
Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
The more people donate, the faster the new release of the game will come out ;)
Not quite, so long as all expenses are paid, then they're able to treat it as a full time job. Anything more is motivation to keep going.

There should be research how Patreon income affects developers desire to complete game, and what's the "sweet spot". My bet would be around 1000$/month, anything extra and why would any sane person choose to lose his milking cow? Anything less and there would be not enough motivation to work on game and complete it at all.
I know a lot of developers become lazy as time goes on, but this isn't the case for me, as I absolutely love what I do and really enjoy the feedback I get. I've increased my work load and detail as time went on. This year has been rough for me so it's been a bit slower than average but I'm finally back to working. $1,000 a month is not enough for any developer to go full time, especially for someone in America. I would guess $2,500 per month is enough to have all expenses paid and for a developer to treat this as a full time job, which was my original goal and that has been met a long time ago. I think $1,000 a month is not enough for anyone to have a decent life in America as most monthly rent for a bare-bones apartment is $1,500 - $2,000 per month now, unless you live in a very small town. $1,000 per month is less than the federal minimum wage in America. That's not enough for groceries, car payments, gas, utility bills, insurance, and medical bills. That's why so many are having such a hard time getting by and most are in debt. So I would wager $2,500 is the minimum for any developer to treat this as a full time job.
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Dec 1, 2017
So I would wager $2,500 is the minimum for any developer to treat this as a full time job.
Problem is treating developing game like full time job just makes it worse, because why whould anyone want to lose his full time job and start new risky project with probably less income? So developer inclined to stretch time to complete the game as long as possible.

When it's just hobby with not enough money to make living there is desire to grow and improve on his work, attract new people by showing dedication and ability to complete games. Also main work gives financial stability to be less dependent on Patrons opinions and have more creative freedom.

Also let's be honest no porn game developer works 40 hours a week on his game.

As cynical as is sounds imho developers works best when "patreon as full-time job" is just carrot hanging in front of them.
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
I know a lot of developers become lazy as time goes on, but this isn't the case for me, as I absolutely love what I do and really enjoy the feedback I get.
That I can fully attest to it. Runey is one of the, I say, hard working devs. Although even then, this doesn't mean you get updates in constant matter at an useful time table, but not in the case of Runey. He doing 3-4 updates a year with a lot of content and thus, in is in the ranks of dev, I can and will usually say, support him if you want and can.
$1,000 a month is not enough for any developer to go full time, especially for someone in America.
As you say, it depens on where you life. Eg. Switzerland is very expensive. Minimum wage, if their is one in the Canton you life, is at least 3'500 and even with that amount of money at the end of the month you don't have much. (cheap simple one room flat may be already over 600, mandatory health insurance another 300 and so on...)
Especially if you live with minimum wage and around the edge of what is countent as being poor, you don't have reserve. As self-employer that is very risky, thus I would strongly advise to have a little buffer, in case some shit hits the fan.


Harem Hotel
Game Developer
May 17, 2018
Problem is treating developing game like full time job just makes it worse, because why whould anyone want to lose his full time job and start new risky project with probably less income? So developer inclined to stretch time to complete the game as long as possible.
As I stated before, in order to treat this as a full time job, a developer would first need at minimum $2,500 I would guess, for the majority of us. They wouldn't quit their job to start treating their hobby as a job first, their hobby would need to first become a job for the developer to quit their previous source of income. Stretching content doesn't mean you get more money per month, it only means less updates per month. A developer is inclined to release more content as fast as possible to get more eyes on their product.

When it's just hobby with not enough money to make living there is desire to grow and improve on his work, attract new people by showing dedication and ability to complete games. Also main work gives financial stability to be less dependent on Patrons opinions and have more creative freedom.

Also let's be honest no porn game developer works 40 hours a week on his game.

