Gotta say, enjoyed what there is of Healslut so far immensely.
Just the right combination of humor, very good characterization, nerd, and pr0n (in that order, actually).
Having a functioning autistic MC definitely makes it even more relatable. Making it even more hilarious when MC blows up on Jane for pointing it out, but the game's choke-full of such self-aware jokes. Really good writing there!
That said, some personal observations on scenes I felt could use some polishing. Mind, it could be just the result of my personal (mis)interpretation of them, and I'm certainly not privy to your intended plot or character development goals, so YMMV. Also, I only played a specific paths due to personal preferences.
Thought I'd share them in case you find any constructive feedback there, anyway:
Fair warning - some spoilers ahead, and I don't want to force somebody busy actually making a damn good game clicking on every "spoilered" sentence I write, so... Don't read if you haven't played the game
1. Would be nice to see a way for even LostPuppy MC to shape Kayden's approach to leadership. Personally, I'd put him into the "trying hard, but failing" category. He's a decent leader, but he's not a GOOD one (though he is a good person, especially considering the settings). As the most glaring example, he puts untrained Lel with no "babysitter" right into the middle of an important, and highly demanding, engagement. THEN places the blame on anybody but himself, and even after Panki's off-screen intervention still does not acknowledge it being his own SNAFU.
He continues his "totally not abusive and I don't like it anyway" approach to party's looter even when the party dynamic potentially changed by a LOT. If you decide that Leigh deserves all the karma he - hopefully - has coming for him, and made the right choices, the only member (hah!) that could have some issues with decent treatment of looters could be Roopah, and she doesn't strike me as that petty, either. In my preferred path, the group consist of Kayden, sir Wejit (title absolutely earned!), "romanced" Panki (who I feel wouldn't object to better treatment of anybody, ever, as long as they aren't in-yo-face evil), "romanced" Lel (what problems?), Champ and Twig (like they get a word, anyway, or remember an issue for longer than a scene, hah!), Harmony (why should they object?), and finally Roopah. There's literally no reason for Kayden to continue his "tough love" approach at that point, especially if Sparkle herself is also a looter - hell, she binds most of the group together!
Would be nice if MC had the opportunity to call him out on it, and, depending on previous choices, do so with the backing of some of the group Kayden might actually listen to, if Sparkle's not one at that point (depending on previous choices made).
My take on the situation was that it was Leigh, and Leigh alone, that made Kayden decide Lel needed the treatment she got, regardless of his presented justification. And even IF Roopah had some input there as well, she seems far more self-aware (if only going by the desert dialogue where she calls out Sparkle on her actions) to make a critical issue of it.
I get that the choice to keep it might be driven by players' desires, but it's kind of... odd in at least one potential path. Would be nice to see some softening with the right choices, though I do understand it's more work for you. On the other hand, with that specific path in mind, by then Sparkle managed to significantly boost the group's power (Wedjit, Harmony, even Lel's return). Something Kayden would do well to acknowledge if he was truly a good leader. Not to mention Sparkle being instrumental in handling a situation with a Greater Succubus, potentially also leading to acquisition of a powerful artifact (sure, Lel got it, but if Sparkle didn't persuade Kayden to go back for Lel in the first place...)
If you play specific choices, Sparkle might still be a Lost Puppy when it comes to the world she's in, but one that is, even if unconsciously, very astute when it comes to character judgement (and group dynamics, for that matter).
2. A minor thing, but it rather bothered me to not have a choice to try healing on Wendycat's body. Seemed really out of character for the Sparkle I played not to even try, even disregarding the importance, as a tool if nothing more, of the person to her. Of course her spells were nowhere near as powerful by then, but that's hardly a justification for not trying at all. Could also spice up the interaction with Lel right after considering the usual effect such spells have on Sparkle. Just saying. >.>
3. A major thing was being unable to at least try to tell Kayden how much of a dick (and not in a good sense) Leigh turned out to be, if player chooses to tell him to get lost even after initially persuading to return to the group. ESPECIALLY after pulling the "do you know what I can do to you?" choice (loved that one, the prissy got exactly the dressing-down he was long owed). Hell, there was no way my Sparkle was going to give Leigh anything after his "reasoning" showed exactly what a rotten spoiled twit he was. If anything, I really wanted Sparkle to tell Kayden she not just told off Leigh, she did NOT tell Leigh who the assassin was, either, and then give a detailed explanation as to why. Kayden does not strike me as somebody who would think much of Leigh after that exposee, so why don't we have a chance to do it? It's Kayden who deserves the closure, screw Leigh (and, again, NOT IN A GOOD WAY!)
