
Sep 12, 2022
this is probably the best game in the genre, but I would like to see bondage, strap-on from girls (for futanari) more punches in the groin, for example, well, tights))
Apr 13, 2023
Bondage in general makes little to no sense in westling games since being bound is a one-way ticket for fighting. And the arena is not the place where you can untie yourself conveniently.
Generally that's what makes this good game good - it still leaves some room for fighting if both opponents have some fighting left in them.
Dedicated bound combat centric character would be nice though. You know, like unique character with special combat style (like Voldo from Soul Calibur, with his unique "backwards stance"). Coming already bundled with some bondage stuff.
I believe it should be possible to get base animations from K-Lib for HRT just to mod something like that in... Animations are cross-compatible and just need some refinement to work, riiiiight?
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Added the "mandalorian Helmet" to the cloth mod...

Feb 12, 2020
Haven't tried yet but looks like an exciting upgrade. There ya go:

Change log:

  • Added Held Strap-On item purchasable in Shop
  • Added Strap-On WAIST outfit in Dresser
  • Added new (experimental) mechanic - Grab Encore: press Attack button when joining an existing grab to keep the existing grab animation but resets the escape progress
    • Note: may be buggy and may cause crashes during grabs.
  • Fixed HAT slot outfit not appearing on the unit portrait
  • Fixed dropped items erratic bouncing behavior (most notable in Neon Club)
  • Fixed PUNISH throws not dealing finishing damage to targets
  • Fixed the enemy AI ends grab instantly after the perk "auto reverse grab" triggers
  • Fixed importing old char cards with only outfit and slider via loadout causes characters to bug out
  • Fixed equipping certain outfits can reset the apparent body sliders
  • Fixed learning new ability icon in level up window placed incorrectly
  • Fixed data loading issue with json file .requiredFiles requiring in a different folder that .requiredFiles requiring another file
  • Added following dialogue triggers for customization:
    • START_GRAB_ON_SELF, // starts selfie grab
    • IN_PINCH_RESTRAINTED, // when targetted by a RESTRAINT grab
    • VICTORY_IN_CRITICAL_STATE // victory while < 25% health
  • In custom dialogues, can use {} to refer to own character name and {} to refer to target character name (when applicable)
  • Can now block weak attacks on 0 stamina (if attack doesn't require stam to block)
  • Dash base cooldown is now 2.0 sec (from 0.5sec)
  • Damage dealt to characters in a grab reduced to 1/4 (from 1)
  • Increased base lust and climax regeneration speed
  • Grabs with 2+ attackers now deals 30% more damage
  • AI will now try to pickup items when target is grabbed by an ally
  • AI may use attacks that hits ground enemies instead of always prioritizing grabs
  • AI may vary attack distance instead of being fixed
  • AI may use carry-throws when facing groups of enemies
  • AI will now be more willing to fight while restrainted instead of always going for restraint removal
  • AI will now wait for solo grabs to progress instead of always going for interrupt asap
  • AI will now go for ~5 grabs (from ~2) on defeated enemies before going for pin (if AI goes for pin ASAP not selected)
  • Added the following levelup options:
    • Lust Control: Lust meter size + 50%
    • O**** Control: O**** meter size + 50%
    • Body Control: Lust + O***** degeneration rate + 50%
    • Tease Expert: TEASE, STRIP and INDULGE grabs are 30% more powerful
    • Punish Expert: PUNISH and THROWs are 30% more powerful
    • Pleasure Expert: PLEASURE and FINISHER grabs are 30% more powerful
    • Bondage Expert: Applied restraints durability + 100%, grabs are 20% more powerful against target per restraint applied
    • Block Expert: Stamina cost of blocking reduced by at least half
    • Parry Expert: Stamina damage of successful parries x2
    • Evade Expert: Increase evade distance and reduce evade cooldown
    • Iron Grip: chance to drop held items in hand x0.1, grab damage +15%
    • Iron Will: AI will not surrender, stamina + 15%
  • Modding:
    • Characters placed onto maps are invulnerable (for now)


Dec 4, 2023
Does anyone have an updated cheats table? I know a partial one was posted here a while ago by one of the patreons.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
I got feedback from "tgo023" that the "young" voice was too quite so a made a new version with more loudness for that voice. I tried to make it the same as the default voice, let me know if it is OK. See version V0.3 (use the loverslab link above...)
Feb 12, 2020
v0.24, catch!

Small patch with the main goal of fixing various AI problems in previous patch. We currently got a kickass community hosted custom AI character vs custom AI character league going on called HRSL, and fixing the AI is pretty important.

You can find (some) of the matches here:

The other improvement is that the Dresser and HLab now has a text filter for easier searching of the desired grab/outfit. Should help when there are a lot of options, such as from using all the mods.


  • Upgraded HLab grab filter to include a "Name Filter" and a "Target Part" option, and removed "Has Device" option
  • Added filter to Dresser
  • Randomized characters can now spawn with strap_ons
  • Fixed character with custom voice pack voiceId not exported properly
  • Fixed using signature move on enemy placed on device and then release the grab causes target to be invulnerable forever
  • Fixed AI treated solo characters placed onto a device the same as self-grabbing
  • Fixed AI using Carry-Throw too often
  • Fixed one case of AI may get stuck and do nothing
  • Fixed AI doing a side dash towards enemy when it need to do a forward facing dash
  • Fixed AI let go time resetting on transitions (causing problem such as vibrator grab never ending)
  • AI is taught on how to put strap-ons on
  • Reduced the power of PUNISH grabs by ~35%
  • PUNISH grabs start building up lust sooner
  • PUNISH grabs deal significantly less outfit damage
  • Added new DialogueTrigger: IN_PINCH_DEFEATED, triggered when grabbed while defeated/surrendered


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Can someone provide a version that has most the mods from the community? I couldnt find how to mod the game.
Download the mod, unzip it and move the mod folder into the game folder ...\data.
It should look like this: ..\data\SurverX_FutaPack2_0
Nov 30, 2019
dose anyone can share a zip that including all the mod from loverlab. so i don't have to download one by one is quite lag, and always have 5sec CD, is kind of annoying


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
And when you build a nice store and present all the stuff and people can come and take what they want FOR FREE... you can be sure that someone will complain that it is too exhausting to go and take the stuff for free and why not someone can bring all the nice stuff to them :LOL:

... seriously, i do not know if you really want to have every available mod installed at the same time.
3.70 star(s) 12 Votes