If I was a dude that was sitting in a bar waiting for a call, I shouldn't know anything what happens in "Hillside" at the Lloyds. So far this story seems to be more about "Charlie", Emma and Lucy than about "my" journey dealing with them and the stalker. At one time, it felt like I was playing "Charlie" instead.
Her name is Emma, so I have to protect her! Who was the Emma MC was thinking about? What happened?
After being played through 0.1 and 0.2, the protagonist feels like a nobody from the street instead of the
main character (MC). When I played 0.1, I felt it was okay to give us some background why the MC was called to be interviewed and I expected the story to start in this (0.2) update. But instead, only about 25% of the new content was about the MC and the rest was about conversations that MC never knew about. 0.1 was promising but 0.2 fell short of low expectations I had. But it's still promising start if the story starts to involve the MC more. Let's think of this 0.2 as an extended demo.