
Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
I made a rough roadmap for HH. Nothing is set in stone, and things are likely to move around


Kate and Juliet in the hot springs, repeatable.
Hangout outfits for first floor characters.
Pinups for first floor characters.
New outfits for Android, Felicity & Emma.

Add garden, Jin works there.
-Extra income, sell Tinu, Lust cheat, experience (stat) gain.
-Requires maintenance from PC until Jin is hired.
-(Bug Spray, fertilizer)
-Poison for Nia?

-Remake Kali’s boobjob, add new story event.
-Remake Ashley’s movie event
-Remake repeatable content for Android, add freestyle.

Fix early game emptiness, give PC more to do by himself.
-Repair the hotel?
-Exploring the world? (Cafe, beach, City, visual exposition)
-Earn money somehow (PC gigs?)
-Remake “Wear this…” options in kitchen (Lin)


Steam release?
Make all sex optional
Felicity and Emma Lust content
Expand “How are you?” (Say something about recent event(s))
Remake Android’s exhibitionism
Double pinup expansions.
Random events in bar?
-Hire singers, bands?
-Hire strippers?
-Bachelorette party?


Give a cellphone to PC. He gets texts for events, nude selfies, possibly ask where someone currently is.
Music update? Add themed music to go with many or most events AND areas. Cafe, beach, dungeon, and many story events. (This might need to be an optional “DLC” to maintain filesize)


Add strip poker minigame to the bar. A way to gamble money and pass some time.
Training expansions. At least 2, maybe 4 extra scenes for dungeon and exhibitionism content


Autumn’s lust content
New main character


What do you guys think? I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things. Also story content isn't included because that's a given.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2020
about the steam release, the main thing that would worry me about it, is the look of ashley's classroom. I know the cegep (about college equivalent) to witch I went had a mix of auditorium style and traditional classroom. But I heard that anything resembling higschool and had a sexual part get's insta baned without chance of appeal on steam.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
Regarding the garden: I would very like if the elves, mostly the Sanctuary elves (Nia, Siliva, Peni, Ann), but of course Jin and Lin and hopefully Ms Ren too see in it relaxing, discussing or do anything else.

Fix early game emptiness, give PC more to do by himself.
I doesn't remember it that good anymore, but PCs emptiness in the earlier phase wasn't that of an issue for myself
-Repair the hotel?
Would be interesting.

Lin in the kitchen breaking somethings during her (over-)cooking of things. Could be nice side event, her going to the MC confess that she broke the stove and he then reparing it. Depending on how earlier in the game that happens it could be different for a harsh MC or a nice MC. Also if Lin knows the MC more the dialog could change, perhaps even a sex scene or direct card to the dungeon or so on.

Broken shower would also be something. Depending on the gal in the shower, eg. Ashley she could come to the MC demanding he repair the shower and then fuck him sensless for compensation - in her earlier state.
Could also be that Ellen informs him, he goes into the shower and some gal is currently their and react differently in regard to their realationship (eg. throw him out).
-Exploring the world? (Cafe, beach, City, visual exposition)
And interect with all the already existing sidecharacters. Eg. seeing Jia the elve queen from afair or Nia in disguise helping some elf, Autum in their coffeeshop...
-Earn money somehow (PC gigs?)
Leads to the question what will he do to earn money? Only thing I know for certain he is good about is sex and that would make him call boy. The other thing he is good is letting the story envolve and "cure/help" his girlfriends, yet I don't what part time job would be good for this.
-Remake “Wear this…” options in kitchen (Lin)
That would be nice, perhaps even add more options.


Jan 25, 2018
You have me intrigued at strip poker, the wording seems to suggest it might be more along the lines of 'casino' style though. Where you just want to amass money to buy clothing off the girl though.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
It would be free on steam :)
okay, I know this is a pirate site and all, but seriously Runey, sell it on steam at lowest Patreon Sub tier at least.

you DESERVE to make make money just for the lore/story alone, never mind the sex content.

I'd buy it as soon as it was available, heck, I'm sure even your patreon subs would buy it (as at least it would remove the hassle of download size issues)
just make it so that a simple patch unlocks the H-content.

hell, once I have dealt with family issues, I'll be subbing to your patreon anyway.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
okay, I know this is a pirate site and all, but seriously Runey, sell it on steam at lowest Patreon Sub tier at least.

you DESERVE to make make money just for the lore/story alone, never mind the sex content.