As cynical as is sounds imho developers works best when "patreon as full-time job" is just carrot hanging in front of them.
That's a big misunderstanding of the industry as a whole. Maybe you can say most porn game developers don't work over 40 hours a week, as most can't afford to treat this as a full time job, but me for example, I worked from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep for months when I first started, so much that it started badly effecting my mental and physical health so I had to limit myself to stay healthy. Being creative work, the quality of this product heavily depends on the quality of my state of mind, so more hours spent working will never equate to more quality content. This is the same for any artist. Inspiration doesn't strike at the end of an 8 hour work shift, it strikes at random. Stocking shelves is not the same as composing music or painting a masterpiece. Sometimes I wish I could be told exactly what to do and mindlessly stock shelves because being creative is mentally stressful, especially when people expect you to work as if you are in the fast food industry. It's just not the same.

What you're saying is that a developer should have two jobs and not have any time for friends, family, etc, and that would somehow equate to more quality, but it's the opposite. Keep in mind, I'm a developer with insight into how this works.

That I can fully attest to it. Runey is one of the, I say, hard working devs. Although even then, this doesn't mean you get updates in constant matter at an useful time table, but not in the case of Runey. He doing 3-4 updates a year with a lot of content and thus, in is in the ranks of dev, I can and will usually say, support him if you want and can.

As you say, it depens on where you life. Eg. Switzerland is very expensive. Minimum wage, if their is one in the Canton you life, is at least 3'500 and even with that amount of money at the end of the month you don't have much. (cheap simple one room flat may be already over 600, mandatory health insurance another 300 and so on...)
Especially if you live with minimum wage and around the edge of what is countent as being poor, you don't have reserve. As self-employer that is very risky, thus I would strongly advise to have a little buffer, in case some shit hits the fan.
Yeah lol, one kilogram of peaches in switzerland is like $30 IIRC, but that example is on the higher end and nowhere near average.
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
That's a big misunderstanding of the industry as a whole. Maybe you can say most porn game developers don't work over 40 hours a week, as most can't afford to treat this as a full time job, but me for example, I worked from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep for months when I first started, so much that it started badly effecting my mental and physical health so I had to limit myself to stay healthy. Being creative work, the quality of this product heavily depends on the quality of my state of mind, so more hours spent working will never equate to more quality content. This is the same for any artist. Inspiration doesn't strike at the end of an 8 hour work shift, it strikes at random. Stocking shelves is not the same as composing music or painting a masterpiece. Sometimes I wish I could be told exactly what to do and mindlessly stock shelves because being creative is mentally stressful, especially when people expect you to work as if you are in the fast food industry. It's just not the same.

What you're saying is that a developer should have two jobs and not have any time for friends, family, etc, and that would somehow equate to more quality, but it's the opposite. Keep in mind, I'm a developer with insight into how this works.
From my experience most devs work more than 40 h, some even beside a 100% normal job (because they can't live from it). Pulling a lot of hours per weeks may for some of them work, but from the few example I have and my own experience, as well as general common understanding, working yourself to the bone, will do quite literaly do that.
Yeah lol, one kilogram of peaches in switzerland is like $30 IIRC, but that example is on the higher end and nowhere near average.
I never said otherwise, but I try to talk about the few things, I actually have a clue;)
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Lolicon Kami

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2019
Also let's be honest no porn game developer works 40 hours a week on his game.

As cynical as is sounds imho developers works best when "patreon as full-time job" is just carrot hanging in front of them.

But then again, I bet you that most people in the entertainment industry don't work a traditional 9-to-5 routine either.

Like most sport athletes. They only "work" a few hours a week playing their sport, and none in off-season. You may argue that they work more than a few hours because they train for their sport; yet again, I can argue that Runey probably does alot of things that sparks imagination to "train" for producing the storyline of the game, that doesn't necessarily correlate to literal game-coding.

Or like Stephen King or J K Rowling. Do you really think they structure and work on their books 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year? Creativity doesn't work like that. They probably work insane hours some weeks, hardly any other weeks, and somewhere in the between most other weeks.

A 40 hour week regime is only for the corporate world. IMHO a corporate work schedule has no business in the creative realm, because spontaneity, creativity, and imagination cannot be bounded to a strict regiment.


