Does anyone know how to have lel only playthrough? Because I read somewhere about having a bondage session with lel and now I cant find any mention about it. Also is there some way to not sleep with anyone the first and second night in the inn?
In the walkthrough (
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) at the very bottom you can find the Romance and Sexual Interests section which includes romancing Lel Elle Le’Ley exclusively.
If you don't want to sleep with anyone for the first two nights, stay with Kayden on the first and stay with Panki on the second.
This is sooo bad that is... amazing?
Seriously, the story is so goofy that I love it, and I saw some ppl complaining, but I think this only happens if you try to take the plot too seriously. Which I don't advise at all.
The renders and characters' designs are wow. I loved it. Special notes to Panki and Lel, they are gorgeous, and the moment I saw them I was wondering if I could romance both (and I could, I was like. *_*. I'm happy that this game allows me to have not only a lesbian character. (since I choose to never have fun with any dick, tyvm), but also a lesbian harem. Even Jane is in it now, and I want to see how it'll reflect IRL.
Most of the dialogues are hilarious, and I really laughed more than I remember, especially with my favorite character, Wejit. No harm shall come to him, ever, best character, best friend, Sir Wejit.
My only real complaint so far is still the fact that I'm tied to that annoying childish prickle piece of shit Kayden. I was so happy when I could just ditch Leigh after he mentioned selling Lel, or the other guy like it was nothing. Then, GTFO dude. Now if only I can do the same to Kayden... and Soon.
Thank you very much for your kind words! They honestly lifted my spirit
I won't spoil anything directly, but just like all of the members of the group, Kayden's fate depends upon Sparkle's decisions.
OMG, the name of the new spell.

I feel so bad for Simone/Sparkle. But I can't stop laughing

And poor girl, I don't think she'll ever get away from her class' "uniqueness".
Loved the update, and I can see that the way the spell actually works will bring us tears in the future.
I appreciate the praise for the story! Truly I'm very happy you're enjoying the game.
it still kinda blows my mind they literally have the incredibly hot concept of legion there as your sorta shapeshifting fuckbuddy that you created that doesn't actually have any scenes
did they just forget it?
Please see the below response.
Some of us have been asking for Harmony content for aaaages, she's pretty much an afterhought at this point.
It might be better for you to consider Harmony as a "slow burn" type of romance/sexual interest. She just basically came into existence, after all. But I certainly have not 'forgotten' about her. I have pages and pages of notes and dialog/scene excerpts for Harmony.
Best. Origin. Story. Ever!
Well... not really, but I REALLY liked the way you presented Twig's origin story! It was perfectly though out and executed... including the most perfect reaction at the end... normalizing her supposed "mental illness," which was not only better understood at that point, but also easily outshone by the courage Twig demonstrated. I especially liked the hands-free progression of the ghostmans approach to the rift.
It's not that I haven't had lots of fun playing this game until now. I have. I am simply discovering more reasons for finding the courage to post.
Great game, Dev. Great game! I look forward to more.
Thank you. Sincerely. You've given me such a happy smile and a much-needed boost to my mood. I'm trying very hard to show how much I love all my characters (even if they are shitheads like Leigh).
I'm glad you've seen how special Twig is, too.
I love this game so much! the artwork, characters, story,`s addictive, refreshing and original. I love Sparkle and Panki <3
Keep up the great work dev.
Thank you so much! I Will!
Panki gets a bit sensitive when we do, a true fan would know that.
YUSS! /Perform Panki-Lovers_Secret_Handshake
Is there a Leigh route yet in the game?
Not yet.
Very much enjoyed this game. It has a lot of comedy relief. The choices you make do change the game. You can play it as a genderbender/transformation if you like or chose not too. Choosing different answer will end up drastically changing the out come as the game progresses.
I did find a fatal error bug down one of the paths on the game. If you ignore through it, it puts you onto a totally different path.
That should be fixed with the latest update. Thank you for reporting the problem!
Im also waiting for some content for Leigh - especially because i tried to push him out of the party and now he is really mad at my Sparkle and is blackmailing her : )
I also wonder how Skylark will react to the free-use Sparkle. I hope there is a path where she cough abuses her power over her.
Darn this game has so many possibilities. Cant wait for the new update.
Ironically, the number of possibilities is what causes the wait for the updates!
I must admit, I did not come to this game to engage on a grand and inspiring quest. But that is what I got anyway.
This game is good. Really good. I know it's more of a visual novel than a game, and that I've been tricked into reading it, but that doesn't change the simple fact that it hits really hard. I've gone on an emotional rollercoaster and I just started reading. It is a surprise, but a welcome one.
I want to thank the creator for going the extra mile and making a story where I genuinely care about the characters in it. Some more than others, of course, but this is the first f95 game I've ever played where I felt a sense of empathy and connection with the protagonist. Simone (I played the female protag to start with) has so much personality that just seeing her grow is enough to get me to continue, and she one of the outstanding highlights. I'll get more in depths once I finish the game and do an actual review.
Davie Zwei is doing a damned fine job, and I don't think I'll regret making my first ever post to gush about this game. Being emotionally shattered has never been so rewarding, and I mean that in the best way.
Thank you. Really, so much, thank you. I don't think I could ever convey how much responses like this mean to me. The world, I guess. Or *my* world. My own weird world where your words inspired a sunrise.
This game is pure gold, so many options and so many rare kinks to enjoy!
Absolutely LOVE it

Thank you
I was just looking for porn...I didn't expect a roller coaster of emotion with Twig of all people.
She's so small she can sneak right into your heart. But she's very loud, too, so that's your fault for not seeing her coming
Making Roopah cum when futa Sparkle is fucking her ass was the best scene ever. Kudos to the dev!
Ugh. No! She did that on her own. *Dirty orc dick-girl.* haha
Generally really like this game, but, sometimes I feel like I'm reading a google translate'd dialogue with all the silly accents implemented. Like you'd have to sound it out ten times before actually realizing what they're saying. I like banter and I'm definitely not a skipper, but this game just frustrates me beyond belief with dragged out dialogue. Sorry if it feels like I'm venting here and being overly critical - I like the game. It's just that there's a lot of aggro towards the MC for no apparent reason other than straight bullying. Like some of the characters are extremely obnoxious, like Kayden and Roopah and the other trap boyfriend. Holy moly..
I think Panki and Lel is genuinely the only characters that I really like and keeps me from going insane. In that sense, I think the author has taken the Jeffrey route so I'm secretly hoping I get to kill Kayden later in the story.
Some of the characters are obnoxious, no doubt. I do appreciate that you've pushed through the stuff you don't like to get to the stuff you do! I promise you, though, that your feelings are valid and that you will have the chance to act upon them as the game progresses.
I hope a Trap Sparkle, Kayden and Leigh scene or route happens. There is female harem. Where the male harem at?
I'm working on it. No kidding, I have actually been working on it today! And both Champ and Roar will be included as well.