I'd buy it as soon as it was available, heck, I'm sure even your patreon subs would buy it (as at least it would remove the hassle of download size issues)
just make it so that a simple patch unlocks the H-content.

hell, once I have dealt with family issues, I'll be subbing to your patreon anyway.
I make more than enough money to be comfortable, as long as Patrons continue to support me, I have no reason to be greedy. That, and I'm not sure Illusion would be happy with me selling their copywritten assets. Stuff like even the house plants. If it's given away for free it can be argued HH is transformative art instead of a commercial product.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2019
perhaps, but the work contained within is entirely due to Runey. Either way, I would suggest Runey looks into it.
Doesn't matter legally at the moment it would be a violation of Illusion and HS copyright nonetheless, even though it seems they are working on it Runey is still at risk to receive a C&D selling it on Steam at the moment.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Most notable results from the polls

1.People are very interested in Lin's story continuing, not as interested in seeing sexual content.

2. Kali enjoyers are basic and they are as equally pumped for story as they are sexual content

3. Autumn outweighs everyone on the polls, people are the most excited to see her development (which is actually surprising to me, in a good way). They are much more interested in her sexual development. But both Sex and Story are the highest in the polls

4. People want more sex with Moon

5. People want more story with Nia

6. People want more sex with Sylvia

7. More people want to fuck the fairies than Juliet (AKA who?)

You can vote here > and here >


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
Most notable results from the polls

1.People are very interested in Lin's story continuing, not as interested in seeing sexual content.

2. Kali enjoyers are basic and they are as equally pumped for story as they are sexual content

3. Autumn outweighs everyone on the polls, people are the most excited to see her development (which is actually surprising to me, in a good way). They are much more interested in her sexual development. But both Sex and Story are the highest in the polls

4. People want more sex with Moon

5. People want more story with Nia

6. People want more sex with Sylvia

7. More people want to fuck the fairies than Juliet (AKA who?)

You can vote here > and here >
Ive not voted but im not to surprised by some of these takings - Lin is probably the main character of the females storywise and is deeply rooted in the elven freedom arc which now overachingly effects most of the cast main and side so id have guessed hers was most likely to be more story vs sex balance (especially as shes been there done it all sexually at this point has she not lol). As for Kali she was always the darling of the polls - great to see Autumn love though as she obv wasnt doing well when i used to vote in the polls on account of being the least sexually active, the more antagonistic to the other girls in the hotel (from a very religious viewpoint) and her story for my own view if thats worth anything is really at an interesting point now with its deeper dealing with her religion actively in the story on screen with of course her sexual activities ramping up nicely as of late too.

What does surprise me though is Moon and Nia being reverse to what id have guessed. Nia has been super story heavy vs sex in her content outright so i feel more would want to screw her by this point as shes been long screen time to warm up to the MC and trust him more. Moon on the other hand i feel has had a sex scene most of the last few updates - theyve been great so i guess not TOO surprising but i feel maybe theyd want more story with her to go alongside that as she seems VERY popular to me as a love interest. Not Lucy levels (i assume she did well in the polls?) but shes up there from how often ive seen others talk highly of her. Ill not talk about the fairies lol - i thought it was a F95 meme but i guess they really do wanna fuck em.

As for me i think id like more story content wise to go to -

1. Ashley - She felt a passenger for several updates and her transition from obsessed Yandere to meek sharing love interest made her a boring character and the story developments bettered other characters not her (like Twins redemption from being bullies to friend with her) but now on to the search for her old nanny i feel shes finally starting to feel like a main character again vs just another side one of many you get to sleep with every now and again.

2. Katie - her autism makes for an interesting take on a love interest i dont think ive seen before in a game. Shes still great fun to be around, i enjoy her characterisation in personality and dialogue as well as of course her recent time being spend with several of the other girls giving her more development into the overarching plotline of the Twins, an excuse to actually remember Juliette is in the game and of course her pre-existing friendship with Ashley and i as recall Maria too should offer plenty of interesting and wholesome content outside the darker deeper storylines which tend to be the main ones.

3. Ann - she was the one who most desired to be loved as much as she was always willing to love her master. She never ever got it and despite you buying her to free her from her old loveless contract she still has to receive any from the MC who normally willingly gives it to practically anyone and with little prompting lol. It was a DELIGHT seeing her get screentime in the last update and i hope its not the last weve seen of her even if its via other characters and not entirely independent to her story (though im sure a date would not be out of the question surely lol). The fact shes my kinda of girl physically yet i have her in the story section is how much faith i have in her being potentially a wholesome character for all i understand shes not high on the priority list for you plotline wise.

As for Sex...

