
Dec 8, 2021
Once Stable diffusion AI can remember faces and clothes it would be fun to remaster this with a 2d-3d hyper realistic look.
I hope that day never comes.
For me, a lot of the games charm comes from the fact Runey is making something a bit special within limits. The stylized look of Honey Select let's him get away with the more outlandish elements and even soften some of the darker elements of the story.
I don't think HH would be remotely as appealing if the Graphics were more realistic.
There's a lot to be said for doing the very best you can within limitations.
Just look at the flood of mediocre Daz games that you can't tell apart from one another. But I'll remember HH for being an ambitious as fuck Honey Select game.
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May 18, 2017
I really like the characters and the harem building components of the game, but it also might be one of the most egregious instances of a porn game dev getting way too obsessed with their deep lore. As the game goes on, so many of the quests involve pages upon pages of dry exposition dumps about a world that is more convoluted than complex. I don't think many people turn to a game where you collect and fuck a building full of women to get serious commentary on racism and religion. There are games that are far better suited for that kind of thing that don't need to constantly undercut themselves by adding "and then you had sex with everyone there." Having a bit of fantasy world building for context and setting is good, but let's not forget what this is.


Jan 25, 2021
I really like the characters and the harem building components of the game, but it also might be one of the most egregious instances of a porn game dev getting way too obsessed with their deep lore. As the game goes on, so many of the quests involve pages upon pages of dry exposition dumps about a world that is more convoluted than complex. I don't think many people turn to a game where you collect and fuck a building full of women to get serious commentary on racism and religion. There are games that are far better suited for that kind of thing that don't need to constantly undercut themselves by adding "and then you had sex with everyone there." Having a bit of fantasy world building for context and setting is good, but let's not forget what this is.
I disagree with your framing, but if that is the frame which you are taking then I can't say you're wrong either. It is fair to say this game might not be for you and that's completely OK.

I, however, do enjoy the deep lore, the emotional and modestly realistic depictions and situations which yes are like life, spiced with sex. Yes, it deals with a lot of adult topics; race, religion, slavery, genocide, coming of age, capitalism, etc etc etc. Sure none of them are like Pulzer or Hugo winning depictions but they're not bad either. Passable if you allow for it.

Generally speaking, this world has magic, high technology which is a rare enough setting where those things aren't commingled (yet) even so the closest I've seen in a Final Fantasy and even then that had light commingling magitech.

Now, imma about to be some heretic here, but... I generally don't like elves, or androids, but I enjoy the depictions here beyond the sexual sphere of both Android and Lin. Now for those ready to crucify me. Ashley Best Girl. *shrugs*

So, since you seem so hot about throwing shade, what would you like to see to improve the game? Or maybe you're just some troll who comes in throwing shade without anything to say that could improve the game? "Hurr durr cut content" nah dawg, you'd be ruining the game for a bunch of us if you did; configure the skip to jump the text if all you want is T&A.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2020
I really like the characters and the harem building components of the game, but it also might be one of the most egregious instances of a porn game dev getting way too obsessed with their deep lore. As the game goes on, so many of the quests involve pages upon pages of dry exposition dumps about a world that is more convoluted than complex. I don't think many people turn to a game where you collect and fuck a building full of women to get serious commentary on racism and religion. There are games that are far better suited for that kind of thing that don't need to constantly undercut themselves by adding "and then you had sex with everyone there." Having a bit of fantasy world building for context and setting is good, but let's not forget what this is.
As the game evolved from less of a sandbox and more of a visual novel, story and exposition became more of the focal point and less on the game play elements. Runey has a story he wishes to tell, which makes those elements important if the story is to be told well.

There are many posts over the years and you'll see it nearly always breaks folks down into two categories. "Came for the porn, left because of the story" Vs. "Came for the porn, stayed for the story".

Ultimately it's up to you to decide where on that fence you side, neither is wrong.


