I would actually prefer the next Update to be Lily only (put down the rocks and stop booing, let me explain first), Haylen is further in terms of corruption in a much shorter period of time compared to Lily so if she can get an entire Update with 4-5 scenes dedicated exclusively just for her, then Lily should get the same treatment as well, she deserves it much much more than Haylen and if N_Taii can get Lily and Haylen up to speed in just 2 Updates, then we can get MSQ only Updates starting from Update14.
Right now as of Update11, just for context, Haylen's got 4 Quests while Lily's got 5, Haylen's first blowjob scene was added at the end of her 3rd quest while Lily's first blowjob scene was added at the end of her 5th quest, that's how much faster Haylen's corruption is going, also just a fun fact real quick, they've got the EXACT same amount of scenes even though Lily is an entire quest further.
Not only that, but Haylen's gonna get 5 scenes in Update11, okay sure, one is an extra scene but even if we don't count that that's still 4 scenes, after seeing how N_Taii builds up quests and Updates for almost 2 years now, i am pretty sure that Haylen's sex scene is gonna be the very last scene of Update11.
Long story short, Haylen's first blowjob was the last scene of her 3rd quest, she's got 2 more scenes in her 4th quest, and now she's gonna get 4 additional scenes in Update11, where the very last one is going to be the sex scene. That means that between Haylen's first blowjob scene and first sex scene, she's gonna have 5 normal scenes plus an extra scene, while on the other hand, Lily's most recent scene IS her first blowjob scene.
If Lily's gonna get her first sex scene in her next quest (which she should, her corruption is already slow enough for a side character), then she should get at least 4 or even 5 scenes with the last one being her sex scene, at the VERY least.