Has there not been an uptick in NTR/Cheating games?

Are NTR games more common than they used to be? If so, why do you think so?

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Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
The data did NOT corroborate OP's theory. Within the studies in data, you are aware that in short periods of time, or in smaller samples within a greater population, there will undeniably be variations in the distribution of prevalence of examples.

See image:
View attachment 3512281
Here, the total percentage of blue balls in the overall population is 60.4%. However, in the course of taking 10 samples, the percentage wildly ranges from 55% to 67%. So, a person who only takes one sample at one moment in time might pull the 55% and make the assumption that the trend is that fewer blue balls will be expected to be prevalent in the future. Another might pull the 67% and completely disagree with the first person. And a third might pull the 64% and 63%, disagree with the first person but while agreeing with the second might also disagree with the degree of change that should be expected.
Mandem talkin' about balls innit.

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
Listen, i'm not going to argue over this for hours.

You think you are straight while craving fantasy creatures with dicks, fine.

Some people also think they are the pope or elvis presley, not my business.
Same logic of people who play GTA want to carjack and stab whores, people who play loli games are pedo's, people who play incest games want to fuck their sister/brother etc etc.

Same logic of someone stating 'not my business' and 'not going to argue' but still commented in the first place on a thread that had NOTHING to do with Futa.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2022
Or are the uploaders just a bunch of cucks?
The way i understand this - uploaders do upload whatever is being requested by forum members.

So basically, the "Latest Updates" reflect what is available, both in the production side as well as what's being shared.
And it reflects what the users ask for.

Example, incest games used to be the by far most popular genre. You really couldn't release a game without at least optional incest, some 10 years back. Until Patreon banned it.
So if you compare the number of tags now with ten years ago, there's probably less than half the games having the incest tag compared to the probably 90% back in the days. And the ones with the tag mostly have customizable relations, or need a content patch. Though Patreon also started to actively remove games offering those.

Right now there are some legal problems with payment processors due to new US laws, meaning that games with any dubious content likewise have to disappear. Anything remotely looking like non-consensual, prostitution and such (things which would be illegal IRL).

What remains is all the stuff like furry, NTR and such which is being produced en masse instead. Usually with cheap terrible engines like Koitatsu, or the recent surge of AI-generated "artwork".

Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
Well, I was just memeing but now I have to point out that this is patently false. I, and many others, are straight as they come but still enjoy Futa on Female stuff. (Don't try to pull the whole "closet gay" thing on me, it's a tired argument. I don't even like watching dudes kiss. Nothing wrong with it, I just don't like it.)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2022
Same logic of people who play GTA want to carjack and stab whores, people who play loli games are pedo's, people who play incest games want to fuck their sister/brother etc etc.
Yes, yes... of course.

I'm a vegetarian, but i still have posters of hamburgers in my living room.

But it's not because i crave beef! One has nothing to do with the other!


But really, no. The comparison is hilarious. People play GTA because of the crazy action, which would in most cases be replacable with other game elements. The game is popular because of the gameplay, and the lack of competitors in the genre.

Don't tell me anyone would consider sucking a cock without being at least bisexual.
Same like the other thing you mentioned. Kids. Nobody without a pedosexual tendency would ever consider this. Not in a game, not anywhere else.

And incest? Hetero incest is just normal hetero sex in literally every aspect. Except that it's being done with family members. Which is not only a societal taboo, but there's also an innate aversion to sexual partners being too biologically close.

Both are the reasons why incest is generally the most commonly accepted taboo topic, because it's not you having sex with your family in the videogame.
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Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
Yes, yes... of course.

I'm a vegetarian, but i still have posters of hamburgers in my living room.

But it's not because i crave beef! One has nothing to do with the other!


But really, no. The comparison is hilarious. People play GTA because of the crazy action, which would in most cases be replacable with other game elements. The game is popular because of the gameplay, and the lack of competitors in the genre.

Don't tell me anyone would consider sucking a cock without being at least bisexual.
Same like the other thing you mentioned. Kids. Nobody without a pedosexual tendency would ever consider this. Not in a game, not anywhere else.

And incest? Hetero incest is just normal hetero sex in literally every aspect. Except that it's being done with family members. Which is not only a societal taboo, but there's also an innate aversion to sexual partners being too biologically close.

Both are the reasons why incest is generally the most commonly accepted taboo topic, because it's not you having sex with your family in the videogame.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2022
Anyways, back on topic. This is a snapshot of the current updates.

Below a table why i wouldn't download, or even just click on the posts.