Active Member
Feb 23, 2020
Well lets not mix up AVN and Nukige. By definition Nukige is a AVN (if not centered around other gameplay element) but not all AVN are Nukige. If I would put Harem Hotel on an other category (it would be unnamed as I don't have a name for it) it would be an adult game in witch the sex serve the purpose of deepening your relationship with the characters rather than be the goal of the game. Sadly the difference between a nukige and a game like Harem hotel lies more within the player and the line that separate the two can be blurry and different for each individual. It also can be anoying when you want one or the other but end up with what you weren't looking for.

Like Jondoen88 said this might simply be not for you right now.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2020
Well lets not mix up AVN and Nukige. By definition Nukige is a AVN (if not centered around other gameplay element) but not all AVN are Nukige. If I would put Harem Hotel on an other category (it would be unnamed as I don't have a name for it) it would be an adult game in witch the sex serve the purpose of deepening your relationship with the characters rather than be the goal of the game.
I called it a visual novel because Runey specifically calls it a visual novel - just not here on F95 desc. I don't even know what a nukiage is, so I'll refrain from using that as any classification due to my lack of understanding of the term.

From Runey's Patreon said:
Hello! I'm Runey and I'm making Harem Hotel, an Adult Visual Novel with Dating Sim and Training themes.
Going by the patreon posts (too lazy to search the thread right now), v0.15 came out in April 2022 and v0.16 in November 2022.
Runey was also sick for a month or so in 2022 which delayed v16 a bit (not sure by how much, he'd have to confirm himself).
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Active Member
Feb 23, 2020
a Nukige is a game specificaly made to fap. it has it's origins like much of adult gaming in Japanese's culture. I only know the term because I have heard it elsewhere on this forum. for example Granma's house is definitely a nukige. It is not an etiquette that I would slap on Harem Hotel.



Active Member
Aug 22, 2020
a Nukige is a game specificaly made to fap. it has it's origins like much of adult gaming in Japanese's culture. I only know the term because I have heard it elsewhere on this forum. for example Granma's house is definitely a nukige. It is not an etiquette that I would slap on Harem Hotel.



Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
No more fairy wings? And I even got elf juice for sauce.:cry:
Well, it was not a direct question about it, exactly, so it seemed fitting to use the other one this time. Not a change in overall themes. That said, I should make some new ones soon.
For example Granma's house is definitely a nukige.
I have not gotten far enough for that yet... lol
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Jan 19, 2022
I really like the characters and the harem building components of the game, but it also might be one of the most egregious instances of a porn game dev getting way too obsessed with their deep lore. As the game goes on, so many of the quests involve pages upon pages of dry exposition dumps about a world that is more convoluted than complex. I don't think many people turn to a game where you collect and fuck a building full of women to get serious commentary on racism and religion. There are games that are far better suited for that kind of thing that don't need to constantly undercut themselves by adding "and then you had sex with everyone there." Having a bit of fantasy world building for context and setting is good, but let's not forget what this is.
TLDR:Story Bad Porn Good
I disagree with your framing, but if that is the frame which you are taking then I can't say you're wrong either. It is fair to say this game might not be for you and that's completely OK.

I, however, do enjoy the deep lore, the emotional and modestly realistic depictions and situations which yes are like life, spiced with sex. Yes, it deals with a lot of adult topics; race, religion, slavery, genocide, coming of age, capitalism, etc etc etc. Sure none of them are like Pulzer or Hugo winning depictions but they're not bad either. Passable if you allow for it.

Generally speaking, this world has magic, high technology which is a rare enough setting where those things aren't commingled (yet) even so the closest I've seen in a Final Fantasy and even then that had light commingling magitech.

Now, imma about to be some heretic here, but... I generally don't like elves, or androids, but I enjoy the depictions here beyond the sexual sphere of both Android and Lin. Now for those ready to crucify me. Ashley Best Girl. *shrugs*

So, since you seem so hot about throwing shade, what would you like to see to improve the game? Or maybe you're just some troll who comes in throwing shade without anything to say that could improve the game? "Hurr durr cut content" nah dawg, you'd be ruining the game for a bunch of us if you did; configure the skip to jump the text if all you want is T&A.
TLDR:Story Good
As the game evolved from less of a sandbox and more of a visual novel, story and exposition became more of the focal point and less on the game play elements. Runey has a story he wishes to tell, which makes those elements important if the story is to be told well.