1. Jin. Suprised Runey? lol. Shes still an nymph, the enforced chastity arc is ridiculous and sex could be a great distraction from her withdrawal symptoms but i appreciate you threw the dog a bone with that last choice you gave the player with her in the latest update and youve since said you will be retroactively adding in more content to when she was the mega thicc bombshell we all loved so much. Could the epic year long Skode vs Runey Jin saga finally reach an amicable conclussion? seems like it but in the mean time ill call a spade a spade in the obvious declaration that she is the character i most want sex content added for lol

2. The Bar Milf. The potential with her is endless as she is a non story effecting MILF (the only MILF in fact in the game you can fuck! thats insane thinking about sheer number of love interests!) but we can really have her in sorts of sexy public highjinks as shes a pissed up hussy. Her content has even teased pregnancy - another kink youve yet to fully explore yet and i get that but you can have at least have fun with teasing dialogue regarding it with every creampie filled sex scene you add with her.

3. Android. Of the main cast her sexy time has by far the one to make take the back seat - with Autumn it was excusable but it feel for several updates weve got from a bully arc to a self identity crisis melodrama to wholesome motherly feelings arc with almost no sex in between. Yet she is the one with (optionally) the biggest hooters in the game of the main cast, has the most versatility in what scenes she can offer from femdom content to lactation and her outfits were the most varied for the longest time - the latest update was a delight costume wise for several of the girls but Android was not one of them so perhaps she is next alongside the Twins and Autumn? Ive no idea but shes my pick of the main cast for who i want to see more sex scenes with.

Special mention. The Fairies. Just to troll you for teasing the F95 degenerates who have asked for it and you opened the pandoras box teasing them in the latest update with it. You reap what you sow, Juliettes chastity will remain intact before tiny little invisible cat house residents get in on the action - you monster! haha

By the way teasing aside do you plan on featuring the orcs in the story at all? Are they outwardly certifiably extinct? I think thats the first other race youve confirmed outside of humans and elves is it not? (excluding fairies of course). Despite the plethora of elves i never quite ever labelled this game as a "monster girl" game but i suppose slowly but surely perhaps i should.
Aug 9, 2018
Idk if it's worth bringing up at all, but Autumn's level 22 event
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for me happened way after the actual
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Usually the game is pretty good about making sure to stop and send you to another characters story so they make sense chronologically, so I just thought I'd mention it. Maybe Lin's story should halt until you've gotten to that scene in Autumn's? Not really a big deal either way.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Ive not voted but im not to surprised by some of these takings - Lin is probably the main character of the females storywise and is deeply rooted in the elven freedom arc which now overachingly effects most of the cast main and side so id have guessed hers was most likely to be more story vs sex balance (especially as shes been there done it all sexually at this point has she not lol). As for Kali she was always the darling of the polls - great to see Autumn love though as she obv wasnt doing well when i used to vote in the polls on account of being the least sexually active, the more antagonistic to the other girls in the hotel (from a very religious viewpoint) and her story for my own view if thats worth anything is really at an interesting point now with its deeper dealing with her religion actively in the story on screen with of course her sexual activities ramping up nicely as of late too.

What does surprise me though is Moon and Nia being reverse to what id have guessed. Nia has been super story heavy vs sex in her content outright so i feel more would want to screw her by this point as shes been long screen time to warm up to the MC and trust him more. Moon on the other hand i feel has had a sex scene most of the last few updates - theyve been great so i guess not TOO surprising but i feel maybe theyd want more story with her to go alongside that as she seems VERY popular to me as a love interest. Not Lucy levels (i assume she did well in the polls?) but shes up there from how often ive seen others talk highly of her. Ill not talk about the fairies lol - i thought it was a F95 meme but i guess they really do wanna fuck em.

As for me i think id like more story content wise to go to -

1. Ashley - She felt a passenger for several updates and her transition from obsessed Yandere to meek sharing love interest made her a boring character and the story developments bettered other characters not her (like Twins redemption from being bullies to friend with her) but now on to the search for her old nanny i feel shes finally starting to feel like a main character again vs just another side one of many you get to sleep with every now and again.

2. Katie - her autism makes for an interesting take on a love interest i dont think ive seen before in a game. Shes still great fun to be around, i enjoy her characterisation in personality and dialogue as well as of course her recent time being spend with several of the other girls giving her more development into the overarching plotline of the Twins, an excuse to actually remember Juliette is in the game and of course her pre-existing friendship with Ashley and i as recall Maria too should offer plenty of interesting and wholesome content outside the darker deeper storylines which tend to be the main ones.

3. Ann - she was the one who most desired to be loved as much as she was always willing to love her master. She never ever got it and despite you buying her to free her from her old loveless contract she still has to receive any from the MC who normally willingly gives it to practically anyone and with little prompting lol. It was a DELIGHT seeing her get screentime in the last update and i hope its not the last weve seen of her even if its via other characters and not entirely independent to her story (though im sure a date would not be out of the question surely lol). The fact shes my kinda of girl physically yet i have her in the story section is how much faith i have in her being potentially a wholesome character for all i understand shes not high on the priority list for you plotline wise.

