cut-off point is either parents or grandparents.
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Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
There should have been an option to tell her it was a bad idea, because she was obviously a half-elf. Hell, up until her insistence to go to get a blood test, I assumed she knew she was a half-elf.
Since I'd picked up on the clues up to that point, I figured that was the intent; that the player (and the MC) would suspect that she was a half-elf. As a result, when she discussed going to get a blood test, I expected a "Are you kidding, Maria?" option. But apparently, the MC is a moron, who is unable to pick up on clues.
The attached screenshot is from September 2019, though I think I'd noticed maybe six months before that. Given that I knew her heritage for nearly two years, to then have an event where I had no choice but to say "sure, let's go get your blood tested, even though I know that's a terrible idea", was a little aggravating.
The only clue about elf heritage is her eyes, and Runey, the games creator, explained that the feature of the eyes can stick around a long time.
In otherwords, many generations, as also pointed out by the fact that Ashley is less than half elf. In other posts Runey also states that elf colored eyes are not uncommon amongst the citizens,.
That means that eye color means nothing, and is not a way to spot elves, only someone, who at some point in their ancestory has had an elf ancestor.

Elvish eyes stick around for a very, very long time. Ashley actually has pure dark elf eyes, but of course she's much less dark elvish than Maria.
Arguing with the creator of the world that the game takes place in, because you don't like the way they chose to do something, makes very little sense, since the dev has already given their reasons for doing it that way.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
There should have been an option to tell her it was a bad idea, because she was obviously a half-elf. Hell, up until her insistence to go to get a blood test, I assumed she knew she was a half-elf.
Why would she want to enslave herself then?

Since I'd picked up on the clues up to that point, I figured that was the intent; that the player (and the MC) would suspect that she was a half-elf. As a result, when she discussed going to get a blood test, I expected a "Are you kidding, Maria?" option. But apparently, the MC is a moron, who is unable to pick up on clues.
But you only found out that half dark elves age at roughly the same rate as humans after it was revealed she was a half elf. She's also very smart and doesn't have elf ears. Most logic prior to the reveal suggests she's just a normal human except for some threads included. To say it's obvious to the point it should have been included is disingenuous.

The attached screenshot is from September 2019, though I think I'd noticed maybe six months before that. Given that I knew her heritage for nearly two years, to then have an event where I had no choice but to say "sure, let's go get your blood tested, even though I know that's a terrible idea", was a little aggravating.
You didn't know her heritage though, it was only hinted at. As you say yourself, it was "pretty likely" due to what you pieced together. You had no idea it was a fact until I made it one.
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