NTRTerrible DAZ models / rendersFuta
FemProtagKoitatsuNTR, minor hotfix
Terrible DAZ models / rendersKoitatsuHTML, Text-based
AI CG, HTML, Text-basedFemProtagTerrible DAZ models / renders
FemProtag, presumed HoneySelectweird fantasy dweebstuffJapanese game, Futa, Tentacles
Futa, Furry, Gay, meme protagonistJapanese game, CensoredNTR, Terrible DAZ models / renders
KN, Japanese game, TentaclesGay, TrapKoitatsu
NTR, KoitatsuKoitatsuFuta
KoitatsuTerrible DAZ models / rendersFemProtag, HoneySelect
Real Porn, SissificationAI CGFuta, Gay, NTR

So... of course this could be a coincidence, but if i were to make this for the past 100 or so pages, the result would always be very similar. Usually there is even more NTR, or other "K.O." tags i'd never touch even with a very long stick.

Seems like the opposite from some 5-10 years back, when there was at least some update or new game every other day.
That is, for the sophisticated hetero gentleman.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Anyways, back on topic. This is a snapshot of the current updates.

Below a table why i wouldn't download, or even just click on the posts.

NTRTerrible DAZ models / rendersFuta
FemProtagKoitatsuNTR, minor hotfix
Terrible DAZ models / rendersKoitatsuHTML, Text-based
AI CG, HTML, Text-basedFemProtagTerrible DAZ models / renders
FemProtag, presumed HoneySelectweird fantasy dweebstuffJapanese game, Futa, Tentacles
Futa, Furry, Gay, meme protagonistJapanese game, CensoredNTR, Terrible DAZ models / renders
KN, Japanese game, TentaclesGay, TrapKoitatsu
NTR, KoitatsuKoitatsuFuta
KoitatsuTerrible DAZ models / rendersFemProtag, HoneySelect
Real Porn, SissificationAI CGFuta, Gay, NTR

So... of course this could be a coincidence, but if i were to make this for the past 100 or so pages, the result would always be very similar. Usually there is even more NTR, or other "K.O." tags i'd never touch even with a very long stick.

Seems like the opposite from some 5-10 years back, when there was at least some update or new game every other day.
That is, for the sophisticated hetero gentleman.

so·phis·ti·cat·ed sə-ˈfi-stə-ˌkā-təd

Synonyms of sophisticated
: deprived of native or original simplicity: such as
: highly complicated or developed : COMPLEX
sophisticated electronic devices

: having a refinedknowledge of the ways of the world cultivated especially through wide experience
a sophisticated lady

: devoid of grossness: such as
: finely experienced and aware
a sophisticated columnist

: intellectually appealing
a sophisticated novel

gen·tle·man ˈjen-tᵊl-mən

in rapid speech also ˈjen-tə-mən,


often attributive
Synonyms of gentleman
: a man of noble or gentle (see GENTLE entry 1 sense 4a) birth
: a man belonging to the landed gentry
: a man who combines gentle (see GENTLE entry 1 sense 4a) birth or rank with chivalrous qualities
: a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior
: a man of independent means who does not engage in any occupation or profession for gain
: a man who does not engage in a menial occupation or in manual labor for gain

: VALET sense 1b

—often used in the phrase gentleman's gentleman

: a man of any social class or condition

—often used in a courteous reference
show this gentleman to a seat
or usually in the plural in address
ladies and gentlemen

You might want to think about re-labeling yourself, you don't meet the any of the requirements of the current labels you are using.

It is called bisexuality, which is a sexual preference disorder
Maybe start with....

ig·no·rant ˈig-n(ə-)rənt

Synonyms of ignorant
: destituteof knowledge or education
an ignorant society

also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified
parents ignorant of modern mathematics

: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence
ignorant errors



Count Morado

Fragrant Asshole
Respected User
Jan 21, 2022
You can also see plenty of NTR games even if you block the NTR and cheating tag
Then you should use the REPORT button in the first post of any game missing a tag for content it has. If you find a game with netorare that does not have the netorare tag, let the staff know and if they agree, they'll add the tag. They don't play the games they upload - they basically go on available information and then rely on players using the REPORT button to add/remove tags for actual content within the game.


Active Member
Sep 18, 2023
NTR is such a complex issue and everyone seems to have a different opinion on what it means, frankly the site's definition of NTR to qualify for the actual tag is... just not in line with what most posters seem to think it should mean. So this kind of issue is going to keep coming up, naturally.

I agree with the OP, you can all beat around the bush but there has unquestionably been a massive uptick of both demand for, and supply of, cuck and cuck-adjacent content. Considering the way the culture has swung over the last several years, I don't really find this too surprising...

Also I can't help but laugh at the dudes saying "what, I love chicks with dicks, and I'm 100% straight" .... errrm ok sure. If a girl said she was into men with vaginas would we be describing her as "straight"? I think not. I am not hating on whatever your preference is - just pointing out that I disagree categorically with your categorization.