
Jan 27, 2021
Je viens de tester la traduction française est cela ne marche plus avec la mise à jours.
Quelqu'un sais si une mise à jours de la traduction est prévus ?

Merci d'avance
Pour citer le créateur. Il s'agit d'une traduction automatique, je suis donc désolé s'il y a des erreurs : "Nous en avions un il y a longtemps, mais il a depuis complètement abandonné le projet sans un mot. Les progrès qu'il a réalisés ont donc disparu. Depuis, de nombreuses équipes ont été créées pour toutes les langues pour lesquelles les gens se portent volontaires. Je ne suis pas sûr de l'état d'avancement actuel, mais on y travaille."


To quote the creator. This is a machine translation so I am sorry if there are any errors: "We had one a long time ago, but he has since completely abandoned the project without a word. So whatever progress he made is gone. Since then, many teams have been set up for any language that people volunteer for. I'm not sure what the progress currently looks like, but it is being worked on."


May 2, 2017
Too small a town, I would have better luck saving up for a REALLY big 3D printer...

Yes, I need a Real Doll.
What genitalia options?
Headpat edition!
Sorry, that is too lewd for us, next you will be asking for hand holding!!!!!
Honestly.... you'd probably be amazed what college girls will do for their sugar daddies these days. Dress up, and head pats would be easy for them.

Now.. you keeping them, that is your own darn problem. ;)
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Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
Honestly.... you'd probably be amazed what college girls will do for their sugar daddies these days. Dress up, and head pats would be easy for them.

Now.. you keeping them, that is your own darn problem. ;)
He's got a point.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Honestly.... you'd probably be amazed what college girls will do for their sugar daddies these days. Dress up, and head pats would be easy for them.

Now.. you keeping them, that is your own darn problem. ;)
Hehe, yeah, if there was a school near here, that could be an option. XD I am hours from any city.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Well then build your own hotel or school. Rent based on ears and head pats.
I am working on it, but even one room at a time is hard without investors. lol
I can't buy materials or labor with headpats, sadly. :cry:


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Have you tried at the local store? Given the sale lady one thousand headpats? I'm sure something will come out of it.:sneaky::whistle:
Not sure that would go well, besides, headpats are only for good girls. :sneaky:
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