There are many posts over the years and you'll see it nearly always breaks folks down into two categories. "Came for the porn, left because of the story" Vs. "Came for the porn, stayed for the story".

Ultimately it's up to you to decide where on that fence you side, neither is wrong.
TLDR:HH is shotgun/buffet covering as much of the bases as possible take what you like … enjoy it and try not to bitch about the parts that don’t matter for you.

I’m 99.5% in love with HH … However I too have caught myself feeling like the story at times is diving a bit too deep down the rabbit hole.

Anecdotally this seems to me to be the rule of thumb regarding development cycle.
-2 updates per year (ish) 3 if nothing interferes (irl,Covid,etc)
-1 update is story focused 70%story/ 30%porn
-1 update is porn focused 70%porn / 30%story
- the overall size of the “new content” over the last few updates has been affected by some rework/smoothing of the past events story.

I completely support how Runey is doing what he does …
My guess part of the reason why he does it this way is keep his interest level up and keep the product as a whole from falling into a “rut” …

I too have minor bitches/whines/suggestions but other than a simple statement of what I would like to see as a development direction. I won’t get upset if Runey chooses to ignore and do whatever they want.
My suggestion is that the next porn heavy update cycle is.

Fill in the empty placeholders in the dungeon content.
The F&E twin dungeon event was amazing and such a tease!!!
IMO the “others>” dungeon tab is missing the following stuff
(put in small font because it’s just my 2¢ and on the whole pretty unimportant !!)

Nia, Sylvia, Ann, Peni, Cira. (Sanctuary)
Moon (bar)
Ellen (Hotel reception)
Jin, Hanna, Lucia (AKA The “roommates”)

The college girls out in the onsen but those girls getting dungeon content is a ridiculous pipe dream (even if Vanessa has the bondage rope tan lines … tease … in place)
More ELF dungeon content! *BEGGING*
Sylvia NEEDS SERIOUS DISCIPLINE!(Bonus* if she realizes she is a pain slut)
Nia can have her ”Every Human is Evil” meter recalibrated & figure out that being in love with one (the MC) is OK.
Jin can develop a healthier sex/life/drug/sister relationship balance

(which is touched on by the Devian’s “Jin’s first anal with MC“ meme)
Jin's first anal event? ...Or so I imagine.
These Elves would happy pleasing the MC in very dirty dungeon ways … as thanks for the rescue from a typical elf slave life (even though by embracing the dungeon the elves are somewhat IN the typical elf slave life (on the surface) but THEY CHOOSE to fulfill the role vs it being forced onto them … but only FOR and BECAUSE of the MC and his hotel sanctuary)

The super dream is EVERY ELF at once + the MC Dungeon Group event

Ann is perfectly ready to be available to the MC in the dungeon … but maybe the MC can force her via Dungeon to admit to more personal interests beyond sex (maybe gardening, cooking, other … (maybe Moon gets her interested in architecture or Autumn gets her into religion) via a shared dungeon experience) granted these rabbit holes would take some story events to create the dungeon intersection of Ann&Autumn or Ann&Moon … just sayin that the options could VERY FUN and could force some depth on Ann the perfect Elf Bimbo!
Just like what’s happening to Jin but without the ugly drugs bit. Iirc Ann is the type of elf whose hormones/drug Jin was supplementing herself with …maybe Jin & Ann could come to a meeting of the sexy minds (and bodies) under dungeon supervision… to Promote the growth of both … maybe Ann would profess to Jin how her bimbo body & dark elf hormones are something she wishes she could be rid of even though that since they are natural to her she doesn’t suffer the added negative effects of memory loss to the degree that Jin does when she self supplements with them & if that was the case for her that she would hate the hormones to an even greater degree and can’t believe that Jin would accept loosing memories of her parents, sister, family.
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Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
Dungeon content can be fun, but I think that to much of it could be detrimental to future events with some characters.

Sylvia is a high born elf: Making her a slave, even in a BDSM environment could have downsides later on.
Yes, I know, BDSM is not the same kind of slavery, but it can be degrading none the less.
Game mission (as I see it): End slavery, free the slaves, and overthrow the government.
If you overthrow the government you will need new leaders. Not just for the human population, but for the elves too.
The current queen, as seen on TV and other public events, is nothing but a puppet, and would not be trusted by the majority of the elves.