As for Sex...

1. Jin. Suprised Runey? lol. Shes still an nymph, the enforced chastity arc is ridiculous and sex could be a great distraction from her withdrawal symptoms but i appreciate you threw the dog a bone with that last choice you gave the player with her in the latest update and youve since said you will be retroactively adding in more content to when she was the mega thicc bombshell we all loved so much. Could the epic year long Skode vs Runey Jin saga finally reach an amicable conclussion? seems like it but in the mean time ill call a spade a spade in the obvious declaration that she is the character i most want sex content added for lol

2. The Bar Milf. The potential with her is endless as she is a non story effecting MILF (the only MILF in fact in the game you can fuck! thats insane thinking about sheer number of love interests!) but we can really have her in sorts of sexy public highjinks as shes a pissed up hussy. Her content has even teased pregnancy - another kink youve yet to fully explore yet and i get that but you can have at least have fun with teasing dialogue regarding it with every creampie filled sex scene you add with her.

3. Android. Of the main cast her sexy time has by far the one to make take the back seat - with Autumn it was excusable but it feel for several updates weve got from a bully arc to a self identity crisis melodrama to wholesome motherly feelings arc with almost no sex in between. Yet she is the one with (optionally) the biggest hooters in the game of the main cast, has the most versatility in what scenes she can offer from femdom content to lactation and her outfits were the most varied for the longest time - the latest update was a delight costume wise for several of the girls but Android was not one of them so perhaps she is next alongside the Twins and Autumn? Ive no idea but shes my pick of the main cast for who i want to see more sex scenes with.

Special mention. The Fairies. Just to troll you for teasing the F95 degenerates who have asked for it and you opened the pandoras box teasing them in the latest update with it. You reap what you sow, Juliettes chastity will remain intact before tiny little invisible cat house residents get in on the action - you monster! haha

By the way teasing aside do you plan on featuring the orcs in the story at all? Are they outwardly certifiably extinct? I think thats the first other race youve confirmed outside of humans and elves is it not? (excluding fairies of course). Despite the plethora of elves i never quite ever labelled this game as a "monster girl" game but i suppose slowly but surely perhaps i should.
I appreciate the in depth feedback!

Android will certainly be getting new lewd content soon in her story, as it definitely has been a while. I can't shoehorn in a sex event in the middle of a crisis of course, I need to wait until the moment is right, and with Ally growing up, it is now the perfect time to add new sex for Android! She will probably be the focus of v0.16 actually, as she will be getting new outfits in her room and probably in her hangouts (lobby and her room) and getting all the remade content that the first floor girls did in v0.15, and getting freestyle sex, all with multiple breast size options, which is going to be insanely tedious now that I think about it... That's, sheesh, 84 animations. Yeah, I will definitely have to figure out some way to reduce that, like by only limiting the breast size option in vaginal sex, maybe anal too.

Jin will definitely be getting new story content in v0.16 after her transformation to at least introduce her to the garden, but I'm not sure at the moment how her pre transformation content will look or when it will be added, it's just on the list right now and I may not have time in v0.16 for it. We'll see.

The book Autumn was reading about orcs should be taken as seriously as any other religious book. In other words, Cepherus (the druid) should be as real in the players mind as an Orc. Maybe they were both real, or maybe it's just religious nonsense. And that's where I'll leave that.

Lolicon Kami

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
Special mention. The Fairies. Just to troll you for teasing the F95 degenerates who have asked for it and you opened the pandoras box teasing them in the latest update with it. You reap what you sow, Juliettes chastity will remain intact before tiny little invisible cat house residents get in on the action - you monster! haha
Hopefully this content gets added, even if it's one small scene. Rarely any games have fairy sex using 3D models, except for Corrupted Kingdoms (which Arc half-assed caused he wasn't interested in creating the scene).

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Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Idk if it's worth bringing up at all, but Autumn's level 22 event
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for me happened way after the actual
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Usually the game is pretty good about making sure to stop and send you to another characters story so they make sense chronologically, so I just thought I'd mention it. Maybe Lin's story should halt until you've gotten to that scene in Autumn's? Not really a big deal either way.
I usually either lock things behind the required events, or write them in a way where either can be seen in whatever order. I don't remember the specifics off the top of my head, but I think it may make enough sense that Jia attempts to wed Jack Rider and then shortly after also makes that announcement about how good Gaianism is and all that. If it doesn't though, I'll look into a solution.
4.70 star(s) 464 Votes