
Apr 19, 2020
The loot-puppy/free-use storyline is amazing. I think the reluctance is key. I like how there is some degree of consent involved, but I'd like to see that pushed as far as possible so that we're effectively being forced into it through various means of manipulation (blackmail, exploiting our compassion, gaslighting etc.) from multiple characters. It's especially great that Lel is now starting to abuse us as well since we only got ourselves into this situation to help her. Hope to see that progress a lot further. I will try to refrain from playing any updates until there is a significant amount of new content added, though it won't be easy!
Exact opposite of how I feel lol. That's my least favorite part of the game and I avoid it every time. Especially hate how characters can litteraly flip flop their entire attitude. Panki goes from caring loving person to literally pimping you out and calling you a slut. Great that there's a line for the masochistic people out there, but hope it doesn't pull too much focus, as I absolutely hate it.


Apr 30, 2019
The loot-puppy/free-use storyline is amazing. I think the reluctance is key. I like how there is some degree of consent involved, but I'd like to see that pushed as far as possible so that we're effectively being forced into it through various means of manipulation (blackmail, exploiting our compassion, gaslighting etc.) from multiple characters. It's especially great that Lel is now starting to abuse us as well since we only got ourselves into this situation to help her. Hope to see that progress a lot further. I will try to refrain from playing any updates until there is a significant amount of new content added, though it won't be easy!
It's wholesome to see Lel changing from a shy, introvert and insecure girl, who doesn't even care about being expelled from the party, to a super confident one. The way how she learn (and how to enjoy) being dominant, constantly bossying around Sparkle, is the cherry on top of the cake.


Apr 7, 2018
The loot-puppy/free-use storyline is amazing. I think the reluctance is key. I like how there is some degree of consent involved, but I'd like to see that pushed as far as possible so that we're effectively being forced into it through various means of manipulation (blackmail, exploiting our compassion, gaslighting etc.) from multiple characters. It's especially great that Lel is now starting to abuse us as well since we only got ourselves into this situation to help her.
Cant agree more with you.

Exact opposite of how I feel lol. That's my least favorite part of the game and I avoid it every time. Especially hate how characters can litteraly flip flop their entire attitude. Panki goes from caring loving person to literally pimping you out and calling you a slut. Great that there's a line for the masochistic people out there, but hope it doesn't pull too much focus, as I absolutely hate it.
About Panki changing her attitude. What i like in Healslut is that the main characters are not 2 dimensional but instead are pretty interesting and complex. In Pankis case - she is caring / loving person that fights to rid the world of evil BUT she is also a half-demon - and is constantly trying to suppress these demon instincts she has. Still you can see her ''evil'' side a few times trough the game - and i think one of those times is during the free-use training.
During the training she clearly enjoys dominating Sparkle - with the reason that she is just helping/training her to better do her duty as free-use looter ( ofc for the good of the group ). On the other hand - if Sparkle is too uncomfortable Panki lets her decide one more time if she wants to be a free use. Heck she even stops the whole free use job compleatly if she see that Sparke is struggling and dont want to do her new duties.
So i think in this scene Panki's character is portrait pretty accurately.


Jun 9, 2019
Exact opposite of how I feel lol. That's my least favorite part of the game and I avoid it every time. Especially hate how characters can litteraly flip flop their entire attitude. Panki goes from caring loving person to literally pimping you out and calling you a slut. Great that there's a line for the masochistic people out there, but hope it doesn't pull too much focus, as I absolutely hate it.
And I have no interest in the Sparkle/Panki romance storyline, so I guess that's why it's good to have a multiple choice story. Of course the problem then is that no one's favorite plot thread gets the full attention of the creator. A good compromise leaves everyone unhappy.


Apr 8, 2018
Exact opposite of how I feel lol. That's my least favorite part of the game and I avoid it every time. Especially hate how characters can litteraly flip flop their entire attitude. Panki goes from caring loving person to literally pimping you out and calling you a slut. Great that there's a line for the masochistic people out there, but hope it doesn't pull too much focus, as I absolutely hate it.
EDIT: Previous response deleted (can be found in the quote below if you're interested) since I was a couple patches behind (the versioning on this game is really odd) and apparently there have been some big reveals and my ineptitude is ruining a couple people's day.

Regardless of whether the characters of the story believe they are in a game or (an alternate) real life: it's a different set of social norms there, and the free-use side plot fits. What's important from a storytelling standpoint is whether it's consistent with the universe (literally, in this case, it seems), and it is, given that:
  • Lel got treated like crap too
  • Both Lel and Sparkles really do behave like weirdos compared to their peers, especially to get to the free-use plotline
  • it's a hypersexualized place (Sparkles has an "aphrodisiac aura" for pete's sake) and one where exploitation is common
  • Free use specifically is part of the culture, given the "display" in the tavern where they deal with the last bandit.
  • Etc.
So whether it's your thing or not, the free-use stuff fits, and it's avoidable iirc, and I hope the dev doesn't change it.
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I think it's important to remind that this is taking place in a game (in-story), which is a very different thing than typical fantasy h-games. Social norms are different in games; I feel like everyone on this site would understand this. Get irritated at a friend in real-life and shoot them in the back of the head, and you ruin both lives; shoot their character in a FPS because they keep hitting you with friendly fire, or just because you are bored, and nobody even comments on it. Do I like Lydia as a follower in Skyrim? Yes. Have I fuz-ro-dahed her off cliffs a couple times to see how far she'd go? Yes. If she was played by an IRL friend? Even better.

