RPGM Henteria Chronicles Ch. 3 : The Peacekeepers [Update 15] [N_taii]

4.50 star(s) 37 Votes


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Yeah, and it wasn't typically "multiple quests and free roams" for HC3 every month. The focus on multiple quests is odd considering more than one quest in an update does not necessarily mean that the updates are going to be longer, as the early updates with multiple quests had shorter and less labour intensive quests. They also weren't released monthly. The updates tended to be 5-6 weeks until around this time last year where N_Taii shifted to large, more scene heavy updates and that pushed it up to 6-7 weeks.

Personally I think the problem lately is less that the updates are taking longer, especially this one due to the extenuating circumstances of moving halfway across the world, and more due to how he's structuring the development schedule. The last seven updates have gone Lily/Haylen->Lily/a bit of the main quest->main quest->Haylen->main quest->Lily->Haylen. We've been having more side quest focus for almost a full year of updates which at least for me means that it feels like the story has been treading water for most of the last year.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
Yall forgetting that he moved back from Japan
yea moving takes a lot of time and effort.
not to mention searching for a flat beforehand and meeting up beforehand to see that everything is ok and works out.
I moved 2 years ago for university and it was a huge hassle. And that was in the same COUNTRY.
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
yea moving takes a lot of time and effort.
not to mention searching for a flat beforehand and meeting up beforehand to see that everything is ok and works out.
I moved 2 years ago for university and it was a huge hassle. And that was in the same COUNTRY.
Yeah, I've lived in my current apartment for a decade and, even if my rent wasn't dirt cheap due to rent control, I will resist moving until they evict me simply because it's such a fucking hassle.

Yar, got a little further in my current replaying of HC2 and I keep being reminded of how stupid everyone but Noah is. It's a pretty consistent thread up until the point where Celis and Aywin are both having sex that Zeno's schemes are blatantly obvious. A few of them are predicated on the notion that Envar was secretly working against the interests of the nation and the village and there's never anything more than token resistance to the idea before everyone immediately moves. The difference between Zeno and the duke as villains is like night and day.


Nov 3, 2019
based on a comment N_Taii made in the last PoL I don't think we're quite over the hump in terms of corruption quite yet since according to him Rose and the duke fucking so much they can put together a condom belt is not a step up from her current level of corruption
I can't wait to open up F95 a day after the Update's release and read the post that you're gonna write with blood-shot eyes after you learn that the condom wearing image of Rose was just part of a dream sequence and it was about just as real as Lily's imaginary family inside the mirror. xdd


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
I can't wait to open up F95 a day after the Update's release and read the post that you're gonna write with blood-shot eyes after you learn that the condom wearing image of Rose was just part of a dream sequence and it was about just as real as Lily's imaginary family inside the mirror. xdd
I will fucking laugh, especially after the PoL from yesterday where Rose is talking to some random old guy who has his hands on her chest.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Still sad about the fact that he said the rest of the scene will be with the Duke or Rose only
Not me. If Rose is going to fuck around I'd want it to be wholly independent of the duke. Not at his manor, not with his guards or the mercs under his control, not with any of the nobles there to try and curry favour with him or Rose. I don't think Rose should consider sleeping around until she's at least been creampied, possibly also had anal sex. I don't think she's corrupt enough yet to consider having sex for reasons unrelated to powering the peacekeepers.

Mind you I don't want Rose to fuck around at all, I'd rather it be Cyanna or Lily who wind up being sluts and for Rose to remain with the duke as her only partner. If Rose is going to have fuck around I would prefer N_Taii take a pretty sadistic route to it. IF, say, the duke is out of town for a few days and Rose has to put up with not having sex after growing accustomed to getting some sexual activity at least 6/8ths of the time as of the most recent update. She gets tired of waiting around and propositions Leto and he either turns her down because he doesn't think it's the right time or he agrees and lets her down because he's a virgin and she's accustomed to getting stuffed by the gigachad duke, and as a result she gives in to the advances of another character. It could be immediately after or the next day while she's working at the tavern... dunno, but I'd like for it to be a failure of Leto's that chases her onto the dick of someone other than the duke. While I will trumpet Leto's superiority over most NTR protagonists all day every day, at some point he has to start fucking up and what a fuck up with would be if it lead to Rose willingly cheating on him.


