He's justifying rape and sexual abuse. The fact that the rape wasn't done to Haylen does not mean that it wasn't done in the service of getting into Haylen's pants. We've had multiple situations where Haylen has said no and Jazon keeps going, that constitutes sexual assault. Saying "Haylen is a big girl" does not make change that simple fact. He's romanticizing a rapist and acting like Leto shouldn't have a problem with a guy he knows is an absolute sleazeball hooking up with the closest thing he has to a mother simply because he doesn't know that Jazon has manipulated and assaulted Haylen, and raped another woman repeatedly until she became complicit in Jazon's attempts to coerce Haylen into sex. This is undeniable.Clearly, it's not. Saying something works one way does not automatically mean it works in the opposite direction the same way.
At no point did he say that, or even imply it. You're just pulling that out of your ass to fit your narrative. He is not justifying rape or sexual abuse, he is saying there is no rape or sexual abuse in the case of Haylen.
So argue that point of if it is or isn't rape/sexual abuse, don't just toss words in people's mouths to fit your argument.
Anywho, played through update 12 and I think it might be the first one I would call flat out bad. Haylen feels like a secondary character for a decent chunk of it and the scenes are kind of boring. It only picks up near the end and even then the resulting situation is extremely forced. It feels very out of character for Haylen.