Ren'Py - Abandoned - Hero's Harem Guild [v0.1.2.3b Public] [Komisari]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Tons of content, hours of playtime, funny comedy and Jimmy being himself. What more can you possibly ask for?

    Whats good?-
    -I'm not exaggerating when I say the prologue alone will take you about 3-4 hours playtime because of the sheer amount of content that's there.

    -Plenty of comedy, action, serious moments, romance and even that classic harem. (Which includes the adult scenes *wink wink*)

    -Dear god the characters are actually ALL well developed. All of them have personality and aren't copy and pasted from animes, and it's GLORIOUS.

    -Actual honest to goodness NON-NTR MALE FRIENDS! For once, you don't have to worry about any of that stealing going on. Your guy friends are total bros.

    -Long wait time for new content. Not that this is too bad, because we get a LOT of content. But for impatient people this will be a con.
    -The game kind of cuts out before we get to the REALLY good stuff. (Hint hint, scenes with a certain NOT-Mom and NOT-Sister)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Visuals great and unique. Big fan of the graphical style as opposed to the normal 3D one that I feel we see a lot (which is still good!) Animation is well done and I find myself playing much longer than intended - for the story!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: 0.1.2
    Hero's Harem Guild is a straight up masterpiece. Komisari knows what he wants out of the game and story and implements it splendidly. Just by simply existing it causes all your other favorite games to appear less than by comparison.

    + The plot and story are intriguing. I am unashamed to admit that I teared up at some points, even with my jaded and black heart.
    + Characters actually feel like people with their own personalities, motivations, and desires.
    + The gameplay, for a Ren'Py game, hits the sweet spot between engagement, complexity, and player reward.
    + Visuals are stunning. There's no uncanny valley or simple quick grab screen shots. I myself find large breasts to be a turn off, but Komisari has, through the use of black magic and Koikatsu, managed to make even the tiddie monsters attractive to me.
    + Audio as well is amazing. I generally do not consider audio an important aspect to games, but even I found myself rolling back at times just to hear audio clips again.
    + Updates are massive, like, leviathan sized.

    - The sense of loss and listless after completing current content.
    - Some upgrades feel more expensive than their worth. While annoying I don't think this is worth knocking off a star.
    - Your standards for h-games will rise. Hero's Harem Guild is truly the ambrosia of h-games.
    - Komisari currently retains his freedom and is not shackled to his desk forced to pump out more of this masterpiece.

    I feel that everyone should at least try Hero's Harem Guild. Force your enemies to play and know that they too must wait for updates to this work of art along with you. Your best friends too, This game is too good keep to yourself.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    One of the first "lewd" games I played and now I'm sad because every thing else sucks in comparison. Wish I could find something like it.

    Art style is appealing and doesn't have that uncanny valley feel that I get from other 3dcg games. Maybe those all look so bad because I played this first? No idea. Wish more games would use Koikatsu... or stop using whatever they use that makes those god awful fight-or-flight inducing renders.

    Keep up the good work. Looking forward to more updates! :)

    EDIT: I don't think the game has gotten updated more than once since I wrote this review over 3 years ago which is insane. -3 stars for deceit and poor communication from the dev
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty awesome and I can't wait for the next update, best parts of the game was when Demon God appeared for that one scene and when Demon God appeared for that one scene. it's a 5/5 but 9/10 cause Demon God only appeared in one scene. The game could have definitely been better with more Demon God scenes and if there was more Demon God scenes.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game! Story is top notch and somewhat unique, tutorials are helpful but I don't know why one of the female characters (Evie) have one instead of a tutorial for other features like mining. The dialogues aren't thoroughly proofed but, don't let that stop you from trying this game! I'm playing on android using Joiplay with the compressed version and there's two bugs that don't let me experience the game very well; Broken images on character menu and trying to equip the pickaxe makes the game crash. I may not be a patron, but I can pay Komisari with my deepest gratitude and admiration
    Yes, he/she can't buy daily necessities with that but hopefully you sir/ma'am get encouragement to continue from that because I look forward for more.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great humor and charm. Loved every second, cant wait for the new update. Each girl has a lot of personality and I feel like they have yet to scratch the surface of where this game is going. You should definitely check it out.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with amazing story, gameplay, characters and H scenes.

    Graphics and sound could be improved but hold pretty well nonetheless and the game is a very memorable experience that will keep you hooked for several hours.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of the best games i played in this site, you relly are talented man and my GOD the memes are on point i love it. i tink lucy needs more love the mc is kinda leving her a side and i dont want her to become evil or someting like that but as i said relly good game 10/10.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Diego Valent

    Great game, I really liked the story and the animations.

    I especially liked that you can see that the characters have a lot of difference between them, I hope it stays that way.

    Please more content for Lucy <3.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of games in here, but this one is a masterpiece. Every character have their own personality, flaws and is belivable. Animations everywhere, a lot of locations, scenes and it really have tons of content. Keep it up Komisari.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Arguably one of the best games I've played; honestly, just try it. Only negative is the slow rate of updating, but I do believe the dev have some personal shit going on so it's understandable. Loads of content and play-time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far one of the best adult games out there. It has some top tier characters, and a great story so far. I am excited to see what the dev is going to do in the future. It is also encouraging to see the dev talk with people on this site and take feedback.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    i never played a game as much as this one one of the best i ever play great story line perfect game play there is a lot of good things i have to say so great job and keep it up i cant wait for the next update.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    My first review on this site even though my account is quite old. Probably the best NSFW game I've ever played. A great game with a great developer!

    Looking forward to even more content in the near future!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never left a review before, but this game is truly excellent! Worth writing a small review to boost the profile. The mechanics are really fun, writing is some of the best on the site, and it is hours and hours of gameplay.

    Really looking forward to the next update!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is, by far, my most favorite game here. That doesn't mean I dislike the other games on my 3 page watch list, this one just happens to be the best. Why, I could point out the excellent writing or beautiful girls but really, this game has Sunny. Sunny is the queen. :love:
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game is utterly fantastic. Love the story, love the characters, love the art. The only thing I wish is that updates were more frequent and that the sex were more frequent. It takes a while and the scenes could stand to last a little bit longer.

    Those are nitpicks, though! It's a great game aside from that.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the bests NSFW games i´ve ever played. Komisari tu trabajo es excelente, muy buena historia, buen gameplay y carismáticos personajes. Simplemente un 10/10. I loved the fishing minigame and that you can collect objects with different rarity, it's like this game has everything that you would want in a nsfw game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Allow me to save us some time:

    This is the BEST game on this site.

    Almost everything is perfect. (Including gameplay and specially the waifus!)

    I have played hundreds of games and this is the FIRST time i fall in love with more than one character, to the point i couldnt choose which one is my favourite.

    Give it a try, you will not regret.