
Active Member
Apr 5, 2020
full save please, and could someone recommend more games made with honey select?
There are so many HS games around these parts that you probably have 3 or 4 stuck to the soles of your shoes right now. You gotta be more specific than that. lol

Or just do some "window shopping" around the forums, find one that picks your fancy.


Dec 20, 2019
Social Justice is not an American concept, unless your knowledge of history only goes back to 2016. Your usage of conservativism and everything makes me think this is the case. Most revolutionaries who fought for our freedom are "Liberals" in the global sense (not the modern American-centric sense). Liberal meaning Free. This is where the statue of "Liberty" comes from. AKA, the statue of freedom. To conserve in this case would mean to bring back the monarchies. There is so much more to history than the last 10 years of the US.

The reason we have freedom is in large due to revolutionary protestors overthrowing their governments, mostly violently. Such as the French Revolution, Boston Tea Party, and many many more. None of them were trying to conserve the past or use legal means to gain their freedom, because that fails. People in power don't give up their power from being asked nicely.

The history of liberation and the fight for freedom for all people is what I take inspiration from, going back hundreds of years and all around the world.

Every character faces social injustice, among many other types of injustice, such as political and economic injustice. I wrote MC in a way where he cares about the world through his favorite people because caring about the world first and people second is unfortunately not really how humans work. We're more selfish. Most want to live for their loved ones, you know?

No, they do not want to be "safe", they want to be "free". They are putting themselves in grave danger for freedom.

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Harem Hotel is free and always will be if I can keep it that way. I think all books should be. There are an infinite amount of copies of HH in the digital era. Donations put food on my table, clothes on my back, and well much more. I'm very lucky to not simply survive, but thrive with my work.

90% of each character's story focuses on personal relationships between characters where politics and ideology are in the background. It's all about the characters, first and foremost. If it was not about the characters, I would just cut out the slice of life, character growth, relationship development, drama, sex, outfits, etc etc and cut straight to random people you don't know whipping out the guillotines. But what fun is that? A reader needs to be invested to continue reading, and HH isn't a history lesson or a documentary. Within a story, you cannot jump to the boss fight and retain the same emotional impact and catharsis you would have if you connected to the main characters and want to see them thrive, and the enemy vanquished.

Since most people are probably aware of One Piece, and our stories share similar themes, try considering what that story is about and what it focuses on. The characters are the focus, each one of them has a different political theme (being a slave, being from royalty, being dirt poor, oppressed by the world government, etc) and each one of them has a dream they want to achieve that is prevented by outside forces, and each battle is a battle of ideology in the background. But we fall in love with the characters and their growth first and foremost. How they connect, how they disagree and fight each other, how they grow, how they love. This is a very similar formula to HH.
Honestly, while it's definitely not flawless (won't get into that right now), the political depth of the game is really pretty well thought out I think.
I really like how it (correctly) paints the system as the corrupting force over just a few ill intentioned powerfull people whose removal would right most wrongs in the world.

Personally really wondering if Nia's shenanigans are going to have consequences, especially considering (personal opinion:) I wonder how tenable the sanctuary and her heroism really is, and I wonder if her appearance on Vanessa's radioshow possibly did more harm than good by giving identifiable information on her.

While all the characters are great in their own way and I'm dying to see the development of all of them (both the narrative and personal development, as well as the other kind for some :sneaky:) I personally really hope to see the development of Jin and Sylvia (though Sylvia definitely shows some development already even if she's not the focus character in those scenes)

Also wondering if this is going to be the last we see of Queen Jia. Would really like to see her freed from her plight. Although I would definitely also respect if she's just the unfortunate "permanent" victim of the story, especially given she already has served her narrative purpose to strip Lin of her more "liberal" (modern politics use of the word) tendencies and to abandon more institutional approaches of reform.
So having her simply be one of the unfortunate souls that could not be saved is definitely possible too, and frankly, I'd respect it. It's real. You can't save everyone no matter how much they deserve to be saved.

Additionally, personally wondering if there's going to be any deeper development for the less involved elves in the sanctuary (Ann, Cira, Peni), though of course they're just side characters, but still.

Anyways, game with good narrative, good character development, good but real (including the painful part) politics, and a harem. What more could a man wish for in their adult game :D


Oct 22, 2017
Social Justice is not an American concept, unless your knowledge of history only goes back to 2016. Your usage of conservativism and everything makes me think this is the case. Most revolutionaries who fought for our freedom are "Liberals" in the global sense (not the modern American-centric sense). Liberal meaning Free. This is where the statue of "Liberty" comes from. AKA, the statue of freedom. To conserve in this case would mean to bring back the monarchies. There is so much more to history than the last 10 years of the US.

