
Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
He normally only leaks when patting Lin's head.
Speaking of that, I've recently started playing the game from the start and honestly I am unsure what to think. Like, my memories of the game it self are mostly from the latest content, well, what was latest 3-4 versions ago when I last posted here. And that part is great. But like, the early game just feels... well early.

Compared to just how much development the girls get later on they, and especially Lin are basically way, way too eager to jump into bed with the MC at the beginning. It's quite tonally different than the more mature approach to romance that happens afterward.

I am only saying all this because I know the dev likes to read the thread and redo old stuff. So I am hoping this might spark a conversation at least and would like to hear what others have to say about it all.


Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
Speaking of that, I've recently started playing the game from the start and honestly I am unsure what to think. Like, my memories of the game it self are mostly from the latest content, well, what was latest 3-4 versions ago when I last posted here. And that part is great. But like, the early game just feels... well early.

Compared to just how much development the girls get later on they, and especially Lin are basically way, way too eager to jump into bed with the MC at the beginning. It's quite tonally different than the more mature approach to romance that happens afterward.

I am only saying all this because I know the dev likes to read the thread and redo old stuff. So I am hoping this might spark a conversation at least and would like to hear what others have to say about it all.
That is a common occurrence in both games and visual novels on F95.
There are some, where they really do make you work and build up trust to get to the naughty bits, but I believe that by far the majority tend to dive into it pretty quickly.

In advertising there is a saying that "Sex Sells" and it is just as true with both the games and visual novels found on F95.
With newer games and visual novels it is not uncommon to see people making posts asking if any sex is happening yet, and when told not yet, they reply with, I'll check back in a few releases to see if there is any.
So, it is pretty common for game / visual novel developers to throw in some sex scenes early on, in order to get people to play.
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Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
I guess. But like knowing what comes next I feel it somewhat clashes with the tone overall.
I believe that there are a few adventure style of interactive visual novels on here that do not have sex, but they do not do very well at all when it comes to attracting peoples attention.
People come to F95 for tits, ass and head pats...
And a lot of them also want a good detailed story to go with that.
Although, some would be happy with no story at all, they are just here for the porn.
As demonstrated in the comments, when they complain about too much story, and not enough new porn scenes.
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Oct 11, 2021
I know that I, personally, do not enjoy having to play halfway through a game to get to any action. Generally, these types of games are meant for action and romancing is just flavor. I don't deny people that enjoy that, but games that really focus on romance/story and only leads to action after wards are more like a marriage sim and should be a niche.


May 2, 2017
So, it is pretty common for game / visual novel developers to throw in some sex scenes early on, in order to get people to play.
Play, read, follow, head pat...

So in agreement with DigDug69 here, most of those people, like myself, are only leaches as well. So it is hard to figure out what the sweet point of story, character development, and material for head pats is while also trying to get funding.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2020
That is true.
Many people do decide to restart games when it is announced that earlier content has been updated, as happened with this one.
And you are correct, everyone has different tastes and things that they are looking for in games.
There is no single game that fulfills everyone's needs.
The common suggestion to people who announce that they do not like a game, is to go and find a game that they like.
There really is no reason to announce it to the world.
And just the same it is also normal and common for people to give suggestion to a developer of a work in progress since it is in fact a work in progress. The whole take it or leave it mentality only ever leads to echo chambers built around mediocre products. And frankly this game is anything but mediocre and deserves better than to become one by virtue of everyone leaving it at the first disagreement.

And just to be clear I am not saying that if he does not do as I ask it will become mediocre. Not at all. Only that it would happen if everyone or at least most of those who had any criticism left it would.

Fact of the matter is simple. We can agree or disagree on any point of opinion. But as long as we are both polite and constructive about it us posting about it here only does the game good.
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Active Member
May 14, 2021
I Totally agree About banning that troll if you DON'T like the way a dev is handling his/her game update schedule go take a long walk off a very short pier. I too lost family this year and it has severely impacted my mental health and my job performance. And to Runey This Game Has helped me get through some dark moments in my life so thank you for the wonderful story and colorful characters that you have created.
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