But yeah, I know incel just means "male I don't like" at this point.
No, it's actually more like - Men who have such an underlying and conditioned prejudice against women, that they can't help but be hypocritical and use double standards. I guarantee if he
could, he would be a
manwhore himself. The same is no different for you either, you're trying to take the highroad, and act like your better than anyone else.
However, if you were single and had the means to get with a bunch of hot women, even just for casual sex, you would in a heartbeat, quit trying to fool yourself. (Just want to clarify, I'm speaking about casual no strings attached sex, I know most people wouldn't be chasing tail while in a relationship.)
It doesn't really matter though, it's pretty clear he has some weird fixation on black people for some reason, so that at the VERY least, is really weird and basically shows what kind of mindset the dude has. Which I see you didn't mention, cause even you know he kind outed himself on that one, no saving him there.
Anyways enough about that, I just want to say, there's absolutely nothing wrong with casual sex for either sex, male or female. Just because certain parts of society have a preconceived disgusts for promiscuous
women (usually not men for some reason), doesn't mean they're wrong for enjoying themselves, as long as they aren't hurting others. Which means they are single, and aren't spreading STD's, which is usually done with protection or frequent testing. Just because someone enjoys sex male or female, and they do it casually sometimes, doesn't make them a
slut or
whore. That's called being a healthy human being more than anything. Also the only people who usually are against it are people who are actual
incels, cause they're envious, or people who grew up religious or had a strict cultural upbringing and are taught it was a bad thing growing up.
So yeah, you probably grew up believing this already, whether do to being religious or growing up in a stricter culture, or maybe you are just envious of sexually active people like I mentioned. Either way, just because that's your point of view, doesn't mean all of us are going to think or act the same way you or like minded people do. If anyone has a problem with a fictional character having a body count higher than one, I think that person might need to touch a little grass.
In conclusion, I have no problem with the fact that Lel enjoys casual sex, and at one point had a one night stand with some dude who
happened to be black, cause that's apparently important for some reason. As long as Lel is loyal and respectful to the relationship she's currently in, that's all that actually matters. Her past sexual life is not only none one else's business, but it doesn't make her a slut or a bad person. The only way it would make her a slut or a shitty person is if she does it
while in a committed relationship.
I mean I understand that a lot of people like the fantasy of only getting with innocent virgins in these games
for some reason, but not all of us are here to live some boring and monotonous sex fantasy where the LI's are virgin's who don't even watch porn or fantasize. Vanilla and inexperienced girls are actually less interesting to me tbh, because they usually have no idea what they're doing, and are often times boring as all hell. Not always mind you, but most of the time.
Now commence the +1 likes (facepalms), cause I know I'll get a few.