Active Member
Sep 29, 2023
I can argue that Runey probably does alot of things that sparks imagination to "train" for producing the storyline of the game, that doesn't necessarily correlate to literal game-coding.
Exactly. Even programming in itself is 80% thinking about a problem and possible solutions/implementations, and 20% coding. And when you're self-employed, that 'thinking'-part isn't limited to company time. You're thinking and taking notes constantly because you want your product to be the best it can be. So some might think that Runey is a lazy bum when they see him sitting on the sofa, staring into nothingness... But a brain scan would show he'd be working hard. :ROFLMAO:


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Not quite, so long as all expenses are paid, then they're able to treat it as a full time job. Anything more is motivation to keep going.

I know a lot of developers become lazy as time goes on, but this isn't the case for me, as I absolutely love what I do and really enjoy the feedback I get. I've increased my work load and detail as time went on. This year has been rough for me so it's been a bit slower than average but I'm finally back to working. $1,000 a month is not enough for any developer to go full time, especially for someone in America. I would guess $2,500 per month is enough to have all expenses paid and for a developer to treat this as a full time job, which was my original goal and that has been met a long time ago. I think $1,000 a month is not enough for anyone to have a decent life in America as most monthly rent for a bare-bones apartment is $1,500 - $2,000 per month now, unless you live in a very small town. $1,000 per month is less than the federal minimum wage in America. That's not enough for groceries, car payments, gas, utility bills, insurance, and medical bills. That's why so many are having such a hard time getting by and most are in debt. So I would wager $2,500 is the minimum for any developer to treat this as a full time job.
There are some who get lazy, but a lot of people mistake people working harder and taking time to make a better quality product for "being lazy", because they have no idea what really goes into it, they just compare to others, and only care about speed.


Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
At the same time, it is a bit questionable for some of these to end up being projects that go on for five years after getting significant support. This is kind of the point where that fact that these projects get started with no long term plan (because success is so uncertain) starts causing some issues.
I really wish the subject wouldn't get so heated though.
The time that it takes to put out releases can and will vary from Dev to Dev.
Some Dev's are single, and really have not much of a personal life.
Some Dev's are more skilled with the software that they use to create the graphics, which translates into faster image creation.
Some Dev's may have busier real life work schedules.
Some Dev's may have more powerful PC's to use for graphics creation.
Some Dev's may have a family who they need to spend time with, along with a busy work schedule.

Simply put, not all Dev's have the time and resources to put in a lot of time into creating games for us...
Obviously, some people are unwilling to consider any of those possibilities, and prefer to think that Dev's need to spend every waking moment slaving over the PC to create games for them.
No matter what the Dev's real life circumstances may be...

Should people with more limited free time stop making games, simply because they do not release updates as quickly as these people are demanding them to?
If anyone says yes to that, they would be missing out on some great games...

And now that I have typed this out, I have bookmarked it, so that I can re use it in the future...
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Forum Fanatic
Respected User
Nov 20, 2017
Also you yourself decide if and when you want to support a dev. Neither Patreon or Subscribestar force you and you can either stop after a month or a year, but it is totally up to you, if you go for a yearly payment.
If you don't like how any dev doing their things, simple stop supporting them. And be always aware that you can't force others to support or not support any dev at all.
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Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
OK, this is exactly what I'm talking about, any time there is any level of criticism, someone immediately flips out. You get hyper defensive in a way that's frankly weird.
My post was not a criticism of your post in any way.
I was simply pointing out for anyone that might read it that not all Dev's have the same work conditions or time to spend on game creation.

Your post simply made me think that such a post might be needed for anyone that is newer to F95 and unaware that the vast majority of games found here are created not by companies.
But by people who have real lives to live, with different amounts of time to spend on game creation...

The only thing that it had to do with your post, was that it made me think of it, and nothing more.
Which is the only reason that I hit reply to your comment.
Nov 10, 2023
Well, I think that the current topic was discussed fully and into depth and from all points of view, so there is nothing that I could add to it.

