FMG, a great game and Helen is a cutie, and I love cuties. Hopefully, she finds extra work in the tavern or brothel and can make some real money, wearing a slutty outfit. It would be nice to be able to hide the textbox, number 1 and 2 it would be nice to personalize Helen's name.
As far as bugs are concerned, I get this one soon after this scene and my game ends there. Does the game go beyond the part where Helen is forced to eat the She-Demon's pussy?
Thanks to some of the gang out there I made it to the end of this version and it was pretty cool. It was fun to see the characters complaining about their roles in the game to the dev. Nice touch. Helen needs to make a lot more money and faster, so let her work in a tavern or someplace where she can make good tips and even sell herself to horny drunks while wearing slutty outfits.
Honestly at first I didn't even know about it and just pushed the box down instinctively before even seeing the vampire, I only noticed that the vampire was there when I thought there might be a scene I missed and decided to not push it down.