May 12, 2020
una consulta, hay alguna posibilidad de tener una version en español?, me gustan sus juegos pero en lo personal es algo molesto jugarlo en ingles y andar traduciendo sobre la marcha
A question, is there any possibility of having a Spanish version? I like their games but personally it is a bit annoying to play them in English and have to translate on the fly.


Feb 9, 2021
una consulta, hay alguna posibilidad de tener una version en español?, me gustan sus juegos pero en lo personal es algo molesto jugarlo en ingles y andar traduciendo sobre la marcha
A question, is there any possibility of having a Spanish version? I like their games but personally it is a bit annoying to play them in English and have to translate on the fly.
There's some way to translate rpgm games with ai, don't know how it works tho.


Oct 2, 2021
una consulta, hay alguna posibilidad de tener una version en español?, me gustan sus juegos pero en lo personal es algo molesto jugarlo en ingles y andar traduciendo sobre la marcha
A question, is there any possibility of having a Spanish version? I like their games but personally it is a bit annoying to play them in English and have to translate on the fly.
No se que tan buena sea



Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
Yar, got a little further in my current replaying of HC2 and I keep being reminded of how stupid everyone but Noah is. It's a pretty consistent thread up until the point where Celis and Aywin are both having sex that Zeno's schemes are blatantly obvious. A few of them are predicated on the notion that Envar was secretly working against the interests of the nation and the village and there's never anything more than token resistance to the idea before everyone immediately moves. The difference between Zeno and the duke as villains is like night and day.
(spoilers for HC2 read at own risk)

I remember I was originally disappointed that Celis' corruption worked via her wanting to be "ready" for Noah. I just never bought that. I would have heavily preferred it be circumstances making it so that Celis got less training and Envar (that was the kid who got with Celis, right? its been way too long) would eventually start corrupting her in more subtle ways, and when the time was right challenge her in a duel with a bit more sexual interaction at stake. It felt like we were setting up Celis as being this strong potential warrior type that would eventually be corrupted and broken through making her feel weak and dependent, which would have made perfect sense for me. Well, at least more sense than having her just be like "let me practice so I can be good for Noah". Now ik it was not exactly like that 1:1 but forgive me its been a long time since I played HC2. Either way I remember being a bit disappointed by the way that Celis got corrupted cause there seemed to be a bunch of very interesting and logical paths to go with her that all didn't happen and instead we got what we got. Not to say HC2 was bad, it was still miles better than most other NTR games out there.


Not me. If Rose is going to fuck around I'd want it to be wholly independent of the duke. Not at his manor, not with his guards or the mercs under his control, not with any of the nobles there to try and curry favour with him or Rose. I don't think Rose should consider sleeping around until she's at least been creampied, possibly also had anal sex. I don't think she's corrupt enough yet to consider having sex for reasons unrelated to powering the peacekeepers.

Mind you I don't want Rose to fuck around at all, I'd rather it be Cyanna or Lily who wind up being sluts and for Rose to remain with the duke as her only partner. If Rose is going to have fuck around I would prefer N_Taii take a pretty sadistic route to it. IF, say, the duke is out of town for a few days and Rose has to put up with not having sex after growing accustomed to getting some sexual activity at least 6/8ths of the time as of the most recent update. She gets tired of waiting around and propositions Leto and he either turns her down because he doesn't think it's the right time or he agrees and lets her down because he's a virgin and she's accustomed to getting stuffed by the gigachad duke, and as a result she gives in to the advances of another character. It could be immediately after or the next day while she's working at the tavern... dunno, but I'd like for it to be a failure of Leto's that chases her onto the dick of someone other than the duke. While I will trumpet Leto's superiority over most NTR protagonists all day every day, at some point he has to start fucking up and what a fuck up with would be if it lead to Rose willingly cheating on him.
I'm a bit more in between on this. I would find it incredibly hot to have rose be lend out here and there, obviously also with her own agreement and with it making sense for her and her own justification of it. But I am of the same opinion as you insofar that I do not want her to just go around and openly publicly start being a town/kingdom whore or sleep around on the regular outside of the duke. Where we differ is that I feel like the hottest way for it to happen is within th confines of what the duke wants or suggests, because that does not actually end up breaking the power dynamic then. So far, Rose is under dukes control, even tho she has her own initiative and desires and starts to move on her own now to a degree. I don't want that hold to break and her to just become a nympho. That would cheapen the experience for me. It's hard to explain. But it would be incredibly hot if she did sleep with other select few individuals on one occasion or two in the name of achieving some kind of goal she deems worthy of making that sacrifice for (and ending up secretly enjoying it during the act ofc).

