
Engaged Member
Jun 29, 2019
Is there any way to download this game via torrent? I wasted 5 hours to download 6gb out of 11,7 and got an error. I want to kill myself.
On the main page, click on where it says "SPOILER" right under where it says "SPLIT" and you can download it in smaller parts. Parts 1, 2 and 3 are all needed.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Is there any way to download this game via torrent? I wasted 5 hours to download 6gb out of 11,7 and got an error. I want to kill myself.
I also suggest getting a downloader, like Jdownloader2, that way, not only will it pick back up if something goes wrong, but it will also do a check at the end, to make sure you got it all without errors.


Mar 1, 2018
I just started playing this, and so far, I'm enjoying it. But, I've run into a bit of a "snag". I'm on day 46, and I've had "!" for Lin and Ashley for several "days", but I can't seem to find the events that they represent. What am I not seeing?


Active Member
Feb 22, 2023
Guys, quick question: do you think the version 0.18 is purchasable on itch.io? or i have to wait until an official release here on F95?
Nov 10, 2023

Anyway, there are some real world events, like the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th, that are sending the facebook conspiracy theorists community and the facebook christians community into a frenzy, so maybe the correct question should be "Will there be an update before The Rapture and The Return of Jesus Christ?".

I am pretty sure that there will be at least one update before The Rapture, but "no man can know the day and hour", nobody knows what will happen next, life is short, so maybe we should let Runey work and wait and focus on our own lifes while waiting for the update. We don't know what will happen tommorow, maybe Runey will update soon, maybe he will get injured and he will end up in a hospital the update will be postponed until he will get out of the hospital, maybe tommorow the universe will explode and we all will die and there will be no more updates. Maybe, we could wait for the update while doing something productive. We could spend the time with our families, go on a nature walks, learn to play a new musical instrument, work on our own projects or something like that.

But why I am wasting time rambling all this nonsense, nobody will listen to me anyway.
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