All the characters in this game are aware they are characters, and/or there aren't even humans behind the characters. So the "flip-flopping" in such circumstances is less egregious than it would be if this was supposed to be real-life (even by h-game standards).

In fact, and I might be ahead of the developer here, but I see this game as an interesting little study about what happens when people are free to act without consequences. As more and more of our lives go virtual -- we're known by our resumes and social profiles, we meet our spouses through dating sites, we remember birthdays for 1000 people as if they were best friends because our phone pinged us, etc. -- the lies get bigger and the consequences get smaller. What happens once we can do anything to anyone, and have anything done to us, with the only consequences being the ones we imagine? I suspect I have many friends who would happily bend each other's avatars over tables for a way to kill five minutes.
Reminds me of this anecdote I heard about this USA redneck couple that went to a hospital because one of them shot the other. Because apparently every GSW injury a hospital receives is reported to the police, the interrogation went along he lines of:

Cop: "So why did you shoot your spouse?"
Shooter: "I was bored. There was nothing interesting on TV"
Cop: "So would you like to press charges?"
Spouse that got shot: "Nah, there really wasn't anything good on TV. I was bored too"

Tad Cooper

Feb 16, 2018
All the characters in this game are aware they are characters, and/or there aren't even humans behind the characters. So the "flip-flopping" in such circumstances is less egregious than it would be if this was supposed to be real-life (even by h-game standards).
I'm sorry, what? Where did you get that impression? The main plot here is that a game company is literally tapping an alternate universe for their MMO. Anybody who isn't a player or GM has no idea this is what's happening: they are are the real people native to that universe. They believe they're in a real place because it is real. They're not just NPCs. Did you somehow miss all that?

I suspect I have many friends who would happily bend each other's avatars over tables for a way to kill five minutes.
The VR rig is total immersion with all five senses. That's established immediately when Sparkle logs in and means that every action has more significant consequences than any game we have now. I wouldn't shoot my buddy in the face if dying involved actual pain, and I sure as shit wouldn't force them to be some sort of cum dump as part of their "duties". That's fucking crazy.


Nov 8, 2019
I'm sorry, what? Where did you get that impression? The main plot here is that a game company is literally tapping an alternate universe for their MMO. Anybody who isn't a player or GM has no idea this is what's happening: they are are the real people native to that universe. They believe they're in a real place because it is real. They're not just NPCs. Did you somehow miss all that?
Wow I had no idea till you said that, I thought they were just very smart AI. Here I was thinking Kaden was programmed to be awful.
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Apr 19, 2020
I think it's important to remind that this is taking place in a game (in-story), which is a very different thing than typical fantasy h-games. Social norms are different in games; I feel like everyone on this site would understand this. Get irritated at a friend in real-life and shoot them in the back of the head, and you ruin both lives; shoot their character in a FPS because they keep hitting you with friendly fire, or just because you are bored, and nobody even comments on it. Do I like Lydia as a follower in Skyrim? Yes. Have I fuz-ro-dahed her off cliffs a couple times to see how far she'd go? Yes. If she was played by an IRL friend? Even better.

All the characters in this game are aware they are characters, and/or there aren't even humans behind the characters. So the "flip-flopping" in such circumstances is less egregious than it would be if this was supposed to be real-life (even by h-game standards).

In fact, and I might be ahead of the developer here, but I see this game as an interesting little study about what happens when people are free to act without consequences. As more and more of our lives go virtual -- we're known by our resumes and social profiles, we meet our spouses through dating sites, we remember birthdays for 1000 people as if they were best friends because our phone pinged us, etc. -- the lies get bigger and the consequences get smaller. What happens once we can do anything to anyone, and have anything done to us, with the only consequences being the ones we imagine? I suspect I have many friends who would happily bend each other's avatars over tables for a way to kill five minutes.
Friendo did you play this game? No one in this game is an NPC. They are real people, that's the whole point of the game.


New Member
Mar 16, 2020
"Gamer". In the game's story the developers are somehow hacking into an alternative reality where the people there are living breathing people and just- happen to share video game tropes, loot boxes, trainers etc with your standard fantasy mmo. In the pictured context Gab is saying that there's another person in the player's existence that is also a 'Gamer', a person being projected into the world artificially.

There's... a few minor plot holes because of this of course, but on the whole in the last few updates it's been consistent.


Apr 16, 2020
Yeah, i re-read some of the previous posts, HideyoshiMonkey and Meles and i was missing the point being made. I was making the distinction between a Player ("gamer") and a Non-Player Character, which is still somewhat valid, but they're more of a Non-Player Entity in the Healslut universe, really. It's an MMO in an alternative universe, no one is a character. So you're right, disregard my previous post please.


Oct 16, 2017
Yes, it's publin on Pathreon




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Oct 8, 2018
1 thing I hope to see in the future which I hope isnt empty foreshadowing.
Is the M.C. (futa) dominate Roopah , there is Dialog that says I think I can take you now.

To Meles.
It is true that if you start over fresh you get to guess whom is the other person and you only get 1 shot at it.
HOWEVER.... They may not be the only one.
One person other saying GTFO.
Two ways to look at this
1.) said person talked about the other world
2.) not the only person in there

Also they reference the leader by a different name. When you call them on it, they say you heard them wrong.

Maybe what were told isnt accurate.
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