But yea, ultimately I just want my good old venecian mask / costume roleplay where Rose gives herself to someone for a night or two thinking it's anonmyous while the person actually knows it's her, and maybe even them being seen in public but her being in disguise. That would be incredibly hot for me. But I realize this is kind of super specific and most people don't share that wish.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
I honestly can't see a logical route for the story to take that would wind up with Rose being loaned out by the duke and even if N_Taii does have one I don't think it really represents a level of corruption that would benefit her character. One of the most enjoyable parts of HC1 and 2 are how the women are fucking around in the presence of Casio and Noah. Rose banging other nobles would still keep her content largely divorced from Leto. Too much of her corruption has taken place away from him, behind closed doors, and without any of his failings as the cause. I also don't think that the duke would be willing to let her fuck around as she's not one of his maids, she's far too important to the success of his plans.

With HC2 the corruption starts without any input from Noah, but it starts to ramp up once he begins to piece together Zeno's plans or when Zeno makes use of him in a way that allows him to manipulate Aywin and pink haired cousin is also able to take advantage. Noah may be oblivious until quite late in the game, but he's at the very least involved in things that are related to or cause his mother and sister to fall. Leto plays a much smaller part in the events of HC3 because they're currently all happening beneath the surface and that has to change and I'm sure it's going to start changing with the next update. That said I do believe that he needs to fail Rose romantically and that will drive her further away from him and onto another dick. I would rather it be the dick of a random townsman simply because it gets Rose agency away from the duke as well as a possible path to a slut ending for her.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
I honestly can't see a logical route for the story to take that would wind up with Rose being loaned out by the duke and even if N_Taii does have one I don't think it really represents a level of corruption that would benefit her character. One of the most enjoyable parts of HC1 and 2 are how the women are fucking around in the presence of Casio and Noah. Rose banging other nobles would still keep her content largely divorced from Leto. Too much of her corruption has taken place away from him, behind closed doors, and without any of his failings as the cause. I also don't think that the duke would be willing to let her fuck around as she's not one of his maids, she's far too important to the success of his plans.
But that's exactly what I mean. I respect you disagreeing and not liking the idea of such a scenario, but please don't say you "cant see a way for this to logically happen" cause lets be honest, a lot of what happened in HC has not been logical in the conventional sense, but it has been plausible withing eroge-logic.

Also, I feel you talking about Leto being too removed feels more like a general criticism you have for the current state of things rather than an argument speaking against this scenario happening. The scene could very well have Leto being a guard at an exclusive party or establishment that this is happening at WHILE Rose is doing these things. In that regard it would have Leto being close to it. And again Im not talking about her just screwing around, Im talking about something very limited and exclusive, maybe even with backdoor handshake agreement. Not in the sense that everybody there knows it's Rose, but more in the sense that like a few or even just that one person getting the privilege knows and everybody else just thinks she is yet another maid, slave or hired whatever. And to the degree that there is not a lot of people attending and even witnessing the whole thing in the first place.

But whatever, like I said, that's more of a thing I would really love to see in any game and haven't really seen yet and I feel like it would fit well with the Rose storyline narratively, at least in my personal opinion and tastes. Like I said I don't expect people to share those specific interests.

I would rather it be the dick of a random townsman simply because it gets Rose agency away from the duke as well as a possible path to a slut ending for her.
see, that would kind of ruin it for me. The duke stuff feels very baked in at this point, and while I think the natural development of the story is Rose gaining more motivation and slowly stripping away her "excuses" for her sexual deviancy I also think that I personally would not like this to go into a slut direction where she just wants sex with everyone and anyone. It is a lot more enjoyable to me to have the FMC focused on one antagonist with a few scenes that pose an exception where she lets herself go, but never veering too far into the pure nympho "with whomever wants to" route.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
I'll say whatever I want to say if it's what I think to be the case. Even with the idea of "eroge" logic I still expect there to be a level of consistency within the story as N_Taii has developed it. Rose being a sexual object to the nobility could completely undermine her in any ending where the duke isn't around and she is queen. Rose's position as the rightful queen of the nation means that the duke has to tread lightly when directly involving her with his schemes and any loaning her out for sex with nobles could draw attention to the conspiracy of which he is a part. No amount of "backdoor handshakes" are going to stop people from whispering about how the barely legal princess is sleeping with older nobles at the duke's behest.

