Jazon has engaged in the sexual assault, emotional abuse, and coercion of Haylen. That's literally how the Henteria series works, nearly every major male character but the MC is a rapist or abuser in some way. That's not the issue here, the issue here is that the guy I'm responding to is acting like it's a healthy, adult relationship.Me too man. If we're lucky the next update will have several outfit changes. Rose and Cyanna will have new character portraits who should have been implemented in updated 11 but were forgotten. Haylen will most likely receive a new portrait, too.
As for their pixel sprites, i haven't heard anything about that but i'm hopeful at least some of them will have new variations, too.
I also would like to mention how well N_taii mentioned Roses(?) clothing change in-game. During the party in the last update we could see how two woman were worrying about the princess catching a cold - because she's wearing increasingly less and less.
I like to see that these outfit changes are not only for us to see but also affect the npcs there.
Stuff like visitors of the church gossiping about Haylens new priestess dress or soldiers talking about Captain Endragon. Stuff like that, only mentions in one two sentences. Nothing major.
Rape and sexual coercion / blackmail is about the side priestess. Moozoo was NOT walking about her when he wrote what he wrote.
As for Haylen, Jazon is indeed pushy and manipulative but after everything is said and done she is an adult responsible for her own decisions and so far she could have stopped Jazons advances every single time. He never uses drugs or physical violence. I also don't get where you are coming from saying he raped Haylen?
Are Jazons schemings alright? No
But for ntr / corruption his approach is pretty tame and harmless.