The reason we have freedom is in large due to revolutionary protestors overthrowing their governments, mostly violently. Such as the French Revolution, Boston Tea Party, and many many more. None of them were trying to conserve the past or use legal means to gain their freedom, because that fails. People in power don't give up their power from being asked nicely.

The history of liberation and the fight for freedom for all people is what I take inspiration from, going back hundreds of years and all around the world.

Every character faces social injustice, among many other types of injustice, such as political and economic injustice. I wrote MC in a way where he cares about the world through his favorite people because caring about the world first and people second is unfortunately not really how humans work. We're more selfish. Most want to live for their loved ones, you know?

No, they do not want to be "safe", they want to be "free". They are putting themselves in grave danger for freedom.

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Harem Hotel is free and always will be if I can keep it that way. I think all books should be. There are an infinite amount of copies of HH in the digital era. Donations put food on my table, clothes on my back, and well much more. I'm very lucky to not simply survive, but thrive with my work.

90% of each character's story focuses on personal relationships between characters where politics and ideology are in the background. It's all about the characters, first and foremost. If it was not about the characters, I would just cut out the slice of life, character growth, relationship development, drama, sex, outfits, etc etc and cut straight to random people you don't know whipping out the guillotines. But what fun is that? A reader needs to be invested to continue reading, and HH isn't a history lesson or a documentary. Within a story, you cannot jump to the boss fight and retain the same emotional impact and catharsis you would have if you connected to the main characters and want to see them thrive, and the enemy vanquished.

Since most people are probably aware of One Piece, and our stories share similar themes, try considering what that story is about and what it focuses on. The characters are the focus, each one of them has a different political theme (being a slave, being from royalty, being dirt poor, oppressed by the world government, etc) and each one of them has a dream they want to achieve that is prevented by outside forces, and each battle is a battle of ideology in the background. But we fall in love with the characters and their growth first and foremost. How they connect, how they disagree and fight each other, how they grow, how they love. This is a very similar formula to HH.
Just wanted to post positive vibes


Jan 19, 2022
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I could do with some more Ann content in the game btw... we need some melanin in the cast.
I appreciate a diversity of skin tones as well … however IMO expanding the representation of the milfy body type is appealing as well … I say this as a die hard “Lin is BEST girl” fanboy.

I’m sure that this update will be much like updates of the past …Runey doesn’t disappoint.

That being said … If I my 2¢ were to be considered I would wish the update would solve the slave/free paths of Nia & Sylvia and how if we get (not)screwed by being a good human. To be rewarded with various H-scenes we have to have a save that we keep them as slaves (which iirc was the non-canon path dunno).

In addition there are IMO huge gaps in some characters dungeon fun times … like most of the girls in the above picture ALL need dungeon content (Autumn I understand her story will get there eventually and I am patient) but Jin, Ann, mgr, Peni (the whole sanctuary) need to be available in dungeon in all the kinky ways!!! ((the Onsen college girls too (but that’s a huge ask/dream)) … lol …

I understand that it’s not my game it’s Runeys I haven’t been following any of the info regarding the content of this release … Runey has the new city exploration… so the direction of this next update is an unknown quantity I look forward to being pleasantly surprised…with whatever shows up. I doubt that it’s a metric Ass ton of H-content but a person can cross their fingers and hope!
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Dec 20, 2019
In addition there are IMO huge gaps in some characters dungeon fun times … like most of the girls in the above picture ALL need dungeon content (Autumn I understand her story will get there eventually and I am patient) but Jin, Ann, mgr, Peni (the whole sanctuary) need to be available in dungeon in all the kinky ways!!! ((the Onsen college girls too (but that’s a huge ask/dream)) … lol …
Well, to be fair, Jin did have dungeon content in the past. It's specifically part of her development to take her out of that environment. So just dumping her back in, while nice for a kink perspective, wouldn't do her character good, nor MC's judgement for doing it.
It'd be the literal equivalent of offering a junky their drug before they've managed to overcome their addiction.

I'm all for Jin content (see my post above), but sending her back into the sex dungeon before having her truly rehabilitated into having a healthy view of sex and sexuality again feels like the wrong way to do it.

As for the other elven girls (the more sexual ones), sure, they probably wouldn't mind the dungeon that much.

Hope for more content on them too, as previously stated.


Jan 19, 2022
Well, to be fair, Jin did have dungeon content in the past. It's specifically part of her development to take her out of that environment. So just dumping her back in, while nice for a kink perspective, wouldn't do her character good, nor MC's judgement for doing it.
It'd be the literal equivalent of offering a junky their drug before they've managed to overcome their addiction.