You seem to be misunderstanding my argument about Leto's lack of involvement< don't care if he's nearby or not. He's plenty involved in the overall plot but he's been completely separate from virtually everything involving Rose. In HC1 Casio is to blame for everything that happens, in HC2 Noah's failings push the corrupted further into the arms of their corrupters. In HC3 the most we've gotten out of Leto is the duke using him to guilt Rose. Most of Rose's corruption is taking place behind closed doors and so long as that remains the case Rose's corruption will be very separate from him. I bring up Rose banging a random townsperson after being failed by Leto in some sexual or emotional way because it's a more logical route to take than contriving a reason for Rose to start sleeping with other nobles as a result of something Leto does. Plus, she's already jerked off, blown, and given thigh jobs to two random pirates. The slutty behaviour with commoners has already started.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2017
I'll say whatever I want to say if it's what I think to be the case.
Wow, chill dude. It's not that deep.

I think you are making this out to be more complicated than it actually is. I think your argument about people whispering about the princess could be applied to ANY and EVERY sexual scenario Rose is in that does not involve the Duke, and it could also be in the scenarios that already happened, given the entire house staff of maids seem to be prone to her sexual escapades and help cover them up. No amount of power or pressure could stop people from noticing that sooner or later.

So it's either going to come out at some point, or it's not and then we have to suspend our disbelief (which is fair too imo).

I bring up Rose banging a random townsperson after being failed by Leto in some sexual or emotional way because it's a more logical route to take than contriving a reason for Rose to start sleeping with other nobles as a result of something Leto does. Plus, she's already jerked off, blown, and given thigh jobs to two random pirates. The slutty behaviour with commoners has already started.
Yea but I don't expect it go too far.
I mean however this is being played all we do is mere speculation. Whatever route N_taii takes I doubt I will be disappointed. And even if I will be I'm sure many others will be satisfied.

And Im gonna leave it at that. No sense in continuing to argue.
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Oct 17, 2017
Wow, chill dude. It's not that deep.

I think you are making this out to be more complicated than it actually is. I think your argument about people whispering about the princess could be applied to ANY and EVERY sexual scenario Rose is in that does not involve the Duke, and it could also be in the scenarios that already happened, given the entire house staff of maids seem to be prone to her sexual escapades and help cover them up. No amount of power or pressure could stop people from noticing that sooner or later.

So it's either going to come out at some point, or it's not and then we have to suspend our disbelief (which is fair too imo).

Yea but I don't expect it go too far.
I mean however this is being played all we do is mere speculation. Whatever route N_taii takes I doubt I will be disappointed. And even if I will be I'm sure many others will be satisfied.

And Im gonna leave it at that. No sense in continuing to argue.
You'll never get that autist to chill. :KEK:

He'll continue to cope in this thread by writing his fanfic of the game so he can feel like he's ghostwriting for N_Taii. It's okay to write about what you'd like to see in HC3. I've done it too, but it's just wishful thinking; I'm sharing what I think would be sexy or cool hoping Daddy N_Taii will notice me. :KEK:

Oriandu will be a dry crusty sponge and try to logic his vision into reality. "Ummm logically, Rose should only fuck the Duke. What I think the game should be makes perfect sense." If you have any ideas that contradicts his perfect vision, he will NERD RAGE and suck the fun out with LOGIC and MEDIA LITERACY.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
You'll never get that autist to chill. :KEK:

He'll continue to cope in this thread by writing his fanfic of the game so he can feel like he's ghostwriting for N_Taii. It's okay to write about what you'd like to see in HC3. I've done it too, but it's just wishful thinking; I'm sharing what I think would be sexy or cool hoping Daddy N_Taii will notice me. :KEK:

Oriandu will be a dry crusty sponge and try to logic his vision into reality. "Ummm logically, Rose should only fuck the Duke. What I think the game should be makes perfect sense." If you have any ideas that contradicts his perfect vision, he will NERD RAGE and suck the fun out with LOGIC and MEDIA LITERACY.
Whatever you say, puddin'.


New Member
May 26, 2022
Speaking of HC2, I absolutely adore the final scene in the true ending. The village is empty, Noah returns, and he sits with his family in that cave. I know it might sound weird or even silly to mention something so heartwarming in a ntr game, but I really love that scene.
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4.50 star(s) 37 Votes