Anyway, Christmas is coming soon.

Do you like the music, that A11-Y makes?

Did you like their songs like "Why am I not allowed to play in the dungeon?", "Mommy told me to go play with Aunt Ashley and then she locked herself in our room with Mister MC and now they are making weird sounds and I wonder what they are doing", "I wish that I could taste what Miss Lin is cooking" or their latest song, the one that won the Rune-Emmy-y Award, "I just found out how elves and androids are treated outside the hotel and now I need a therapy"?

If yes, then you should go to RuneyTunes or Runey-Mart Music and buy their album "Dancing under the Christmas Tree and other Christmas songs".

It is a great album with a lots of hit songs, like the titular "Dancing under the Christmas Tree", "Do android kids get presents from Santa?", "This Christmas everybody will get headpats" (I think that TheDevian will like this one), "Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?", or "It's Christmas time so don't be mean to Mister Runey and don't ask for update or Aunt Ashley will stab you".

I am pretty sure that you all will like it. But if you will not like it, please, pretend that you like it, A11-Y worked really hard on creating all these songs on this album.

(also, please, don't tell me that this album cover looks terrible, there is no need to tell me that I suck at editing photos, I already know that I am an idiot with zero talent.)

Bez názvu.png


Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
Well, I think that the current topic was discussed fully and into depth and from all points of view, so there is nothing that I could add to it.

Anyway, Christmas is coming soon.

Do you like the music, that A11-Y makes?

Did you liked their songs like "Why am I not allowed to play in the dungeon?", "Mommy told me to go play with Aunt Ashley and then she locked herself in our room with Mister MC and now they are making weird sounds and I wonder what they are doing", "I wish that I could taste what Miss Lin is cooking" or their latest song, the one that won the Rune-Emmy-y Award, "I just found out how elves and androids are treated outside the hotel and now I need a therapy"?

If yes, then you should go to RuneyTunes or Runey-Mart Music and buy their album "Dancing under the Christmas Tree and other Christmas songs".

It is a great album with a lots of hit songs, like the titular "Dancing under the Christmas Tree", "Do android kids get presents from Santa?", "This Christmas everybody will get headpats" (I think that TheDevian will like this one), "Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?", or "It's Christmas time so don't be mean to Mister Runey and don't ask for update or Aunt Ashley will stab you".

I am pretty sure that you all will like it. But if you will not like it, please, pretend that you like it, A11-Y worked really hard on creating all these songs on this album.

(also, please, don't tell me that this album cover looks terrible, there is no need to tell me that I suck at editing photos, I already know that I am an idiot with zero talent.)

View attachment 3179914
You left out Ally's other new song.
I saw Mommy blowing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom, fast asleep
Then I saw Mommy rimming Santa Claus
Underneath his balls so very deep
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If daddy had only seen
Mommy blowing Santa Claus last night
Nov 10, 2023
You left out Ally's other new song.
I saw Mommy blowing Santa Claus
Underneath the mistletoe last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom, fast asleep
Then I saw Mommy rimming Santa Claus
Underneath his balls so very deep
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If daddy had only seen
Mommy blowing Santa Claus last night
Yeah, I forgot about that one. But I don't know the lirics correctly, are you sure that it is "daddy"? Isn't it "Mister MC"? I am not really sure.
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Nov 10, 2023
The reason being that the MC is the one wearing the Santa suit, and since the curling iron is an inanimate object, it would not have been cheating on the MC.
In the same way that Maria has her toys.
OK, anyway, we should come up with answers to A11-Y's questions in case that they will ask any of these questions again.

The questions:

"Why am I not allowed to play in the dungeon?"
"Do android kids get presents from Santa?"
"Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?"


Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
OK, anyway, we should come up with answers to A11-Y's questions in case that they will ask any of these questions again.

The questions:
"Why am I not allowed to play in the dungeon?": She is still under warranty, and the MC might break her.
"Do android kids get presents from Santa?": Yes, batteries, but Maria will exchange the batteries for cash.
"Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?": Yes.
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