I'm all for Jin content (see my post above), but sending her back into the sex dungeon before having her truly rehabilitated into having a healthy view of sex and sexuality again feels like the wrong way to do it.

As for the other elven girls (the more sexual ones), sure, they probably wouldn't mind the dungeon that much.

Hope for more content on them too, as previously stated.
I agree with pretty much everything you say above … but regarding Jin & dark elf hormones it’s something of another stab yourself in the foot situation. (Like the light/dark path regarding sanctuary girls) While I appreciate the work that was put into the story and the feels between Lin & Jin regarding the addiction & memory aspect of the addiction.
However the correlation of what is essentially a Hormone replacement therapy being equal to Opiate addiction in order be able to bring in some commentary regarding the real world Scourge of opiates that is mostly caused by greed by assclowns in big pharma like the Sacklers.
I appreciate the effort to bring attention to the issue of addiction but it feels forced like a statement of 2+2=5
AND it costs us a a sexy milfy elf!!!
I doubt that Runey is pushing any agenda other that trying to tell a good story.

I love Jin and pretty much all her HH content I initially liked the commentary and the discussion of addiction. I eventually came to the personal conclusion that it’s quasi-spin to support the story. At least we didn’t get “Tinu Madness” for the corollary to ”Reefer Madness” but weed has finally had its moment of revelation. Specifically how it’s not that much different from alcohol (regarding possible addictiveness and side effects) still there is lots of propaganda & hypocritical legacy reactionary misconceptions…which are being eroded because people have become more educated regarding weed but it also helps that it is profitable to invest in by corporations & individuals.
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Dec 20, 2019
I agree with pretty much everything you say above … but regarding Jin & dark elf hormones it’s something of another stab yourself in the foot situation. (Like the light/dark path regarding sanctuary girls) While I appreciate the work that was put into the story and the feels between Lin & Jin regarding the addiction & memory aspect of the addiction.
However the correlation of what is essentially a Hormone replacement therapy being equal to Opiate addiction in order be able to bring in some commentary regarding the real world Scourge of opiates that is mostly caused by greed by assclowns in big pharma like the Sacklers.
I appreciate the effort to bring attention to the issue of addiction but it feels forced like a statement of 2+2=5
AND it costs us a a sexy milfy elf!!!
I doubt that Runey is pushing any agenda other that trying to tell a good story.

I love Jin and pretty much all her HH content I initially liked the commentary and the discussion of addiction. I eventually came to the personal conclusion that it’s quasi-spin to support the story. At least we didn’t get “Tinu Madness” for the corollary to ”Reefer Madness” but weed has finally had its moment of revelation. Specifically how it’s not that much different from alcohol (regarding possible addictiveness and side effects) still there is lots of propaganda & hypocritical legacy reactionary misconceptions…which are being eroded because people have become more educated regarding weed but it also helps that it is profitable to invest in by corporations & individuals.
I get what you're saying, and I largely agree.
Jin is definitely appealing and it's a shame that the few scenes she has are gone, at least for the time being.

I'm sure we'll get to have some lewd fun with Jin sooner or later, and probably also her dungeon scenes back too, with slightly altered dialogue maybe.
Perhaps she'll catch Lin with MC, and she (Lin) makes it her personal mission to show Jin that you can be horny for MC without devalueing herself.
Frankly it wouldn't be the first nor last and hardly the weirdest case of sisterly love this game has to offer thus far :D

In the meantime though, all we can do is wait.
Do keep in mind that the game isn't finished though, and that what the arc will look like in the final product.
I mean, we had to temporarily part with Maria in the dungeon as well after she was understandibly uncomfortable with being "owned" given the new context that has in her personal life, but she was back soon enough next update, which in terms of raw playtime itself was fairly short.

Jin content feels like it's taking forever now, cause when you're playing update-to-update, it kinda does take forever.
But in the final game, with Jin's arc and recovery (or relapse, who knows) complete, playing from start, especially if you focus on advancing her story mainly, it'll probably be an hour at most of which we'll be deprived of her content.
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Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
Jin content feels like it's taking forever now, cause when you're playing update-to-update, it kinda does take forever.
But in the final game, with Jin's arc and recovery (or relapse, who knows) complete, playing from start, especially if you focus on advancing her story mainly, it'll probably be an hour at most of which we'll be deprived of her content.
Focusing too much on any single character, or characters in the game can cause issues.
Where events will be mentioned during game play that never happened for you, because you did not give the girls equal play time...
Which would then force you to spend exclusive time with necessary characters to trigger that event.
Eventually forcing you to spend most of your time chasing events, that should have already happened for you, but did not, because you focused too much on specific girls.

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