The issue might not be your computer, but please look at this:
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The low-end ballpark for office computers (running 2d office or accounting software) is a score of 4k, your CPU gets a score of 1k. Unfortunately your motherboard has got you locked in to an antiquated CPU format, cause for all I can tell from pcpartpicker you can only take amd fx and athlon chips if they're worth anything performance wise, but those cards are still expensive cost for performance. Though your 1030 can get upcycled in to a new mobo CPU combo I'm sure.
That's not what you want to hear though, so assuming the computer specs aren't the issue
, (though from my time on the discord I recall the devs saying the game was poorly optimized) what game version do you have? It should just have to access a tiny bit of data from the game files and load it in to ram... How old is your hard drive? Maybe the explorer.exe process is corrupted? If it IS a game error, get the latest release and different release and a different install of the same release to diagnose the issue

edit 2: Oh my god I'm an idiot, this is help for an entirely different game. So yeah when you load vertexes for a model and the computer has to deal with all those calls on it's hardware, it makes more sense that the program crashes. Though it's a more difficult question to answer because I have no overly advanced knowledge on how much load is placed on a CPU for different program functions. I know it calculates physics and velocities and such so it has a lot to handle all of a sudden when you decide to load in a new model. In any case, still do the uncrossed out text cause it's still valid diagnostic advice, just be advised your computer with a score of 1k cpu is gonna have a rough time potentially on "modern" (read: unoptimized for lack of necessity) games. This is a VR game with a 2d viewer mode, IIRC, not the other way around. So the design doctrine might be a bit more stretchy with it's performance requirements hehe.
edit: for reference more modern CPUs get you scores of 12k easy (practically obligatory) within a $1k-$1.5k build range gaming PC (also not when world trade infrastructure is affected by a global shutdown still, prices have inflated a bit for components)