Comics Heads Up! [2024-10-13] [NewBeeTSF]

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Jun 12, 2017
But would an surgical assistant call herself a nurse?

I guess she doesn't even have to be a nurse at all. If she's just trying to get Diane away from the hospital and (importantly) she's aware of the things done to her/him, she may just tell the hospital's nurse what she wanted to hear to clear Diane as soon as possible and regain control over her faith.

I do agree on the not oversharing information in sci-fi though. To keep with the Star Wars example: the Force was better before the Midichlorians than it was after.
Olivia could be . That would fit the story quite well.

Midi-chlorians are a great example!

I guess a better comparison would be an arm's trader or a smuggler; they're aware of the conflict but they're willing to profit off of someone else's misery. One man's freedom fighter is an other man's terrorist.

In wrestlers tweeners don't really work either. The good old bad vs evil works much better. Stone Cold wasn't a tweener despite being a, shall we say, flawed personality. But he was up against the evil Mr McMahon, so he was the good guy. Rock was a cocky Hollywood guy who talked about himself in the third person and he destroyed careers of promising up-and-comers (I'm looking at you, Billy Gunn), but we liked him so he was a good guy.

Muhammed Hasan was a good guy. Seriously, go and listen to his promo's with some empathy and he was a good guy. All he did was point people to their flaws so he was despised. Much like Jinder did a few weeks ago when he confronted Rock. But they were still despised by most of the audience.

Point is historically tweeners don't work. Someone's always a bad guy in the story, or there wouldn't really be a story. In this story, if Olivia played a part in the unwanted physical change that makes her a bad guy. Is redemption possible? The canteen personnel on the Death Star are good people to their families, but bad people to those who suffer from an operational Death Star. I suppose your point is that whether someone is good depends on the perspective. I guess I just don't really see the redeemable aspect if she did play a role in Jasons forced feminisation.
Being lied to doesn't really work, as she tries to cover things up when she finds out he didn't want any of this. If she realised the wrong of her ways then and there I suppose I could buy into her peddling between good and bad. But right now, based on what we see? Nah.
Maybe I'm just simping for Olivia? I don't know why! :LOL: My headcanon is that she got dragged into this mess. If this was an arrangement between her mother and her boss, I could see her feeling forced to go along with it. Putting myself into her shoes, yeah, that would be a tricky situation to deal with.

Oh no! You just had to start talking about pro wrestling with me! :ROFLMAO: When I was 16 years old, I started volunteering to work at indie pro wrestling shows to get free autographs and tickets. I started off doing stuff like working concessions and putting the ring together. Eventually, I became something like a personal assistant to one of the local promoters that I had befriended. One of the scariest moments in my life was having to guard a lunch box with all of the cash (gate sales + payroll) inside of it. There was a 6'4" 374lb wrestler who was having money issues because of drug use, he had asked the promoter to be paid in advance (like a loan) for his next few shows. The promotor refused since he had a strict policy of half payment before the show and the other half after the show. The wrestler got angry with that answer and decided to try and help himself to the money in the lunch box... that I was guarding. :eek: Thank goodness the other wrestlers in the locker room were sweet enough to hold him back and remove him from the building. :)

I can definitely say that the term tweener is used behind the scenes in the wrestling business. Promoters/bookers do separate their roster into groups of faces/heels/tweeners. The show card in the back (usually written on a dry erase board) would list what role the wrestlers were supposed to portray. This was very important for indie promotions because indie wrestlers usually work for multiple promotions. In my area, it was usually three matches a week for three different promotions. So, someone who was wrestling in HWA, IWA Mid-South, and JCW, might be a heel in one and a face in another, or a tweener, or various other combinations. Sometimes it was as simple as, the guy from Ohio is a face in Ohio, a heel in Michigan, and a tweener in Indiana or Kentucky. Tweeners provide a lot of booking flexibility. The Big Show was a good example of a wrestler who could be switched back and forth whenever needed. (WWE kind of overdid it with him but that is a whole nother story.)

There are various different types of tweeners. Some are truly in the gray area between good and evil. Some bounce back and forth. Some are only tweeners against certain people or in certain territories. I have to disagree with you and say that Stone Cold was a tweener at various points in his career. Especially during his 1996-1997 feud with Bret Hart, who was also a tweener at that time. They both acted like tweeners, the fans treated them like tweeners. I think most wrestlers at some point in their career, go through a tweener phase, even if it is just limited to certain matches or certain territories. Ric Flair could have been in the middle of a huge heel run but if he had to wrestle in "Horsemen country", he was going to get cheered for, no matter what villainous things he did against a real babyface.

