Doesn't look like a sissy to me but the MC of hillside sure does. Pretty sure he was doing desk job or kitchen work during his time in military.
I know a man 5 foot 3 that looks like he is a 5th grader and in a fight i want him next to me!
Other example: A South African rugby player sit in a bar in Sidney(Australia) a few days after south africa crushed australia in a test match. a Drunk Australian (huge guy) walks up to james "bullet" dalton(the south african rugby player) and want to start a fight. James Dalton smiles and says he will fight the ausie if he can take down his friend.. next to dalton stood a 5 ft 6 in guy. the ausie smiled and said sure. 5 seconds later the ausie was laying lights out on the floor. The "friend" small guy was
Brian Mitchell one of the greatest boxers of all time. NEVER judge a person by looks when it comes to fighting!!
I learned that the hard way. Saying someone looks like a sissy does not mean he is