
Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
This comment is gonna be a short review, I'll do a longer one once my account has permission.

I had real life, a lot of personal changes, a move across country, a new job, and more get in the way of my playing this game back around .10/.11. I recall intending when I downloaded whichever version it was that I was gonna replay from the beginning and give Runey my thoughts on the changes theyd started doing to better flesh out the basic archetypes that Lin, Kali, Ashley, Maria, and Android initially were. However I never finished that playthrough and I don't think I got to say much about it. So this time, I did just that, downloading this latest version day of release here and palying it to completion over the last week or so.

Frankly, I loved it so much more than I used to, and I've always been a big fan. The girls no longer feel like shallow archetypes, but rather real people with personal traumas just trying to find their place in a society that either explicitly makes them outcasts, as with Lin, Android, Kali, and Ashley, or who find themselves able to fit in, but not liking who that makes them, as with Maria, and the clones as soon as they get over themselves. And as the story goes on, exploring how these realities for these characters reach into the core of Syl'anari society and how many of these characters feel a drive to end the systems that caused their pain and trauma, frankly, I can't believe this is happening in an adult game, especially not one as popular as HH.

I've talked two of my roommates' ears off about how well done some of the elements of this game are, in a way I see some people railing against in negative reviews, but have been happy to see so much positivity as well. Despite the fact that they know I'm talking about a porn game, they too are incredulous that it's saying the things its saying while retaining that sexual outlet side of it.

Legitimately well done Runey... I'll probably come back to the discord and talk some more about this in detail later, but I wanted to boost the game here first.
Thank you so much! You're welcome on the discord :)

if you find some kind of solution tell me, it bothers me so much not being able to have fun with her in the hot sprigs after losing the dungoen option
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It's coming! I wanted to do a lot in v0.16 that I just didn't have the time for.

Is the new update only remade content? I like this game, but not enough to replay the whole thing. It'd take forever trying to get back to where I was.
No. Check the patch notes for a list of things added.

EDIT: If I start a new game how much would I need to play through before the end of the remade content? I kind of want to start a new game in a seperate slot, see the remade content, and then jump back to my 15.2 save.
If you tried to speed through the story I would imagine somewhere between 10 - 20 hours. I typically see normal games end at around 60 hours.


Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
So was the exhibition scene for Kali's beach event removed or is it bugged because it says it's opitional in the wiki and mod.
Which mod? The old, incompatible mods version, that gets a Nia bonk for sure?
Or the latest test release that wasn't made for the latest game version, that should give you a Nia bonk too?
Also which version do you play?
And last but not least Wiki's tend to need time to be update with all the information and corrections until the represent are up to date for the latest game version. But in contrast to a mod, with a Wiki everyone can help to bring it up to date and correct errors, false or outdated information. ;)
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Jul 23, 2021
Is the new update only remade content? I like this game, but not enough to replay the whole thing. It'd take forever trying to get back to where I was.

EDIT: If I start a new game how much would I need to play through before the end of the remade content? I kind of want to start a new game in a seperate slot, see the remade content, and then jump back to my 15.2 save.
I ran through the entire game in 48 hours, and I wasn't in any particular rush. I did skip repeatables a lot, but mostly just because I like to grind out stats early so that I can do any variable reliant scenes, like public nudity stuff.

I'm sure that if I was trying to rush through it I could have cut a couple hours of that total. But Runey is probably right with their 10 hour estimate for all the early content, as that includes some remakes involving Lin, Kali, Ashley, Maria, and Android. And there are more remakes coming for Android.

It's worth playing through though. Fleshes out the characters a lot more early on, makes the archetypes they started as into facets of well rounded characters, instead of one note fuckholes.


Jul 23, 2021
She has the cat outfit and had all trainings. I even deleted the last training (on day 220+) and repeated it in hope it would maybe trigger the next event

The mod i added around day 180, means there was a long time in Vanilla 16.1 it doesnt trigger
If you've done all the training, bought the cat outfit, and she has broken all your glassware, then all you need to do is spank her till she fucks you out of frustration.

If you're past that, I'm pretty sure they simply trigger on their own as long as certain girls' stories are far enough along.


Jul 20, 2021
Hello guys i just want to ask for help please can you give me a unzip file for harem hotel i can dl it but I can't unzip it coz of storage shortage it will really help me and the others who don't have enough storage like me thanks for helping me in advance


Jul 15, 2020
Hello guys i just want to ask for help please can you give me a unzip file for harem hotel i can dl it but I can't unzip it coz of storage shortage it will really help me and the others who don't have enough storage like me thanks for helping me in advance
Just delete unnecessary data / files on your drive to free up space. If all of you datas is important, temporarily move some of them to external drives like an USB (or you can upload them to Google Drive (each Google account has 15GB free storage space), after unzip game, delete the .zip file then move your data back from USB to your PC (or download your data from Google Drive).


May 8, 2017
i may have a problem? when i try to use my old save i got an error. can anyone tell if i need to play the whole game from start of is it salvageble?
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