This could tie in pretty well with "softening" of Kayden, too, as a major example of how wrong he can be in his judgment of character.
The way I see it, Sparkle would end up the "character judge" of the group, and Kayden would actually listen to her in that respect. THAT would've been the action of a better leader than he currently strikes me as, all things considering. Judge all you want, fellow deviants, I actually like "happy [strike]family[strike] group, butterflies and rainbows" feelgoods in my porn (Acting Lessons, nevah forget!)
Assuming you think a "lost but not useless" path is not too much work, obviously.
4. The choice to ask for beta access for Jane in return for Wendy's request seems really out of place considering, by then, MC knows the "game" is basically alt-life with serious consequences, much less the "being trapped in a world you know very little about but is far more dangerous for you" situation. Potential for brain-frying aside, one that the creators seem to have a somewhat iffy, at best, handle on, as well. Hell, at that point Sparkle is literally being "carried" by the group, and asks to add another "lost puppy" to the mix? I bet Roopah would've loved to throw that one back at Sparkle as well as an excellent example of her "smart decisions."
With that out of the way, I do hope Jane might be motivated enough to apply for testing position herself (if only as a way to get closer to MC), and end up in the alt-world as well. Bonus points if she ends up actually being far more capable at it than MC. If only for laughs.
5. When Kayden confronts Lost Puppy Sparkle about "stress-relief" duties of a looter, there should be an option to consult whomever is the player's "love interest" (and multiple characters, if applicable). Something Kayden should have foreseen, if not because of any regard for Sparkle herself, but out of respect for the "more worthy" members of the group involved.
Especially when Panki, as an immediate example that spurred on this observation, herself had already asked that Sparkle talks to her before deciding to fool around with anybody else not that long ago.
Not having "let me talk to people I'm already involved with before giving an answer" choice there feels pretty restrictive. I would certainly entertain the possibility of "stress relief" Sparkle IF this was fine with Panki and Lel (and Sparkle herself could put her foot down hard - if that's what the player prefers - on any potential pregnancy-resulting acts if only BECAUSE WENDY EXPLICITLY WARNED HER ABOUT THAT).
So... yeah. That choice would be really welcome there, and hopefully not require too much work.
Some minor musings:
I'd love to see sir Wejit somehow get turned into a panty-dropping luscious hunk. As shallow as it is, his appearance (and, apparently, smell) is probably the only thing preventing my Sparkle from seriously considering bonking him silly.
Sir Wejit abso-damn-lutely has earned it. Considering just how practical goblins are, and Wejit's clear appreciation of human form (or at least the female version of it), I doubt he'd object too much to ending up in a body making it easier to get busy with human women.
Also, please consider (no matter how difficult to achieve) a path where everyone bonks everyone else silly with no ill feelings. Best "group dynamics" are... erm... shared "group dynamics?"
And if you don't do it, I will utilize my very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you make a swinger path now, that will be the end of it - I will not look for you, I will not pursue you... but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... And I will force you to write a VN full of saggy tits and geriatric impotent dicks.
Swollwang not being recruitable long-term member (kek) of the group makes me QQ. Really enjoyed his sesquipedalianism.
Anyway, looking forward to the future development. Healslut feels like a VN version of the Cummoner - you come for porn, get instantly hooked by humor, then stay for the story and investment in characters.
Wish I could patreon you, definitely deserved. Instead, for what it's worth, please accept my gratitude and accolades for your work.