The queen on the island is a tyrant, who would not be willing to work with the humans.

Sylvia being high born, would make a great choice for a queen of the elves, and by treating her with respect, while also working with her to break her bad habits of feeling entitled, would have a better chance of earning her trust and respect. Which would make her far more willing to work with humans to build a better world for everyone.

Memories of being spanked and degraded could come back to cause problems later.
So, I disagree with taking Sylvia to the dungeon, unless she wants it.


Jan 19, 2022
Dungeon content can be fun, but I think that to much of it could be detrimental to future events with some characters.

Sylvia is a high born elf: Making her a slave, even in a BDSM environment could have downsides later on.
Yes, I know, BDSM is not the same kind of slavery, but it can be degrading none the less.
Game mission (as I see it): End slavery, free the slaves, and overthrow the government.
If you overthrow the government you will need new leaders. Not just for the human population, but for the elves too.
The current queen, as seen on TV and other public events, is nothing but a puppet, and would not be trusted by the majority of the elves.

The queen on the island is a tyrant, who would not be willing to work with the humans.

Sylvia being high born, would make a great choice for a queen of the elves, and by treating her with respect, while also working with her to break her bad habits of feeling entitled, would have a better chance of earning her trust and respect. Which would make her far more willing to work with humans to build a better world for everyone.

Memories of being spanked and degraded could come back to cause problems later.
So, I disagree with taking Sylvia to the dungeon, unless she wants it.
I totally see where you are coming from …However Sylvia is the absolutely LAST person I would put in that position. Lin or Nia is a billion times better choice.

Putting Sylvia into a leadership role imo is like putting a crack addict in charge of the pharmacy.
Which is why I see her perfect place is in the dungeon content…cold turkey/break/remold her entitled mindset, and expectations and somewhat outside imposed personalty into something more personally true (for her).
The bonus of her releasing herself into a realization that she has deprived herself of pleasure & self knowledge by trying to “fit” into the “I’m royal“ role she landed in by birth.
Even though it isn’t her Real Self (which is why I said bonus if she becomes a pain slut … which is a person that gains pleasure via pain) which currently she adamantly avoids because she currently thinks that’s a “commoner” “not royal” preconception etc etc
Also something to think about regarding dungeon content (even in this fictional world) is that it’s most often completely separate from REAL WORLD day to day. The dungeon door should be considered as a gateway where you can completely shed everything from the other side of the door …
granted …I can see how being an actual slave in a fictional world then being on the surface the same thing on the other side of the door can be nebulous / problematic.

However … look at like this …
Per canon I freed Sylvia,Nia in the R (real) but they pretend as slaves because the W (world) has them as slaves but behind the D (dungeon) they find & determine their authentic self determined selves…in which place are they who they most desire to be??
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Jan 19, 2022
Another way to view Sylvia is as a 2nd or 3rd tier Nepo-baby and she has many many many horrible traits... and I easily see Aryan, Master Race correlations not to mention that by birth she fell into a rut of the mindset that she is to be served … even if she wasn’t at the tip top of that food chain and was being used/disposed of by the queen.

Imo she really doesn’t have any idea who she is …
She only is what she was molded into by birth and by the Queen out on the island.


Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
You forgot that the elves have more than one queen.
Lin would be a great choice for the woodland elves, but Sylvia's people would need a queen too.
Currently, Sylvia would not be a good queen, but given time, and with work, she could be one.
She was one of the high and mighty on the island. She had power and control over other elves.
That was all stripped away from her, so that she is now living on charity and working evenings in a kitchen.
She is seeing life through the eyes of common elves for the first time.
With time, and coaching she could become a far better person, because she is surrounded by great teachers.
MC: has been gaining her respect, so she is starting to trust him and listen to him.
Nia is strong: and can teach Sylvia that some causes are worth fighting for.
Lin is humble: and can teach her that respect and compassion are very important.

As you said, Sylvia has issues, but other people in the game are already showing her very important lessons.
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