I personally think it is more rare to see wrestlers who can go through an entire career as either a clear cut babyface or a heel. Some, like Ricky Steamboat and Tito Santana were able to avoid ever being a tweener because they only wrestled as babyfaces. Same for some pure heels. Most everyone else who made at least one transition from one side to the other, did at least experience a short time period where they were in between.

I do recognize why a lot of wrestling fans are opposed to the concept of tweeners but I agree with this video below.

Two new characters or just two new voices. The blue is rgb(0,60,150) which seems to be a generic male character color. It was used by both the doctor and the guy in the hospital bathroom. And the sheriff is very similar but slightly darker. Most of the men (sheriff, doctor, guy in hospital bathroom) are some shade of blue and women (Jason's mom, hairdresser, clothing shop girl, mystery burglar, Olivia, nurse, Michelle) are purple/red/pink. Jason started as middle blue and has been getting progressively lighter purple, so one might expect Diane's voice to be turning bluer, and after a month it could look like the bubble in #271. Four characters are various shades of teal: the mad scientist, motel front desk guy, Diane's husband, and the other new bubble on #271. Not sure what differentiates them from the other men, or if the author just considers teal to be a shade of blue.
Yeah, I looked through everyone but I just couldn't come up with a pair that made sense. I have no idea what to expect for the next update.
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Jul 5, 2017
Maybe I'm just simping for Olivia? I don't know why! :LOL: My headcanon is that she got dragged into this mess. If this was an arrangement between her mother and her boss, I could see her feeling forced to go along with it. Putting myself into her shoes, yeah, that would be a tricky situation to deal with.

Oh no! You just had to start talking about pro wrestling with me! :ROFLMAO: When I was 16 years old, I started volunteering to work at indie pro wrestling shows to get free autographs and tickets. I started off doing stuff like working concessions and putting the ring together. Eventually, I became something like a personal assistant to one of the local promoters that I had befriended. One of the scariest moments in my life was having to guard a lunch box with all of the cash (gate sales + payroll) inside of it. There was a 6'4" 374lb wrestler who was having money issues because of drug use, he had asked the promoter to be paid in advance (like a loan) for his next few shows. The promotor refused since he had a strict policy of half payment before the show and the other half after the show. The wrestler got angry with that answer and decided to try and help himself to the money in the lunch box... that I was guarding. :eek: Thank goodness the other wrestlers in the locker room were sweet enough to hold him back and remove him from the building. :)

I can definitely say that the term tweener is used behind the scenes in the wrestling business. Promoters/bookers do separate their roster into groups of faces/heels/tweeners. The show card in the back (usually written on a dry erase board) would list what role the wrestlers were supposed to portray. This was very important for indie promotions because indie wrestlers usually work for multiple promotions. In my area, it was usually three matches a week for three different promotions. So, someone who was wrestling in HWA, IWA Mid-South, and JCW, might be a heel in one and a face in another, or a tweener, or various other combinations. Sometimes it was as simple as, the guy from Ohio is a face in Ohio, a heel in Michigan, and a tweener in Indiana or Kentucky. Tweeners provide a lot of booking flexibility. The Big Show was a good example of a wrestler who could be switched back and forth whenever needed. (WWE kind of overdid it with him but that is a whole nother story.)

There are various different types of tweeners. Some are truly in the gray area between good and evil. Some bounce back and forth. Some are only tweeners against certain people or in certain territories. I have to disagree with you and say that Stone Cold was a tweener at various points in his career. Especially during his 1996-1997 feud with Bret Hart, who was also a tweener at that time. They both acted like tweeners, the fans treated them like tweeners. I think most wrestlers at some point in their career, go through a tweener phase, even if it is just limited to certain matches or certain territories. Ric Flair could have been in the middle of a huge heel run but if he had to wrestle in "Horsemen country", he was going to get cheered for, no matter what villainous things he did against a real babyface.

I personally think it is more rare to see wrestlers who can go through an entire career as either a clear cut babyface or a heel. Some, like Ricky Steamboat and Tito Santana were able to avoid ever being a tweener because they only wrestled as babyfaces. Same for some pure heels. Most everyone else who made at least one transition from one side to the other, did at least experience a short time period where they were in between.

