Can't believe my first comment in this website is about this dumb game design. I had played so many games that includes many nsfw games, this game is the only normal game or nsfw game that I knows have five forced battles in the same plot! It didn't even give a chance to leave and save but only a break, and it is very hard too! WTF!?
Even if this is a normal game, no matter how hard or how shitty it is, I never played a game have five forced and hard battles! Not to mention this is a nsfw game! Even Japanese nsfw rpg would not make it so hard to have five forced battles! Yes, I am unprepared, but not totally prepared! You don't need to design it so hard on a nsfw game! Why is it have to be like that? I had played so many Japanese rpg, and it did not make me so disgusting!
This game did not let you make money and defeat enemy so easy, and I would say "fine" if this is a normal game, but this is a nsfw game! No nsfw game that played have to be designed that hard! Who would spend his time so much time to play nsfw game on upgrade and battle? This is not BG3, and it is not worthy! I am ONLY the one who wrote some much and spent his time to criticize it!
By the way, this game even has a quest to make you pay 2000 debt, which cost a lot! Don't want to pay? NTR your girl, take your girl, and it make you to have eight battles to pass the time! What would I say this is the most disgusting dan stupid design?
First, like I just said, the game is hard, and the quest still have to take your main role girl in battle, Sarah. Without her, it is very hard to fight.
Second, like I just said, it is very hard to fight and make money, so you need a lot of time to get upgrade and make 2000.
Third, this game not only design to NTR player but also make you to go somewhere and fight some enemy in eight times! As I said before, it takes your main role girl in battle, is hard to make money, and is hard to fight, so you need to spend time about this.
Lastly, this game tries to delay the gameplay for not letting you to finish it so fast. Who would make a pay debt and NTR quest, to make player to fight and spend their unnecessary time that takes so long in a nsfw game? No matter you want to make money and pay it, or just fight eight times to pass the quest. Whatever you choose to pass the quest, the game still make you have to sacrifice your more time and game resource (money and item) and make you unhappy to watch NTR.
Becous there are so many games you can play including nsfw's, why must you have played a game that makes you disgusting and unhappy?