LMAO both erin AND mars have NO father figure.
They're 2sides if the same coin.
Mars had his sexualy abusive step mom, trained to seduce.
Erin had his sexualy repressive mom, trained to serve.
There's also the added fact of the matter about emotions: this game actually understands women to a shocking degree.
Women LOVE emotions. It's the law to them, more than objective truth, beliefs, or responsibility.
Mar's: step-mom taught him to weaponize emotions. Using it to cause a rollercoaster of emotions, gaslighting, love bombing, and pure physical attraction. He is the ultimate weapon against women. It even killed his step-mother(she was insane tho)
Nothing kills a woman more than a pimp.
Erin's: Mom taught him to repression and servitude. Her love language was service and attention seeking, and it's all she really taught him. She taught him caretaking, cooking, cleaning, even washing(he did it for Cecile often)
- If i do 'x' I will get love -
His Pededestal placing of women as taught by his mother. She was the BEST priestess by far, and very sexy- And erin being attracted to the woman he looked up to was a bad combination.
She was the one who originally used to 'service-reward' structure he lived by. When he struggled with insecurities, she only offered the same 'service-reward' structure for life- which left him emotionaly unequiped for the real worlds cruel nature.
She also only had eyes for her son and wanted him to be the ideal man she couldn't have for herself. She often crossed the line taking naked baths with him past his naive age, and even having him rub her feet so much he became a foot fetishist.
The ogling he did to her went un-discussed and normalized. Erin unabashedly mentions Elena's body in public in a very Freudian way.
As mother and son, Elena never set boundaries, while Erin seems to never have crossed it out of fear. He grew up to be emotionally stunted, timid around women, and to serve them.
Cecile only took one look at him a when they met, she was disappointed with him.
Nothing digusts a woman more than a wimp
Cecile becomes the nexus of these two males.
Where as Mars was taught to break women like Cecile
Erin was taught to be enslaved to them.
It was doomed from the start.