I've made packages for macOS (AppleSilicon, intel, both), Linux(just x86_64), and all of them combined. I've also made an install bash script for macOS to automatically handle placing the files in
, and modified
to detect and run the appropriate platform's binary (it'll even ask if you want to install!)
These are all the links:
macOS AppleSilicon
macOS Intel
macOS Both
All In One (Linux, macOS AppleSilicon, macOS Intel)
You can download any one of them, they all contain the patched file and the binaries necessary to run the game, but no game data. The AIO version is 304MB so it's not terribly large if you want to just go with that one.
Please refer to the included readme in all of the archives *before* applying the patch for instructions, but simply extracting the PPLSS directory on top of the one in Hazumi and replacing any files it asks about should be plenty, from there run
will ask you if you wish to install on the first run, then not nag you again unless you delete
Oh, I've also emailed Mihiraghi about these binaries and he's interested in getting Hazumi officially supported on both macOS and Linux, but he doesn't currently have a test environment for them, so fingers crossed that he's able to do so!
If you have an issue with the
on linux download the version attached replace the one from the archives above and run
chmod +x Game.sh
This should fix any issue you have.