This game is not well tested. The developer is too worry to be called casual and appeal so much with the realism without properly understand the nature of combat and how it can "realistically" (which is impossible) implement in a turn-base system. Combat consist mostly of recover and text of fails rolling down, till 3 times consecutively despite decent coordination stats. And enemy also not well level, peasant levy can be tough as nail not so much different with hardened militia. I see the game maker already patched that problem, but did he tested the game before release? or just makes everything "hardcore" and throw it to the market and claim it to be "survivalist" flavoured or worst "realistic"?
Very amateurish. I got a headache playing this game.
edit: Reminds me of some fan made mods, that "hardcore"s game by doubling HP, lowering damage, reduces hit rate and other nerf fest. And how can he celebrate the vast amount of loot? When looting consistently decrease your virtue, while given it was consider not noble at that time, but this suppose to be conditional.