And what i don't get is why he did it,
He told us he'd done some research that showed if a project doesn't earn money after the first 2 releases then it likely won't grow.
That became his new thing. He'd do a couple of updates and if they didn't bring in thousands he'd drop them.
Quite a few people warned him what was going to happen but he wouldn't listen to anyone.
Like you said, after Blooming Love and during this he started growing quite well. Not quite earning thousands but if he'd carried on with this he would have grown steadily until he was. His fan base was growing.
It was during all this I found out about F95, I was one of his patrons. It was hard to find good lesbian stuff and I adored Blooming Love when I found it so started supporting him and that led me here.
It was obvious here that people were coming round to him and enjoying what he did but for some reason he decided to fuck it all up, stop listening to people and go by whatever research it was he found.
I think by the third abandoned game people on his patron started dropping off. It was when this got dropped I left. All the support he had built, gone in a couple of weeks. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but if he'd just carried on he'd be sitting pretty right now. It was one of the biggest acts of self sabotage i've ever seen in one of these devs.
P.S. If people are getting sad over this, try Coceter Chronycles, now that was hearthbreaking for me since i loved the game i followed the development for quite a long time. So sad

(even if the dev actually had a dawn good reason for stopping)
I personally think Coceter will get finished eventually. That wasn't just a hobby project, it was a labour of love. It's based on a book the dev wrote and had a lot memories for them.
The thing is it was something they worked on with their dad and after he passed it must be heartbreaking to try and get back into.
I think eventually it will get worked on again but probably not for a while.