I do recognize why a lot of wrestling fans are opposed to the concept of tweeners but I agree with this video below.
The Brett Hart example, who was a face in Canada and a heel in Merica is an interesting one. He was a character with, let's call it, a flaw and he remained consistent throughout that run. That 'flaw' was that he considered Canada to be superior to the US. He didn't change positions, it was just the perspective of the viewer that changed their opinion.

How does that relate to Olivia? Your suggestion of some kind of force on her to go along with her mother's wishes doesn't really work for me. People may have their own reasoning to act... or not act to certain things, but sometimes the alternative to their choice would have lead to better outcomes, making their choice worse.
Befehl ist befehl doesn't work as an excuse for me. Or at least, not if they're still to be taken as morally good people. I don't think there's really a perspective outside immediate life threats that would validate Olivia's actions for her to be taken as a babyface. Not to me anyway.


Jun 12, 2017
How does that relate to Olivia? Your suggestion of some kind of force on her to go along with her mother's wishes doesn't really work for me. People may have their own reasoning to act... or not act to certain things, but sometimes the alternative to their choice would have lead to better outcomes, making their choice worse.
Befehl ist befehl doesn't work as an excuse for me. Or at least, not if they're still to be taken as morally good people. I don't think there's really a perspective outside immediate life threats that would validate Olivia's actions for her to be taken as a babyface. Not to me anyway.
I do have to note that with Olivia, I'm making assumptions without much data to support them. We haven't gotten far enough into the story where we see the reasoning behind the main plot or the motivations behind characters like Diane, Olivia, and the unnamed doctor/scientist/surgeon. To understand a character, I put myself into their shoes. Sometimes that leads to some accurate predictions, sometimes that clouds judgement because of projecting oneself into the character. If I was in Olivia's shoes and I had my mom and my boss involved in this bad situation, it would be tricky for me to deal with. *Keep in mind that we don't the details of how things happened yet so that is all theoretical. Assuming that Olivia was involved in the procedure or at least aware of the full details before it happened. Yes, the heroic thing to do would have been to have stopped the procedure, called the police, and had your mom and boss arrested. What would that have meant for me (as Olivia), well, I would be sending my mom to jail. Her house and her money would be at risk of being taken away via a court ruling. My employer would be going to jail, so their goes my job/career. As an employee of a criminal, I might end up going to jail myself or being hit with civil damages, even if I was technically the hero (no good deed goes unpunished).

She could have looked at all of her options and for whatever reason(s), decided that she either couldn't stop the procedure from happening or wasn't willing to risk being the hero. Maybe her boss isn't someone to make an enemy of. She seems to me, to be reluctantly trying to do damage control. That is why my headcanon has her as a tweener. Olivia could be good or bad, but right now, I can't tell, so for me she is neither. My gut feeling says she isn't bad but I certainly can't prove that. Again, without more facts from the story, there are other possible explanations. Olivia might not have participated in the procedure and/or might not have known about it until after it was already done. There are other ways in which she could be somewhat of an innocent-ish person who was dragged into this. There are also plenty of ways that she could be a villain and admittedly she certainly could be one.


Jul 5, 2017
I do have to note that with Olivia, I'm making assumptions without much data to support them. We haven't gotten far enough into the story where we see the reasoning behind the main plot or the motivations behind characters like Diane, Olivia, and the unnamed doctor/scientist/surgeon. To understand a character, I put myself into their shoes. Sometimes that leads to some accurate predictions, sometimes that clouds judgement because of projecting oneself into the character. If I was in Olivia's shoes and I had my mom and my boss involved in this bad situation, it would be tricky for me to deal with. *Keep in mind that we don't the details of how things happened yet so that is all theoretical. Assuming that Olivia was involved in the procedure or at least aware of the full details before it happened. Yes, the heroic thing to do would have been to have stopped the procedure, called the police, and had your mom and boss arrested. What would that have meant for me (as Olivia), well, I would be sending my mom to jail. Her house and her money would be at risk of being taken away via a court ruling. My employer would be going to jail, so their goes my job/career. As an employee of a criminal, I might end up going to jail myself or being hit with civil damages, even if I was technically the hero (no good deed goes unpunished).

She could have looked at all of her options and for whatever reason(s), decided that she either couldn't stop the procedure from happening or wasn't willing to risk being the hero. Maybe her boss isn't someone to make an enemy of. She seems to me, to be reluctantly trying to do damage control. That is why my headcanon has her as a tweener. Olivia could be good or bad, but right now, I can't tell, so for me she is neither. My gut feeling says she isn't bad but I certainly can't prove that. Again, without more facts from the story, there are other possible explanations. Olivia might not have participated in the procedure and/or might not have known about it until after it was already done. There are other ways in which she could be somewhat of an innocent-ish person who was dragged into this. There are also plenty of ways that she could be a villain and admittedly she certainly could be one.
You're right, we're all just speculating and it's all very possible until the message clearly states one way or an other. Re-reading my post came out harsher on text than I intended, sorry for that.


Jun 12, 2017
You're right, we're all just speculating and it's all very possible until the message clearly states one way or an other. Re-reading my post came out harsher on text than I intended, sorry for that.
No problem at all! We are all just passionate fans! :) Plus, for some weird reason, especially on the internet, people who are alike in personality and/or interests, tend to squabble the most often. Opposites attract, likes repel... I guess? It is a weird psychological phenomenon. In real life, probably best friends but not on the internet. :LOL: I'm also a playfully sarcastic person (like F1nn5ter, Bruce Campbell, Judy Greer, etc) and I've known for years that my playful humor does not translate well when written because it is missing my vocal inflections/intonations/whatever the proper term is. I try my best to rewrite my words to prevent any misinterpretation but sometimes I fail. I also need to use emoticons more often. (y) I want everyone to know that I always have a smile on my face when I'm talking you. If I ever seem angry, I was probably just being playfully sarcastic but didn't remember to add this ;) or that :p.

I just wanted to add that I'm very happy to see plenty of discussion. I'm really hoping to see NewBeeTSF keep building up a fan base. I want to see NewBeeTSF be able to turn this into a full time career. Working 24/7/365! ;):sneaky::devilish:
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Dec 2, 2023
Yes, #155. It's not definite by any means, but compare how the burglar's clothes fit to the original Jason in #4 and #5. His pecs aren't that big. And the burglar's clothes are noticeably more baggy and misshapen. In #154 the shirt is bunched up in the back around what appears to be a pretty narrow waist, and in #155 the top of the pants appear to be flaring out at the hips. And especially in #157 it has the characteristics of male clothing trying to adapt to a 3D model it wasn't designed for.
You know you're replying to the author, right?


Dec 1, 2023
You know you're replying to the author, right?
Wha? Who, Myra? Is that confirmed, or are you just making that assumption because they have "TSF" in their name? Because that's pretty common within this fetish. But if it's true, then no, I did not know that and I'd feel pretty silly :oops:. Or are you talking about Jay, the author of this thread? If so, then yes, I knew that, and also what's your point? :p
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Dec 2, 2023
If this is a hint of things to come (...and I hope it is) then Jason appears to be very relaxed and comfortable with their new body. :cool:
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Jun 12, 2017
If this is a hint of things to come (...and I hope it is) then Jason appears to be very relaxed and comfortable with their new body. :cool:
It is probably just a fun piece of pin-up art... but yeah, it could be a hint of things to come. :)

Jason's current outfit shows an increasing amount of comfort and confidence with his body. He isn't anywhere near being relaxed about it yet. :LOL: Understandably, he still has quite the internal conflict going on. I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing Jason with an uncontrollable, happy smile on his face at some point in the future. Just a brief moment of joy before feeling ashamed and reprimanding himself for accidentally slipping out of his brooding mood. :LOL:


Jun 12, 2017
Looks like your estimation was off by a few days. :sneaky:
I'm glad I was wrong! :LOL:

Attention everyone!
The new update is out! Check it out on and leave a comment. If not, use the MEGA folder or the MEGA link (pages 297-313). Feel free to have a discussion about this one. (y)
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Jun 12, 2017
This is just me having some fun, making a fan tribute, and learning how to use Yodayo's AI Art Generator.

I took an image of Jason and tried to turn him into a "real" person. After many failed attempts, this was my best result. It is not a perfect result, but I thought it was interesting enough to share. Does this look like any famous celebrity?

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Dec 1, 2023
I can't waint to see some brainwash scene.
Why are you assuming there's going to be brainwashing? There hasn't really been anything in the story yet that indicates there will be. A bit of gaslighting from Olivia, but that seems like damage control. If they really intended to brainwash him, why would they let him go free before doing it?
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Dec 22, 2023
Why are you assuming there's going to be brainwashing? There hasn't really been anything in the story yet that indicates there will be. A bit of gaslighting from Olivia, but that seems like damage control. If they really intended to brainwash him, why would they let him go free before doing it?
I think aliens might be a high possibility. Like a weird unexpected plottwist from an X-File episode :eek:
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